abnormal behavior google scholar

M 1999 ) may be between-laboratory variation in the severity or prevalence of abnormal behavior ( Garner and Mason 2002 ). Psychiatric diagnosis: What we need. No stereotypy is observed. The authors invite students to search for clues, follow-up on hunches, evaluate evidence, and participate . Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 10: 123-140. Indeed, almost every widely used high-throughput behavioral task is potentially affected by one of the correlates of stereotypy, as detailed in Table 2 . . A., & Friedman, A. 2002 . As a result, every area of the brain performs a different job, and if a particular area is damaged (i.e., physically lesioned) or dysfunctional (e.g., as a result of abnormal neurotransmission), there will be a job that the brain as a whole cannot accomplish. Barbering is less ubiquitous across mouse strains. ARBs in captive animals appear to involve the same mechanisms as ARBs in human psychiatry, which reflect underlying abnormalities of brain function. A key component of stress is the failure of homeostasis ( Moberg 2000 ). 2003c ). Google Scholar Carson, R. C. (1996). V TW Stereotypic behaviour affects environmental preference in bank voles, Stereotypic behaviour in wild caught and laboratory bred bank voles (, Limitations on the effectiveness of environmental improvement in reducing stereotypic behaviour in bank voles (, Genetics of mouse behavior: Interactions with laboratory environment, Dissociation in prefrontal cortex of affective and attentional shifts, Early isolation produces enduring hyperactivity in the rat, but no effect upon spontaneous alternation, Dynamic boundaries of patterned behaviour: Interaction and self-organisation, Stereotyped responding by schizophrenic-patients on a 2-choice guessing task, Perseveration and stereotypySystems-level insights from clinical psychology, Stereotypic Animal Behaviour: Fundamentals and Applications to Welfare, Social and husbandry factors affecting the prevalence and severity of barbering ("whisker trimming") in laboratory mice, Evidence for a relationship between cage stereotypies and behavioural disinhibition in laboratory rodents, Stereotypic route-tracing in experimentally-caged songbirds correlates with general behavioural disinhibition, Stereotypies in caged parrots, schizophrenia and autism: Evidence for a common mechanism, Barbering (whisker trimming) in laboratory mice involves the same brain systems as compulsive behaviors in trichotillomania, autism and other obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, Proceedings of the 37th International Congress of The International Society for Applied Ethology, Abano Terme, Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche, Barbering (fur and whisker trimming) by laboratory mice as a model of human trichotillomania and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, Behavioral rigidity and rule-learning deficits following isolation-rearing in the ratNeurochemical correlates, From house mouse to mouse house: The behavioural biology of free-living, Long-term effects of early social isolation in, A reevaluation of the logic of pilferage effects, predation risk, and environmental variability on avian energy regulation: The critical role of time budgets. In H. W. Neighbors & J. S. Jackson (Eds. Potential impact of demonstrated correlates of stereotypy on commonly used behavioral measures in ethology, experimental psychology, and high-throughput phenotyping. F However, this argument against enrichment rests on the implicit assumption that animals housed under barren standardized conditions are more normal (i.e., more representative of wild conspecifics, or of humans) than enriched animals. JR ISSN: 2472-0496. In this case, stereotypy is a malfunctional behavior that indicates abnormal brain function. b) Captive animals show the same range of brain function as normal wild animals; however, this perfectly normal range becomes expressed as stereotypy in captivity. Mills Stengel, E. (1959). Schwartz, A. S., & Wiggins, O. P. (1987). JA This task has been adapted successfully for use in primates ( Dias et al. Stereotypies are thought to become increasingly resistant to enrichment as the animal ages, although only a few demonstrated examples have been reported (e.g., Cooper et al. CE dberg Wakefield, J. C. (1992b). 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, (2007). According to this hypothesis, the distinction between stereotypies and impulsive/compulsive ARBs mirrors the distinction between recurrent and stuck-in-set perseveration. pp. 2000 ). 1996 ). GJ Abnormal Behavior. Dyck Benjamin, L. S. (1996). The structure of genetic and environmental risk factors for common psychiatric and substance use disorders in men and women. B Turner R American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 258272. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Turner Begelman, D. A. The types and incidence of these abnormal behaviors may depend on the species, its diet, and the environmental conditions under which it is normally maintained. 4458). KA Enrichment might improve the validity, reliability, and replicability of behavioral experiment. Meyer-Holzapfel CrossRef Whishaw Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (2nd ed.). Thus, ARB does indeed appear to be related to perseveration in humans, thereby raising the possibility that the same mechanisms underlie animal ARB. Google Scholar. Opt Technique 35(5):1271-1275 ((In chinese)) Google Scholar Basavaraj GM, Kusagur A (2018) Optical flow approach followed by SVM classification model to recognize abnormal behavior of a crowd. The concept of mental disorder: On the boundary between biological facts and social values. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. . 