angular sidebar tree menu

That export let bit towards the top might seem a bit awkward. I am not using Angular template of Admin LTE. mb00110101 changed the title Sidebar menu tree not working after navigate in Angular 4 Sidebar menu treeview not working after redirection in Angular 4 Jul 6, 2017. Once you have those installed, it's time to get busy building the sidebar menu bit by bit. Why do I get two different answers for the current through the 47 k resistor when I do a source transformation? But, if i navigate from loginPage to "homePage" the treeview menu was not working. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The code you see above uses a 16 point font for the icon that appears next to the menu item text. I have for the past day got stuck on finding the best way to use angular to control a menu list with sub-menus. I have used latest bootstrap Admin LTE template to Angular 7 project. Without that styling, the icon appears with a grey background and stands out like a sore thumb. Problem is when app is on other url, i.e. It will use those classes to respond to changes in the screen size. On collapse, the LI elements of TreeView show icons only to represent the short sign of the hidden text content. The twistie is also another . The tutorial is divided as follows . The displayName property is the menu item word or words that the user will see. Make it look like this: The big change there from the last guide is in the routes constant. You'll see what that looks like when you test it out. Next, the template prints the text associated with the menu item and then puts some space between the text and the twistie. Sorry for the mistakes in my english, I'm learning. But this link isn't really standard, is it? Open up menu-list-item.component.css and get busy. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and But what are all those lower case things in the last line of the import block? And you can use this path in the html for routing purpose. Horror story: only people who smoke could see some monsters, Replacing outdoor electrical box at end of conduit, Maximize the minimal distance between true variables in a list, Proof of the continuity axiom in the classical probability model. $( () { This problem in Angular 6 and AdminLTE 3 was solved as follows: Note: I have a Sidebar component that contains the treeview. That code expands parent menu items if one of the children is associated with a URL that the user is currently viewing. You're getting close, but you're still not there. One of them is aria-expanded. please make sure of call this code below. Can an autistic person with difficulty making eye contact survive in the workplace? The depth property describes how many levels deep this item is in the menu. Add material desgin icons link in your index.html file. id: string;text: string;action: string;icon: string;menuFatherId: string;sequence:string; Text: The text to be displayed in the menu. Note: that question doesn't apply if the menu item has no children. My project is heavily based on the erdkse/adminlte-3-react repo, could it be a version problem? But, if i navigate from loginPage to "homePage" the treeview menu was not working. Edit features.component.html and add this code: The element gives the game away, doesn't it? Also, if you haven't already done so, create the user module and dashboard module with associated components: Go ahead and edit app.module.ts to look like this: That will give you the modules and components you need to take care of business in this guide. Please note: this guide is a part of an ongoing series of tutorials on how to create a customer relationship management (CRM) application from scratch. Finally! Next, edit features.component.css to give the menu a little bit ot styling. Next, the code sets a width of 220 pixels for the sidebar itself. As you can see, the code is importing a couple of classes you just created: NavItem and NavService. On smaller screens, though, the sidebar is closed and the user opens it with a menu icon on the top bar. content_copy @Component( { }) Choose a CSS selector for the component. Speaking of the twistie, the app will only draw it if the menu item has children. The element gives you the sidebar itself. That gives Angular the ability to reference the element with a variable. Afther isntalling the dependencies we have to import the modules we are going to workl with: 1. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Or, more specifically, it creates a tree. The following example demonstrates how to render TreeView component inside the Sidebar with dock state and how to achieve expand and collapse the functionalities simultaneously in the sidebar and Treeview. Why is it under features/ui? That's the part that will automagically hide the sidebar if the user shrinks the screen size to small. That means it will fill the height of the screen no matter how many (or how few) items there are on the menu. Why do you need that info for a sidebar menu? Also, try adding menu items. First up, make sure you have both Angular Material and Flex-Layout installed. I added required css and scripts files in assets folder. I'm using AdminLTE 3.0 with React. In React js if i reload on some other page and come back to the sidebar-menu page the sidebar menu stops working then i have to reload the page again ,then the side bar menu treeview works. Next, edit app-routing.module.ts in src/app. How to Create Production-Grade React Applications, Javascript: Understanding the weird parts, 4 steps to add cool sliders to your website, Handtrack.jslet the flames dancing in your hands. The sidebar should magically reappear. So you can "light up" the currently active menu item. Don't shoot the messenger, but thus far all you've done is code a menu item. By the way, "aria" or ARIA is an acronym for Accessible Rich Internet Applications. If you'd prefer to go straight to the code, you can do so by just grabbing the branch on GitHub. Therefore after redirection by everything works correct. Remember, at this point, you're just creating a menu item. Fortunately, you can create the toolbar in the same template that you use to create the sidebar menu. The first if block asks if the menu item has any children. I replaced $(window).on('load', function () with $( document ).ready(function() in // Tree Data API and now all good. You are missing jQuery in project. When i reload the homePage, everything is ok. That's because you don't want to show the sidebar when people login. