zoom unauthorized, session expired

You represent and warrant that you are in full compliance with the regulations and laws listed above in addition to any laws, rules, and regulations of any other applicable jurisdiction. This parameter is mandatory, The desired clustering mode. ","about.awards.details1":"This page is used to view awards that you have gained by claiming completed race results of various types. You represent and warrant that: All information provided to FrontRunner is transmitted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. ","corporate.privacy.title":"Privacy Policy","invalid.last.name":"The last name field is required and may not exceed 50 characters. ","is.scheduled.for":"is scheduled for","corporate.company.timeline.1992.1":"Sportstats times the ITU World Champoinship in Muskoka, ON ","corporate.company.timeline.2017.2":"New Sportstats office opened in Grand Rapids, Michigan","corporate.company.timeline.2017.1":"Sportstats acquires AAA Racing and opens an office near Clearmont, FL","VERIFICATION_REQUIRED":"Verification Required","edit.profile.title.2":"Profile","claim.error.claiming":"An error occurred while processing your result request. To change your password, please follow the link below: ","password.reset.email1":"Hello, ","index.form.last.name":"Enter your last name","index.form.first.name":"Enter your first name","sign.up.with.email":"or sign up with your email address","cancel":"Cancel","login.failed":"We could not log you in. My team loves tracking their calls and helps them stay accountable to their daily goals. Many of the previously listed APIs can take filters as parameters, so that the response only contains the datasets or records you want. ","back.to":"Back to","overall":"Overall","edit.profile":"Edit Profile","occupation":"Occupation","certificate":"Certificate","canada.atlantic":"Canada Atlantic","claim.verification.email.instructions":"If your profile information is correct and you believe this results is yours, please click on the Manual Claim button to send an email to our team. We may, in our sole discretion, offer a Subscription with a free trial for a limited period of time (Free Trial). ","clear":"Clear","from.past.week":"(past 7 days)","unclaim.success":"Your unclaim request succeeded. Amazing tracking and reporting features. While new access attempts are denied, if the object is already obtained by JavaScript code in the WebView, the JavaScript code continues to have access to that object. Use the methods to explicitly force a method or property to run remotely if a conflicting local method or property exists. Example lookup for the record d087227c3595eb1e5b7d09dacfdfd6cafb86562a in the dataset doc-geonames-cities-5000: This API makes it possible to fetch an individual record using its identifier (Record ID). Listed below are the most common error messages and their recommended solutions. The Service and any content provided by us (excluding Content provided by users), including, without limitation all features, functionality, photographs, names, text, titles, phrases, trade names, service marks, logos, wallpaper, icons, characters, page headers, button icons, artwork, images, designs, graphics, pictures, illustrations, video, music, sound, look and feel, and all code and scripts in any format used to implement the Service (Materials) are and will remain the exclusive property of FrontRunner. COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_VIRTUAL_KEYS_NONE, COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_VIRTUAL_KEYS_LEFT_BUTTON, COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_VIRTUAL_KEYS_RIGHT_BUTTON, COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_VIRTUAL_KEYS_SHIFT, COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_VIRTUAL_KEYS_CONTROL, COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_VIRTUAL_KEYS_MIDDLE_BUTTON, COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_VIRTUAL_KEYS_X_BUTTON1, COREWEBVIEW2_MOUSE_EVENT_VIRTUAL_KEYS_X_BUTTON2, COREWEBVIEW2_MOVE_FOCUS_REASON_PROGRAMMATIC. We may disclose your personal information with our service providers pursuant to a written contract between us and each service provider. Indicates if the WebView contains a fullscreen HTML element. COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_ERROR_STATUS_CERTIFICATE_IS_INVALID. Some important computer mouse tips should know everyone. ","sign.up.here":"Sign up here","faq.difference.watchlist.chronos.2":"Watch list contains the athletes you selected from the results and leaderboard tabs. Sportstats strongly suggests that Individuals do not disclose their username or password to anyone. ","corporate.careers.timer.location":"Any of our offices","settings.title.0":"S","corporate.privacy.p13":"Individuals are given the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from Sportstats by using the unsubscribe mechanism at the bottom of our email communications by contacting our Chief Privacy Officer (the \"Privacy Officer\") using the contact information provided below. The sum of clusterprecision and shapeprecision must not exceed 29: clusterdistance: The distance from the cluster center (the radius). This method fails if called before the first ContentLoading event. From this view, you will have access to all your information: split details, pace, personal information, photo links, link to download your finisher certificate and access to your previous Sportstats results. It takes microscopic snapshots thousand or more images per second of the working surface. ","overview":"Overview","send":"Send","my.dashboard":"My Dashboard","faq.cant.claim.result.13":"clicking here","faq.cant.claim.result.12":"The name on the result does not match the listed name on your profile. Action required: none. An email is sent to our corrections team. Did you register with your maiden name? Examples of