spectrum language arts kindergarten pdf

. . ______________ (Mistress) Antonivic . Then, write the sentences with the plural form of the underlined words. What did the girls do during the long drive___ 6. Roald Dahl is the author of James and the Giant Peach. Write a sentence using one of the following pairs of words: is not, are not, did not, or have not. ________________________________________________________________ Answers will vary. The pictures werent very big. . The person stands above the puppet and moves the strings. _____ Our families can have a party when we return. Your cousin, Elizabeth Spectrum Language Arts Grade 2 Review: Chapter 2 Lessons 69 Mechanics: Punctuation 63 REVIEW 4. ________________________________________________________________ Answers will vary. Write a report about the book. Take six huge steps toward the pond. Susan walked her two dogs. Zane asked his friend. Lily Amelia and Mom shook out the picnic , ^ ^, blanket. Dad parked t i in the garage. There are 15 commas missing. _____ C 6. . (travel) 2. I am going to sit near Carson, Maddy, and Maria on the bus. . . __________ past I had four dollars in my piggybank. 22 Lesson 1.8 Questions . Close the door, please. . We go to the store. 1. Choose the correct verb form, and write it in the space. . Come see Pinocchio on ice! 34 35 Sometimes sentences can be combined. That skateboard __________ broken. Lex has a book about fossils. . . Some pronouns are I,m e,you,he,she,him,her,i t,w e,us,they, and them. Down tells where Maya ran. have 1. . . I miss you. . The verb to be does not show action. . My hair is curly. Most people do not like mosquitoes . . leader of the crew. The scooter is blue. . 1. ________________________________________________________________ He is the oldest child in his family. __________ welcome to come watch one of our classes. The fast, tall girl is Carla. . They were not the first ones there. ________________________________________________________________ Her husband, Mr. George Putnam, printed a ________________________________________________________________ book about her last journey. It will move very fast. . He opened the door and walked outside. . 4. scientists named the tree Methuselah. Spectrum's grade-specific workbooks can help reinforce and enhance your student's core educational curriculum. . It was made for a worlds fair The Louvre is a famous ___________________________________________________________________ museum in Paris. . . . . Later, he took a boat down N R R the nile river. . . . We laughed when the Rangers mascot did a funny dance. Dr. Seuss s first book was called And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street. Complete It Read the sentences below. . . Try It Imagine that you are telling a friend about something exciting that happened to you. The two ____________ colors in Denmark s flag are red and white. Amelia added pears oranges and apples. 1. The rosebushes are big. I am behind the door. . This soup __________ too spicy! Try It 1. Thursday started out like any other day__ . He tells us all the third-grade jokes. Theo: Where do you get your ideas. I think everyone should see the movie ________________________. In september, Uncle Jack went to egypt. Sandeep tightly held his snake, 1. She will be the first Jasmine has been training since the commander. E B Example: Max and enrique went to buxton Public Library after school. Take _______________________ (maple street) to _______________________ (oak lane), and turn left. 7. Here are some proper nouns: United States,Uncle Jake,Lisa, and Mill Street. missing. In the movie Shreck, Cameron Diaz was the voice of Princess Fiona. The apostrophe takes the place of the letter a in a m. It takes the place of iin i s. It takes the place of a in are. . Elliot passed the ball to Anna. A: The sweater is yellow. ________________________________________________________________ They aren t going to be able to share this house Try It 1. 1. Then, add the correct end mark on the line. Quotation marks are used to show which words are dialogue. by = next to bye = good-bye buy = to purchase something 130 Proof It Read the poster below. Example: Carmen sings in a choir. . He rode a camel in the desert. Malik and Dad watched a cartoon cricket jump across the computer screen. . OR The family knew a shorter and easier trail. Write the circled letters from your answers on the lines below to spell out the puppy s name. ________________________________________________________________ Answers will vary. (named, names) saw Store. . ^, 4. The flowers had red petals. _______________ 4. Blanca and Charley are at school. . I __________ was proud of my brother, the TV star! 12 Review: Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs . 1. . . Here are some examples of homophones. Dennis wants to skate. Olivers painting is cheerful. . . . Spectrum Language Arts Gr. Poison ivy can cause a rash ^, and it can make you itch. 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. Spectrum Language Arts for grade 3 provides focused practice and creative activities to help your child master capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and parts of speech. . ________________________________________________________________ 4. Write a sentence using the word too. ________________________________________________________________ Ssome kites are tiny Others measure as much as one hundred feet Try It 1. paint book crayon pencil folder notebook paintbrush pen color 1. 9. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Peoples titles are almost always abbreviated when they come before a name. What is the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning? Please try again. . The leaves of the plant contain oil that causes the rash. Rewrite It Rewrite the following sentences. Look for the six book and movie titles. Some people never get mosquito bites ________________________________________________________________ 4. Then, create an idea web. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. . I will teach Melissa how to (write, right). Remember, special places begin with a capital letter. . 46 The names of special places always begin with a capital letter. You have a bird. . 5. Then, underline the nouns the adjectives describe. . ______________ (tess) and ______________ (tom) like tacos. ________________________________________________________________ Spectrum Language Arts Grade 2 Chapter 1 Lesson 13 Grammar: Sentences 37 NAME Review Combining Sentences Sentences can be combined when they tell about the same thing. I ate breakfast and went to school__ . . . Finally, they arrived. Cross out the incorrect verb. Kumar and Meg have not painted a mural before. _____ Chris and I are on the same baseball team. 4. You may need to use the Internet. . Karim waved and said bye. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 120 121 Use the pronouns Iand m e when you are talking about yourself. ________________________________________________________________ Answers will vary. 4. flying kites is a fun hobby 2. she will = she ll he will = he ll it will = it ll Putting It Together Circle the two words in each sentence you could combine to make a contraction. . When? Use this proofreading mark ( ) to add a period. . My mom said, My friend said, My sister said, My grandpa said, 1. . . . Write the synonym on the line at the end of the sentence. . ________________________________________________________________ 97 Spectrum Language Arts Grade 2 166 98 Answer Key Answer Key Proof It Some of the verbs below are in the wrong tense. . . Alexandra and Thomas _______________ wash all the dishes after dinner. . It was the tallest building in the world for 41 years. _____ I will travel into space one day. Malik needed to choose a topic for his report. Spectrum's grade-specific workbooks can help reinforce and enhance your student's core educational curriculum. . Do f f o s d in k e tried thre t I would. Commands often begin with a verb. Isabel has two sisters___ 5. Drink Fill Chop Blend Put Turn How to Make a Berry Good Smoothie 1. Maria, Toby, and I will get our yellow belts next month. It was a great day? Maria knows how to do more kicks than anyone else. about the verb. Underline the titles of books and movies. Ilove your backpack! 1. paint book crayon pencil folder notebook paintbrush pen color 1. Why You'll Love This 1st Grade Language Arts Workbook. 5. The orange juice was cold. a slice of a tree trunk A E ________________________________________________________________ Would you like to visit this amazing tree one day? . They __________________ around the park again and again. Mom carried out the birthday cake. about the verb. 1. Lily Amelia and Mom shook out the picnic blanket. My favorite color is light green. . . Write two sentences that tell about things you do. Deepak Sita and Raj were at the park with their parents, too. We are going to the New England Museum. . The activities are a good mix of hands-on experiments, and model-making, puzzles, fill-in-the-blanks, and of course short answer to write electron configurations, Lewis diagrams, chemical compounds and more. . Alyssa asked, Where will we go? . Spectrum Language Arts Gr. You may reach us with any questions at, Spectrum Language Arts Grade K (2014 Update), Spectrum Language Arts, Grade 1 (Updated), Spectrum Language Arts Grade 2 (2014 Update), Spectrum Language Arts Grade 3 (2014 Update), Spectrum Language Arts Grade 4 (2014 Update), Spectrum Language Arts Grade 5 (2014 Update), Spectrum Language Arts Grade 6 (2014 Update), Spectrum Language Arts Grade 7 (2014 Update), Spectrum Language Arts Grade 8 (2014 Update), The publisher-recommended course of study, 1 school year lesson plan, covering all the assignments for your. 4. . They thought it would be ugly. It will help she was four. . ________________________________________________________________ Answers will vary. Would you like to go to skiing this afternoon? big, little old, young happy, sad first, last right, wrong never, always Identify It There are two antonyms in each sentence below. Dr. Seusss first book was called And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street. . . Write the letter of the contraction in the space. The _______________ oldest rock in my collection has a fern fossil. . . ______________ (cassies) favorite food is corn on the cob. . Example: My hair is red. Casey got a baseball bat and a mitt for his birthday. Complete It Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. Begin each sentence with one of these phrases. Elliot passed the ball to Anna. I am = I m you are = you re we are = we re they are = they re itis=its he is = he s she is = she s Proof It Read the diary entry below. ________________________________________________________________ 2. They might be the same color or the same size. Add an adjective to describe each underlined noun. They smiled How? 7 . Write a sentence using the contraction for they are. They play softball every Saturday. a. Im 1. . 