2734). Robbins . ), Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology (pp. 1994; 103 (4):604. . Midway through these experiments, we moved the birds to outside aviaries as part of routine husbandry for their yearly molt. JP 2003b ). DL Garner - Abnormal Behaviors Abnormal behavior often results when an animal is housed in an environment where it is exposed to chronic aversive stimuli, where it cannot perform behaviors normally essential to reproduction or survival in the wild, or where it cannot perform behaviors that would correct the homeostatic imbalance it is experiencing. JA DS H It is inevitable that those who turn away from psychological theories should return to the obviously firm facts of physiology, and to such the investigations of Pavlov and the behaviourists are a. Caplan, P. J. Unfortunately, however, when we examined the response of food storing marsh tits to pilfering, we found that the responses depended on their stereotypy level. Replicable results are results that can be repeated independently in different laboratories. 2003b ), and mice (unpublished data). ARBs are also correlated with a wide range of behavioral changes that affect experimental outcomes. 2004 a,b; Sarna et al. Manipulations such as isolation rearing ( Jones et al. New York: Ronald. 183220). (1965). Pravosudov Geneva: World Health Organization. Thus, far from increasing variability, enrichment may actually improve validity, reliability, and replicability by reducing the number of abnormal animals introduced into experiments. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 12, 189202. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in . . (1994). CA H Druss, B. G., Marcus, S. C., Rosenheck, R. A., Olfson, M., Tanielian, T., & Pincus, H. A. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 27, 2134. SM Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in The species in which the correlate has been demonstrated are indicated. Thus, the commonality of this result is currently unclear. We then performed a meta-analysis wherein we normalized (i.e., z-scored) each of these two stereotypy and two perseveration measures for each individual from the pre- and post-"enrichment experiments, and we calculated each individual's change in stereotypy and perseveration using these normalized scores. Abnormal behavior is not a necessary component of the argument that enriched animals may be more physiologically normal (i.e., representative of humans or wild conspecifics) and less physiologically variable, but it provides a concrete means to dissect the problem and test the hypothesis. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. Litvin 2003 ; Marashi et al. ), Personality disorders and the five-factor model of personality (pp. D Robins, L. L. (1966). A., & Calhoun, K. S. (1977). (1999a). New York: Guilford. MH A common question posed to every mental health expert by the person on the street is Who is really normal? The answer to the question is very complex and one that is open to significant areas of disagreement among professionals. S M Download preview PDF. Using this simple paradigm, we demonstrated that stereotypies are indeed correlated with recurrent perseveration (and hence basal ganglia motor system function) in bank voles ( Garner and Mason 2002 ), blue tits, and marsh tits ( Garner et al. . Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 18, 3552. Humber, J. M., & Almeder, R. F. American Psychologist, 47, 373388. 1995 ) or even increased mortality of offspring (e.g., Srensen and Randrup 1986 ). (1) Is enrichment really such a dangerously noisy variable? These disorders might be the result of physical or emotional trauma, genetics, or a chemical imbalance in the brain. Abnormal Behaviour 1 Learning aims At the end of this chapter you should: x Understand the complexity in distinguishing between abnormal and normal behaviour x Understand the various definitions of abnormal behaviour x Be familiar with the differences between deviance and dysfunction x Comprehend the complexities of legal definitions and insanity. Gregg JJ DJ [Google Scholar] 15. Due to the large coverage and complexity of the mobile networks, it is difficult to define and detect anomalies in urban motion behavior. [Google Scholar] Bearman P. Exploring genetics and . Maladaptive abnormal behaviors may nevertheless indicate a failure of behavior to regulate a stressor or properly correct a homeostatic imbalance, which over time could lead to altered physiology. Intercorrelation of stereotypy and measures indicative of disinhibition of response selection in bank voles ab. Roberts - Szasz, T. (1961). Mischel, W. (1968). If these arguments are accurate, then indeed enrichment may yield more normal animals and thereby increase the validity of animal experiments by normalizing abnormal physiology or by preventing abnormal brain development or neurochemistry. . GJ 1996 ). Toates SJ Sarbin, T. R. (1967). Crider Medina Eysenck, H. J., Wakefield, J. Willner Contributors. Kety, S. S. (1965). (1981). Corrow Revising and assessing Axis II (Part 1): Developing a clinically and empirically valid assessment method. (1980). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-7694-5_11, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Mason Thus, animals performing abnormal behavior could (and probably do) negatively affect experimental validity. SG For example, measures of fearfulness show superficial reliability simply because the individual's environment remains constant, rather than because they are measuring a personality trait of the individual ( Miller et al. Simpson Neale Most students were enrolled on social science degrees, including psychology and sociology, and age 18 or 19. These possibilities are illustrated in Figure 2 . Equine Vet J Suppl. Silver The features of abnormal behavior described above correspond to the phenomena of prevalence and symptom severity in human psychiatry, respectively. . Like abnormal behavior in human psychiatry ( Davison and Neale 1998 ), abnormal behaviors in animals are identified on the basis of the following criteria, none of which is necessary or sufficient: Is the behavior seen only in captivity (e.g., stereotypies)? 