queries for the record search API. Cross origin resource access is allowed for normal sub resource access like as src of a script or image element, while any access that subjects to CORS check will be denied. ","corporate.contact":"Contact","COUNT_OTHER":"Complete {0} other races","about.following.followers.details2":"You may use this page to follow athletes that are already following you or to stop following athletes. Within a reasonable time of concluding the investigation, the Privacy Officer will respond to the complaint and, if appropriate, Sportstats will take appropriate measure necessary to rectify the source of the complaint. This is similar to navigating to the URI of current top level document including all navigation events firing and respecting any entries in the HTTP cache. We may also disclose personal information where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. About Our Coalition. You will receive an email with instructions explaining how to reset your password. ","gender place":"Gender Place","chronos.now.tracking":"Tracking {0}","stop.following":"Stop Following","corporate.faq.subtitle":"Frequently Asked Questions","navbar.results":"Results","claim.success":"Your claim request succeeded. Notwithstanding any Terms related to licensing herein, we may from time to time enter into alternative licensing arrangements with Subscribers in our sole discretion. You are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with any third-party requirements (for example, the requirements of any insurance company, financial services provider, or professional or industry organization). COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_FAILED_REASON_UNEXPECTED, COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_FAILED_REASON_UNRESPONSIVE, COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_FAILED_REASON_TERMINATED. Refresh the Bearer Token when it expires. If you violate any of these terms, your permission to use the System automatically terminates. We will not discriminate against you if you exercise your privacy rights. In the 1980s, Steve Kirsch and Richard Lyon both developed an optical mouse with their own editions, which needed a special surface to work (move the cursor). Indicates that the operation was canceled. Any call to this method prior to that will result in a capture of the page being navigated away from. ","corporate.company.timeline.2017.3":"New record set for timing with 960+ global events timed in 2017. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy notice or our practices with regard to your personal information, please contact us at support@imafrontrunner.com. The session is revoked when the user signs out. Because, rather than moving the whole mouse, you are only required to roll the moveable ball until with your hand to generate motion input. By dragging your fingertip across the touchpad's flat surface, you can move the mouse cursor in the desired direction on the screen. COREWEBVIEW2_CONTEXT_MENU_TARGET_KIND_AUDIO. If you are under 18 years of age, reside in California, and have a registered account with a Service, you have the right to request removal of unwanted data that you publicly post on the Services. Footmouse: It is a type of computer mouse that provides users the ability to control the mouse pointer or cursor with their feet. This also enters you automatically in Sportstats Monthly Draws. If there is an agreement, a camera icon","overview.chronos.text.facebook.name":"Your Name","faq.see.event.photos.1":"Where do I go to see the photos of an event? ","index.form.email":"Enter your email","corporate.privacy.l8":"The \"Followers and Following\" and other similar features on our Sites permit an Individual to send email to others and view results and awards from each individual. We use personal information collected via our Services for a variety of business purposes described below. But, due to the lack of success of Alto's, the Apple Lisa computer widely used the first application of the mouse. We reserve the right to contact you regarding sales and customer service inquiries lodged by you, your contact information, billing, payment, and as required by law. The JavaScript callback method may be invoked using DISPID_VALUE for the DISPID. Athletes are loaded 1-5 days prior to race. To the extent possible, ensure that your personal device is fully patched with the latest security patches. ","with.a.time.of":"with a time of","settings":"Settings","faq.cant.claim.result.5":"Your claim result request was rejectedbecause the result you are claiming is incomplete. Unauthenticated request on a private portal, Authenticated request using an Authorization: Apikey header, Authenticated request using an API key as a query parameter. Server sent fewer bytes than the Content-Length header. The values of this enum align with the matching WM_POINTER* window messages. If you live in a state that has authorized the practice and has rules in place or if your state has issued emergency authorization then you may perform remote ","search.find.athlete.result":"Find Athlete Results","corporate.contact.title":"Contact","races.util.next.award":"races until next award","email.validate":"Thank you for validating your email address! This method is applied asynchronously. Our Service may allow you to post, link, store, share and otherwise make available certain information, text, graphics, videos, or other material (Content). Furthermore, FrontRunner may disclose your data and information as required by law, rule, regulation or court order. Removes a matching WebResource filter that was previously added for the WebResourceRequested event. In the event your Subscription is cancelled or terminated, we will cease billing you beginning with the following Billing Period. Use in conjunction with "rows" to implement paging, Part of the URL path. At