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 11 months ago. Pay particular attention to the path associated with FeaturesComponent. It worked for me. Go back to the toolbar code and you'll see it's doing exactly that with sidenav.toggle(). There are several properties within the ARIA family. // }) 1. And that's where the code releases the resource held by the Subscription object. What value for LANG should I use for "sort -u correctly handle Chinese characters? Remember, the login module uses a separate UI. Is it any solution to make Angular 4 works as expected? Start by adding imports: You might not have seen any Angular code that imports OnDestroy before. To defer initialization until the menu is open, the content can be provided as an ng-template with the matMenuContent attribute: < mat-menu # appMenu = "matMenu" > < ng-template matMenuContent > < button mat-menu-item > Settings </ button > < button mat-menu-item > Help </ button > </ ng . Here I am showing you the example that you can refer. That's a standard "link" element in HTML. It always tells me that trees() is not a function. Note that the website displays the guides in reverse chronological order so if you want to start from the beginning, go to the last page., Sidebar menu with sub menus - cannot expand to access sub-menus, Sidebar menu treeview not working after redirection in Angular 8 [BUG], [BUG] Sidebar toggle not working after fixing sidebar treeview. ng add @angular/material. In the constructor, the code injects two dependencies: NavService and Router. trees.Treeview('init'); Check out how to build a side navigation that fits perfectly into an admin layout or any dashboard page. Could this be a MiTM attack? This Guide has been written for starters. @mh7777777 I'll cover those next. The fxHide directive hides the menu icon by default. I tried solution of @XpamAmAdEuS and @mateusduraes But its still not working for me. Dont forget to create the variables involved: Having our functions ready we can create the components. rev2022.11.3.43003. Why is it under features/ui? The iconName property is the name of the Material Design icon that will appear next to the text on the menu item. Edit features.component.ts in src/app/features. p-sidebar-lg: It is a large-sized sidebar. This function is going to loop over every item on the list and populate the finalmenu variable with the items sorted by parent and sequence. That's why the *ngIf structural directive performs a check on whether any children exist. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. So go to a command prompt and navigate to the root directory of where your Angular source is located. Animations in Angular 2 are probably easier than you think. Now, it's time to create the template. It gets the name of the icon to draw from the iconName property in NavItem. But now i have another problem that maybe you can help me with. p-sidebar-close: It is the close anchor element. What we are going to build Our goal is to create a collapsible sidenav. my issue is : after login i ll redirect to dashboard. one other thing make sure you call useEffect in the component which has the navbar HTML or has the data-widget otherwise calling it in another component wont work unless the component with the widget is in the rendered component tree. That's how you tell TypeScript to create an array and export it at the same time. First, edit menu-list-item.component.ts in src/app/features/ui/menu-list-item. Creating Angular application & module installation: Step 1: Create an Angular application using the following . export class MenuItem { id: string; text: string; action: string; icon: string; menuFatherId: string; children:any[]; opacity:any; isCollapsed:any; (Just for ngx-bootstrap)}. I tried @mateusduraes solution but I can't seem to get it to work. When trying @viniciuslj suggestion I get the error that _jQueryInterface can't be found. I also tried adding useEffect(() => { const trees = window.$('[data-widget="treeview"]'); trees.Treeview('init'); }, []); in my code but then there is one issue . Fortunately, you can easily add one with the aid of the Angular Material and Flex-Layout projects. Keep in mind, though: not all menu items have children. Now that we have installed all the dependencies and checked the input structure, we can go ahead and create the functions. Hello @mb00110101, i had the same problem in a Angular 4 application. Edit menu-list-item.component.html and add the following code: Most of that is an anchor () element. If so, then it closes the sidebar menu. Angular2 Sticky Header (Scroll-Then-Fix) In the second if, the parent menu item is opened or closed depending on its current state. I also tried adding useEffect(() => { const trees = window.$('[data-widget="treeview"]'); trees.Treeview('init'); }, []); in my code but then there is one issue . Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Same situation, redirecting user from Login to Dashboard. And there you have it. Next, create another folder under ui. As you could see weve got new parameters such a children, opacity and isCollapsed. the solution by @mateusduraes did not work. Angular Material: Add sidenav to just a few pages? //$(this)) left side bar tree menu not working. To check if an element is visible in the viewport, you use the following isInViewport() helper function: An Angular app contains a tree of Angular components. Also, it looks like I got too agressive with creating a features module in the last guide. I explained how to do that in the previous guide. Finally, the menu property is an array of NavItem objects. // $(window).on('load', function () { These commands create an Angular app and add the Angular Material components library to it. , #header-section .header-list, It's designed to make web apps more accessible to people with disabilities You can read more about it here. const index: number = menu.indexOf(menuItem); import { Component, OnInit, Input } from ,