1. . 122 Lesson 3.18 Synonyms . The past tense of am and is is was. Write two sentences about it. When did you call Aunt Elaine? 3. A family of hikers said hello. 1. . . Each paragraph is about one main idea. Answers will vary. She lives in Taos New Mexico. . Underline each letter that should be a capital three times ( ). . This 128-page standards-based downloadable resource is packed with thought-provoking writing projects and grade-appropriate practice to build a stronger understanding of essential language arts concepts. Provides focused practice and creative activities to help your child master grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and parts of speech. Includes an answer key and a supplemental Writers Guide to reinforce grammar and language arts concepts. . Write the letter on the line. Present Tense I have four pets. cold adj. . I am going to be a big brother__ ! . . . Printed in the United States of America. Read the other book first. Spectrum Language Arts Grade 2 40 Chapter 2 Lesson 1 Mechanics: Capitalization NAME Lesson 2.1 Capitalizing the First Word in a Sentence Rewrite It Rewrite each sentence below. es Example: There are three watch^in the glass case. There are ten pronouns. . . . . Write the letter of that definition on the line. Gum Spring, Virginia is where my grandma lives. 2. . . ________________________________________________________________ Grandpa Leo gave Aunt Sonia the book. Identify It Read each pair of sentences below. Theo: Do you have any hobbies. Circle the proper nouns. . 6. . . After the play, I met Aunt Sonias friend, mrs. Angley. . ________________________________________________________________ Trish went to her singing lesson on Thursday. . Fish and dolphins live in the ocean. Answers will vary. . ________________________________________________________________ The family knew a shorter, easier trail. (know, knows) 6. 2. My mom said to bring a hat. By Carson-Dellosa Publishing LLC. . Lane Smith draws the pictures for many of Jon s books. . Displaying all worksheets related to - Spectrum Language Arts. Hannah named the kitten M olly. Geese fly south for the winter. . . . Is is used when there is only one person or thing. Theo: What do you like about being a writer.? Example: Carmen sings in a choir. ________________________________________________________________ Answers will vary. . Jonah saw his favorite movie 16 times! We will go to the museum later. Everyone had a good time. Jacintas desk the trees leaves my mothers necklace Putting It Together Rewrite each sentence below. (loud) louder 1. a m her, You a m the funniest person I know! . Wade take__ the first turn. _____ 4. throw, toss close, near quick, fast sad, unhappy huge, giant beautiful, pretty Antonyms are words that mean the opposite of one another. . Write the plural form of each word on the line. The bus will arrive at three o clock. Some people never get mosquito bites Tip A capital letter can be a sign that a new sentence is beginning. Remember, proper nouns begin with a capital letter. ________________________________________________________________ Try It 1. Hurray ! She knows lots of jokes. __________ past Ian had a two-dollar bill. Mom, Dad, Alicia, and Wade roll__ the dice. . . P C C 4. . . By household we mean a person or persons sharing the same single family housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium. (wash, washes) 3. T 4. What do you think Sam and Hailey will do when they get home from the park? . . tree trunks can tell the story of a trees life. The coach talked to __________ them (she, them). . S _______________ Spectrum Language Arts Grade 2 Review: Chapter 3 Lessons 1819 Usage 129 NAME Lesson 3.20 Homophones Homophones are words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings. Luke was thirsty. _____ f October 15, 2006 d. Ln. 4. ______________ Peter s (peter s) pet parakeet, ______________ Prudence (prudence), eats peanuts. . E-Book Overview Our proven Spectrum Language Arts grade 4 workbook features 200 pages of fundamentals in grammar and sentence structure. I think your puppet is terrific, said Colby. Where will they go on vacation next year___ Try It On the lines below, write two questions you could ask Isabel about her vacation. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Spectrum Language Arts Grade 2 Chapter 2 Lesson 6 Mechanics: Punctuation 55 NAME Lesson 2.7 Question Marks Use a question mark to end a sentence that asks a question. In 1888, she _______________ climbed Mount Shasta in California. _____ X One day, he will take me to paris, rome, and berlin. Mom, Dad, Alicia, and Wade roll__ the dice. Michelle went to the store. (triangle) 6. These words are pronouns: I, me, you, he, she, him, her, it, we, us, they, and them. 7. Michael named his goldfish Cleo. Then, circle the antonyms in the word search puzzle. do you like being in third grade!I am having a How are you.How . Also, remember to underline titles. Kindergarten; Primary school; Secondary school; High school; Adults Here are some examples of synonyms. 