1998 ), and nesting material in the form of hay reduces stereotypy in bank voles ( Cooper et al. In other experiments, however, these relationships have been less consistent than the relationship between stereotypy and perseveration (e.g., Garner et al. Springer, Boston, MA. Thus, one potential component of the poor between-laboratory replicability of many high-throughput behavioral tests ( Crabbe et al. View Article Google Scholar 4. The involvement of executive (i.e., behavioral control) mechanisms in animal ARB is a particularly attractive hypothesis because the brain areas involved are highly conserved in vertebrates ( Reiner et al. This variation in abnormal behavior between individuals is likely to reflect differences in physiology and, hence, could add considerable between-individual noise to susceptible experimental outcomes, thereby reducing the reliability of experimental measures and of the experiments themselves. 1996 ; Meyer-Holzapfel 1968 ), and counter-examples exist (e.g., Garner et al. Mason Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 86, 103126. Finally, the effects of enrichment on between-laboratory variability (or for that matter the relative importance of within- and between-laboratory effects on variability) are unclearalthough recent work is beginning to explore this issue ( Wolfer et al. Lipp Title. Nitsch The DSMs theory neutral nosology is scientifically progressive: Response to Follette and Houts (1996). Using this paradigm, we again confirmed the correlation of stereotypy and recurrent perseveration in blue tits ( Garner et al. Zubin, J. Conclusion 3 can be further divided into three key unresolved issues: (a) whether or not the differences in brain function seen in animals performing ARB are abnormal; (b) which common behavioral paradigms are affected by ARB; and (c) whether or not enrichment does improve the quality of behavioral data. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. American Psychiatric Association. Robbins Under most circumstances, the answer to both of these questions would appear to be no. Thus, in the face of these and other changes in husbandry and testing conditions that the average laboratory staff will experience over a number of years, the unknown negative impacts of introducing enrichment may be of little relative consequence. The Classification of Abnormal Behavior: An Overview. A debate on DSM-III. Damage or dysfunction in this system produces a software glitch called recurrent perseveration, or the inappropriate repetition of responses ( Garner 2005 ; Luria 1965 ; Norman and Shallice 1986 ; Sandson and Albert 1984 ; Turner 1997 ). London: Hutchinson. The geometric representation of some simple structure. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Garner Classification of mental disorders. The p value of each is also given. Mench New York: Wiley. Disorders of personality, DSM-III: Axis II. Davison (1963). Roberts . Different answers to this central question almost certainly depend on the species, time in captivity, severity and type of stressor to which the animal is exposed, and type of stereotypy. Wrbel 1991 ; Lewis et al. For instance, the severity but not the prevalence of barbering differs between rooms in a facility ( Garner et al. , Part 265. Similarly, in schizophrenia, some authors (e.g., Crider 1997 ) have linked disorganization symptoms (which include pointless shifting between behaviors) to a disinhibition of behavioral control and to perseveration However, in bears, Vickery and Mason (2005) failed to find a correlation between behavioral switching and stereotypy or perseveration. Mason Multivariate taxometric procedures. In this task, the subject is presented with a choice between two options and is randomly rewarded 50% of the time. Quay, H. C., & Werry, J. S. (1979). LM Normal vs. Abnormal Behavior: A Continuum. . Based on high-definition remote sensing image or GPS, the location of the center point of camera is collected. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 168, 178182. Bateson Farm animals exhibit abnormalities of sexual, maternal, and other social behaviors as well as many stereotyped behaviors. In: Sutker, P.B., Adams, H.E. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 85, 140150. JC Weisker New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. The chapter examines the behavioral problems associated with mental retardation and drug abuse, as well as those associated with mental illness. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, 853855. 2004 ). Mezzich, J. E. (1979). 1995 ). . Sneath, P. H. E. (1975). Buss, D. M. (1999). Attneave Washington, DC: Author. Nevertheless, the general disinhibition of behavior that underlies stereotypy has the potential to affect a wide range of behavioral measures. The goal selection system is required to make these kinds of decisions, while the response selection system is responsible for initiating the actual movements involved in playing the game. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 89, 181-193. Zielinski Nicol In work with C57BL/6J mice, colleagues and I have observed stereotypies in approximately 80% of individuals (unpublished data). For instance, infanticide in mice is a perfectly functional response to high levels of population density in the wild ( Latham and Mason 2004 ), and high rates of infanticide in captivity may merely reflect the high level of population density perceived by mice in captivity. Similarly, the response selection system might divulge the information by initiating small unconscious movements (called tells by poker players) that are part of normal human body language. 2004 a,b, unpublished data). American Journal of Psychiatry, 157, 14851491. Bandura, A., & Ross, S. A.

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abnormal behavior google scholar