. Finally, check out The child element there should look familiar: . The master branch holds the entire application up to the current date. If it's already closed it will be opened. The [ngClass] part adds a couple of classes (active and expanded) if those boolean expressions evaluate to true. Can you please show what you have tried till now? Next, the code binds the opened property to the boolean value that you already saw in features.component.ts. worked for me thanks.. It provides flexible options to be shown and hidden based on user interactions. Why do missiles typically have cylindrical fuselage and not a fuselage that generates more lift? I am showing you the updated object that you have to replace. You haven't seen it yet. Every object represents a menu item. Edit: I missed it before, but now saw the import * as $ from 'jquery'; line above, I will give it a try. Learn on the go with our new app. Finally, the class imports the menu that you created in a previous step. How to add links to the angular material tree, Employer made me redundant, then retracted the notice after realising that I'm about to start on a new project. Next, you're going to need a few styles in here to make this thing look pretty. A element includes two parts: the sidebar navigation menu and the content that displays next to it. In the handleMediaChange() function, the code checks to see if the screen is less than medium sized ('lt-md'). If it's a child of then where is ? Now, test out the responsiveness of the application. yes this.router.navigate works for me !! And just a reminder: if you want to grab the source code, you can do so on GitHub. Because the UI you're working on here is specific to your app's features, such as creating a new contact, editing a contact, and modifying user info. That means the entire path has to match the empty string for a match. It would appear that you have a working, responsive sidebar navigation menu. and, of course my treeview in HTML has the attribute data-widget=tree like the following, Hi, Sub menu (expanded/collapsed tree) in AngularJS. You signed in with another tab or window. If you want to follow the whole series, just view the careydevelopmentcrm tag. This function uses the search Father and sort Items functions to accomplish this porpuse. These commands create an Angular app and add the Angular Material components library to it. useEffect will be called after everything is rendered. I'm about to finish it but i have an annoying problem which took my hours. Please let me know how this issue can resolve. Now, right-click on the model folder and select Add and New File from the context menu that appears. The object must have the following structure. But it only displays it if the user is viewing the app with a small screen. }, []); or you can set in componentDidMount() if you are using class-based component. As you've probably guessed, that property identifies whether or not an HTML element is expanded. Demo1 Demo2. Do you have the [data-widget="tree"] in HTML of the component? useEffect(() => { Notice that we used lodash to sort the items, so make sure to add the import line. TypeError: window.$ is not a function is simple. If you're creating an "admin" style Angular app, chances are pretty good you'll want a responsive sidebar menu. Angular/RxJS When should I unsubscribe from `Subscription`, Angular Material tree - styling possibilites, Angular Material Tree - Different parent/child types, Get parent of child node in angular material nested tree, Is it possible to animate mat-tree? it will reloead the page.. but, I facing same issue after redirection from login page to dashboard page, left side bar tree menu not working. You can see the component on the . Let's first set up our Angular project by running the following commands on our terminal (with the Angular CLI). The first thing the code does is import the NavItem type for use here. In fact, you can have a great-looking sidebar up and at 'em in just a few minutes! We will use Angular-CLI and TypeScript but you should also be able to adopt the steps to any other project like Ionic 2. What is the best way to show results of a multiple-choice quiz where multiple options may be right? For starters, it's using the mat-list-item directive. In the constructor, the code subscribes to the MediaObserver object. How to draw a grid of grids-with-polygons? I haven't yet covered the Subscription class. "scripts": [ "../node_modules/jquery-ui-dist/jquery-ui.js" ], More Information on the topic: In my analysis i see that adminlte.js file initializes treeview plugin in the document.load function, but, in this momment, the DOM will not have the treeview elements. You created a features component in the last guide. in mounted() i cloned the code, mounted() { $('[data-widget="treeview"]').each(() => {$(this), 'init'); }); }. I have de same problem. // }) (or in this guide) Now you're going to populate it with code that will give you a sidebar menu. You'll also need to eliminate any references to it in app.module.ts. Right-click on that subdirectory and select Add and New Folder from the context menu that appears. Modified 7 years, 11 months ago. With that said, that's the right moment when this snippet of code needs to run because everything is in DOM right now. You haven't coded a menu. Non-anthropic, universal units of time for active SETI. Pick your own icons. And what happens with that match? can someone please help me on this , Thank you. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on privacy statement. In your module add the following imports: In this section we are going to explain the structure of the items. That color="primary" bit tells the app to give the toolbar the same color as the theme's primary color. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It's going to be at most one level deep because menu items may have children but those children will never have children. That's the interface you just created above. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Simple use of flex to separate your menu item text from the twistie. Dashboard with the sidebar menu is on url "http://host/". In other words, if expanded is true on the TypeScript side than aria-expanded is true on the DOM side (or in the HTML). If you can share the code, i can try to help you. "http://host/login" and there is link to main page or redirection in code used one of methods: I'll just explain a few of them here. That tells you what's happening there. We will detail in how we can create a dynamic sidebar menu that is able to build itself based on a list of items. Once we have created the menuItem component, we can call it with the resulted object from the above function which is finalMenu. Now click on the menu icon. Just a few pages up '' the treeview menu was not working also need to eliminate any to! Help you if it 's using the following imports: you might not have any., could it be a version problem that generates more lift router-outlet > appears with a.. A check on whether any children appear next to the MediaObserver object by the object! Of time for active SETI ngClass ] part adds a couple of classes ( active and ). There from the context menu that you have the [ ngClass ] part adds a couple of classes active! Is closed and the user will see all you 've done is code a menu list with.... 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angular sidebar tree menu