this stage no uniform technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals has been finalized. This API provides a search facility in the dataset catalog. WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES RELATED TO THE AVAILABILITY, INTEGRITY, SECURITY, AND/OR CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE SERVICE. US, CAN). If your account is suspended for non-payment, it will only be reactivated upon payment, in full, of all past due fees. FrontRunner Enterprises LLC has not disclosed or sold any personal information to third parties for a business or commercial purpose in the preceding 12 months. Password reset allows users to reset their password from the "Forgot your password ' link. ","show.followers":"Show following {0}","year":"Year","claim.name.does.not.match":"Your name does not match the results name. Do you want to unclaim this result? Access denied due to security restrictions. ContainsFullScreenElementChanged triggers when the ContainsFullScreenElement property changes. ","unfollow.this.athlete":"Stop following this athlete","is.being.followed.by":"is being followed by","close":"Close","corporate.company.timeline.1993.2":"Sportstats times Graham Fraser\u0027s Trisport Triathlon series","corporate.company.timeline.1993.1":"Marc Roy joins the Sportstats team","corporate.company.timeline.2018.1":"Over 1.5 Million Participants Timed in 2018! ","facebook.log.in.warning":"You have authorized the Sportstats application with your Facebook account but you do not have a Sportstats account linked to your Facebook account. For complete results consider using #startswith function or contact the support. public HRESULT add_SourceChanged(ICoreWebView2SourceChangedEventHandler * eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken * token). User can retry the download manually. Check your email for your The linked websites have separate and independent privacy statements, notices and terms of use, which we recommend Individuals read carefully. ","search.results.tooltip.3":"- (not i.e. While JavaScript is blocked on a synchronous run to native code, that native code is unable to run back to JavaScript. ","index.race.results":"Race \u003cstrong\u003eresults\u003c/strong\u003e","image.file.error":"There appears to be something wrong with this file. Our team was notified and will get back to you shortly by email. Current subscription rates are available via the Homepage. ","claim.verification.profile.instructions":"Consider reviewing you profile by clicking the Edit Profile button. public HRESULT get_Settings(ICoreWebView2Settings ** settings). Currently this only supports file, http, and https URI schemes. If a revision is material we will provide at least 30 days notice, to your email address that we currently have on file, prior to any new terms taking effect. To access a dataset directly via the dataset lookup API or record related APIs, its identifier must be provided. ","corporate.privacy.p7":"Sportstats collects and uses an Individual\u0027s IP address to help identify the Individual, gather broad demographic information about users of the Sites, diagnose problems with Sportstats\u0027 systems, and administer the Sites. Be organized, able to work under pressure, reliable and has a good general knowledge of computers. Please try again at a later time. Example of a facet with all its attributes. ","faq.share.racetime.with.friends.1":"Can I share my race times with my friends? If you choose to remove cookies or reject cookies, this could affect certain features or services of our Services. TRUE if the WebView is able to navigate to a previous page in the navigation history. Something went wrong. Either Sportstats or such third party service provider may use servers for such purposes located in Canada, the United States or another foreign country. ","faq.cant.find.result.6":"Once youve found the results page for your event try searching for your name or bib number directly. public HRESULT remove_NewWindowRequested(EventRegistrationToken token). ","grid.no.athlete.found":"Either athlete list is not available or searched athlete is not found. The response to this request is a JSON representation of a bearer token, which contains the following values: Using the token in an Authorization header. then the NewWindowRequested event might be fired before the WebMessageReceived event. Action required: Complete your profile information by clicking on the picture icon in the top right corner of the page and select Edit Profile","faq.cant.claim.result.3":"Your claim result request was rejected because your profile does not contain enough information to allow results claiming. Please check your email inbox. ","error.400.title":"Page not Found","female":"Female","redirect.login":"You will be redirected to the login page shortly. We will not use personal details for any other purpose other then allowing us to fulfill this request in a timely manner. No reproduction, distribution, or transmission of the copyrighted materials of this System is permitted without the prior written permission of FrontRunner. ","facebook.log.in.warning":"You have authorized the Sportstats application with your Facebook account but you do not have a Sportstats account linked to your Facebook account. For example, you may get a prompt message to ask if you really want to perform the task when you delete a file or close a window. Their daily goals more images per second of the mouse pointer or with., COREWEBVIEW2_MOVE_FOCUS_REASON_PROGRAMMATIC the System automatically terminates beginning with the latest security patches System! Law, rule, regulation or court order, this could affect certain features Services! Method prior to that will result in a timely manner then allowing us to fulfill this request a... 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zoom unauthorized, session expired