5. REVIEW Peter Jenkins was born on July 8 1951. (picture) 5. . Several songs are included, for those who are more auditorily oriented. Proof It Read the words below. We will buy the paints and brushes tonight. O u c h! . Do you like your teacher. 60 Review: End Marks and Abbreviations . . . . __________ watch The twins watches the praying mantis under the tree. . They __________ on the jungle gym. 1. Spectrum Language Arts Gr. Each statement should begin with a capital letter and end with a period. China s flag has five _______________. _____ You will be my co-pilot. Look at the rainbow! The blue water was cool to touch. . Jon has always loved books. (loud, loudly) 3. Statements usually begin with a noun or a pronoun. Spectrum Language Arts Grade 2 38 Review: Chapter 1 Lessons 1113 Grammar: Sentences NAME Review Combining Sentences Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence. Robins visit my birdfeeder. The woman behind the desk gave me a ticket. The police officer waved to me. Complete It Complete each sentence below with the pronoun I or me. There were footprints by the empty hole? . 1. . 1. Iwill buy three pears. Answer the following question with a statement. If it is in the past tense, write past. Write the correct punctuation mark on the line. . 6. Spectrum Language Arts Grade 4. 745 San Luis Street _____________________________________________ Read the letter below. ________________________________________________________________ Answers will vary. 1. She will travel on the scientists learn more about the 2. Last night, my brother and I rented the movie Finding Nemo. Cross out each incorrect verb in bold type. . Ouch! Add quotation marks around the exact words a speaker says. 1. Abby rode her bike. . March 10March 15 Try It 1. Andy wrote a letter, and Lauren read a book. Synonyms can help you become a better writer. Share some news in your letter. . Your sentences should compare people or things that are alike in some way. All of a sudden, he had a great idea. . Sat. me out to dinner to celebrate. If it is a command, write C on the line. Ally, have you seen the movie Mary Poppins? . 4. They give more information about nouns. Write the letter of the contraction in the space. It looks like they were wrong, though. 96 Lesson 3.9 Past-Tense Verbs: Saw . Read the sentences below. . Jackson sings in a band. _____ one sheep a. six sheep b. six sheeps Read the paragraph below. . He quickly put on his boots and hat. . . . The apostrophe takes the place of the letter o in not. . each ring has a W light part and a dark part. By Carson-Dellosa Publishing LLC, The curriculum for this Spectrum Language Arts Grade 8lesson plan can be found by using the following link~, Spectrum Language Arts Grade 8 (2014 Update) What time does the movie begin? What was Aidan looking for? REVIEW Contractions can be formed with the word not. _______________ 2. My mom and dad said cats do not go to camp. Our Price: $7.75. Here is an example of a rough draft. . Cameron and Dillon see the hot air balloon. . Write it on the line. . Sometimes, the word does not change at all. Alyssa said, Riley will be so excited! All titles should begin with a capital letter. . 3. ________________________________________________________________ in n be writte ________________________________________________________________ 91 Rewrite It The sentences below are in the present tense. _____ a. the first definition b. the second definition 2. bag Try It Write two sentences about what you would pack if you were going on a trip. (buzz, buzzes) 2. If it is incorrect, make an X on the line. It is missing six periods. . ve How are you. She _______________ two dogs named Bobo and Chia. . She already knows the (write, right) way to make all the letters. fox foxes wish wishes Some nouns do not follow the rules. The parents cheered as Anna scored a goal. Codys sisters are named Cassidy, Cameron, Casey, and Colleen. We are going to get our black belts one day, too. If the verb already ends in e, just add d. Grandpa toasted the waffles. We ate tomato soup for lunch. (is, are) 7. 82 Lesson 3.3 Irregular Verbs: Am, Is, Are . . Then, decide if the adverb tells when,where, or h o w. Write when,where,or h o w on the line beside the sentence. One set of quotation marks is used before the first word the person says. . . ________________________________________________________________ 3. . . . Buy By two tickets and get one free! . Now, write the same sentence in the past tense. Write a sentence about something you have. Write the letter P above each proper noun. We are having chicken and broccoli for dinner on thursday. We go sledding with Miki and Ted. Maybe you have tried to convince your teacher that recess should be longer. . In the space, write S if the sentence is a statement. 141 4.7 Writing a Friendly Letter. __________________ how 4. . . . . . . 198 pgs, pb. Tanisha won the race! 138 4.4 Proofreading. _____ e The cat and the mouse are not friends. (has, have) 3. Harry wrote a book report on Nate the Great and the Musical Note. . . C C C 1. 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spectrum language arts kindergarten pdf