action research title about pandemic

Facilitate and encourage the operability of national pandemic plans through preparedness activities, including exercises. Resolution WHA 56.19 Prevention and control of influenza pandemics and annual epidemics. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009. But since its not clear when the pandemic will be over, its important to think creatively about how to sustain your research over at least the next three to five months, says Carmela Alcntara, PhD, of Columbia Universitys School of Social Work. Pandemic Flu. Collect more detailed epidemiological and clinical data as time and resources permit. Activate joint mechanisms for actions with other organizations (e.g. Keywords: action research, COVID-19, online instruction, Hawaii Creole, Pidgin This study used action research to investigate online instruction for a university course during the COVID-19 pandemic. The most pressing need is to research the negative biopsychosocial impacts . And while standard precautions protect both animals and researchers and veterinary staff will remain on the job even if the university shuts down Evans limits her visits to the animal lab because she doesnt want to unnecessarily use masks and other resources that are in short supply. Identify lessons learned for immediate application, as well as for future needs. S.N. Develop capacities for emergency public health actions at designated points of entry in accordance with IHR (2005) Annex 1 B.2. Make sure you have a laptop, charger, webcam, contact information for team members and access to any electronic materials youll need. Develop the capacity for the rapid deployment of diagnostic tests once available. Students, trainees and early career researchers are most vulnerable right now, say Major and others. Estimate and plan for procurement and distribution of personal protective equipment for protection of workers. Assess if external assistance is required to meet humanitarian. Provide leadership in coordinating the prioritized activities for epidemic and pandemic preparedness. Assist national health care delivery authorities in identifying priority needs and response strategies, and assessing preparedness (e.g. Explore ways to provide drugs and medical care free of charge (or cover by insurance) to encourage prompt reporting and treatment of human cases caused by an animal influenza virus or virus with pandemic potential. Provide regular updates on the evolving situation to WHO as required under IHR (2005) and to other partners to facilitate coordination of response. Provide social and psychological support for health-care workers, patients, and communities. views For those seeking MAT degrees, the Action Research Report is only one component of the MAT master's degree exam, the rest of which is comprised of mathematics questions, including an expository paper. Essential medicines list and WHO model formulary. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review. topic views. In addition to the suggested actions which follow below, countries are encouraged to develop core risk communication capacities such as those described in the WHO outbreak communication planning guide. Avian influenza: guidelines, recommendations, descriptions. Provide ongoing advice to the affected country on the management of the containment operation. Evaluate communications response during previous phases; review lessons learned. World Health Organization Outbreak Communication Planning Guide. Review the status of and replenish national, local, and household stockpiles and supplies. Related literature. Conduct a thorough evaluation of individual, household, and societal interventions implemented. Results Seventy . We dont want people to feel pressured to come in. By training other staff to do data management, for example, another team member can step in if someone gets sick. Enhance virological and epidemiological surveillance to detect possible cases and clusters, especially if sharing extensive travel or trade links with affected areas. The goal of activities during the post-pandemic period is to address the long-term health and social impact of the pandemic, as well as to restore normal health and social functions. The Role of Civil Society in Shaping State Responses . On March 11, 2020, as the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus spread to every major region of the world, WHO formally declared a global pandemic. If youre an early career researcher yourself, document how the crisis is affecting your research and talk to your chair about how you can protect your chances of tenure, says Major. World Health Organization 2008. first few affected countries). There is, however, insufficient evidence to date to either support or oppose the closure or restriction of mass transport systems as a measure to reduce disease transmission in the community. Modify national case definitions and update clinical and laboratory algorithms for diagnosis, as necessary. Activate contingency plans for responding to the possible overload of health and laboratory facilities to deal with potential staff shortages. Communications should be based on the five principles outlined in WHO's outbreak communications planning guide:25 planning; trust; transparency; announcing early; and listening. Dispatch antivirals from the WHO stockpile to the affected country, to be used in rapid containment operations. Extend communications planning and activities to cover other epidemic diseases and use the principles of risk communications to build the capacity to dialogue with the public on all health matters of potential concern to them. tni.ohw@sredrokoob). To assess if the risk of a pandemic is increasing, it will be important to monitor the infectious agent, its capacity to cause disease in humans, and the patterns of disease spread in communities. Establish protocols to suspend classes, especially in the event of a severe pandemic or if there is disproportionate or severe. Gather feedback from the general public, vulnerable populations and at-risk groups on attitudes towards the recommended measures and barriers affecting their willingness or ability to comply. Consider implementing exit screening as part of the early global response (i.e. During Phases 5-6 (pandemic), actions shift from preparedness to response at a global level. The goal of situation monitoring and assessment is to collect, interpret, and disseminate information on the risk of a pandemic before it occurs and, once under way, to monitor pandemic activity and characteristics. Some researchers are keeping canceled conference presentations and the like on their CVs with an asterisk to show that the events were canceled due to COVID-19. Implement individual/household and societal-level disease control measures. Student impact: Educators are not the only ones struggling through the pandemic. ( accessed 10 February 2009) and WHO Global Surveillance for Pandemic Influenza, World Health Organization 2009 (to be published 2009 endobj Below are a few ideas for a thesis concerning the global pandemic. Control potentially contaminated environments such as wet markets and ponds with free grazing ducks. live sessions online) and/or asynchronously (i.e. Conduct a thorough evaluation of all the pharmaceutical interventions used, including: antiviral effectiveness, safety, and resistance; and. Regularly update the public and other stakeholders on any changes to the status of the pandemic. Strengthen the national laboratories in influenza diagnostic capabilities. Resume seasonal influenza surveillance incorporating the pandemic virus subtype as part of routine surveillance. Once a pandemic influenza virus begins to circulate, it will be vital to assess the effectiveness of the response measures. Develop national infection control guidance. This is a challenge for any practitioner intent on authentic dialogue for people-centered and -led, place-based transformative praxis with the most marginalized in society - be they in the UK, Europe, or in the Majority World. Distribute stockpiles of pharmaceuticals and other materials according to national plans. Activate the surveillance activities required to detect subsequent pandemic waves. Assist countries in estimating national impact. (WHA58/2005/REC/1). Review lessons learned and make adjustments in surveillance guidelines and tools for countries. Undertake a comprehensive assessment of the earliest cases of pandemic influenza. Coordinate the assessment and monitoring of the disease characteristics and severity, and provide guidance accordingly. from, Social Movements, Institutions and Governance, Participatory Action Research in a Time of COVID and Beyond. Review the lessons learned and share experiences with the international community. Develop effective communication strategies and messages to inform, educate, and communicate with individuals and families so they are better able to take appropriate actions before, during, and after a pandemic. Publicly acknowledge the contributions of all communities and sectors. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, we have witnessed a huge number of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies which are helping policy makers to understand how best to manage the current and future clinical and public health responses. Have an idea for research about preventing or treating COVID-19? Provide support to countries with human cases of influenza caused by viruses with pandemic potential to assist in establishing facts and fully characterizing cases. Continue to update the health sector on new information or other changes that affect disease status, signs and symptoms, or case definitions, protocols and algorithms. Provide guidance to national authorities in assisting clinicians in recognition, diagnosis, and reporting of cases and other critical issues as needed. Ensure that health-care personnel have the opportunity for rest and recuperation. Manage WHO strategic global stockpile of antivirals and develop standard operating procedures for rapid deployment. Collaborate with national authorities in determining possible use of a potentially effective vaccine during rapid containment operations. Assist the affected country in undertaking rapid pandemic containment operations coordinating international collaboration. Paper #: 81177912. But this is going to slow everybody down for 2020.. Words: 3534. 1. They also scored high in compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress. Review and update continuity of health care provision strategies at national and sub national levels. Develop up-to-date vaccine prototype strains. Develop infection control guidance for household settings. Prepare to switch to pandemic working arrangements. Easy Qualitative Research Topics. ( dex.html accessed 8 October 2008). This crisis has led educators at all levels of PreK-20 and their stakeholders to question basic premises about the educational system. Specifically, the action research sought to: 1) use Arts in Math (AIM) to enhance the mastery level of Grade VI-C in Mathematics, 2) improve comprehension skills of Grade 6 . For information about how the pandemic will affect existing and future research awards and other information about National Institutes of Health (NIH) research, see the NIH FAQ and NIHs information for applicants and recipients of NIH funding. Ethical considerations in developing a public health response to pandemic influenza (WHO/CDS/EPR/GIP/2007.2), World Health Organization, 2007. Research from the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and its partners shows how to help children learn amid erratic access to schools during a pandemic, and how those solutions may make progress toward the Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring a quality education for all by 2030. ( accessed 10 February 2009). This research topic inquires into multiple and diverse impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on education within various international contexts as billions navigate new educational and social realities. Communicate to the public and other stakeholders the lessons learned about the effectiveness of responses during the pandemic and how the gaps that were discovered will be addressed. Develop and implement routine laboratory biosafety and safe specimen-handling and shipping policies and procedures. % While its frustrating not to be able to do data collection, this is a great chance to work on a paper, take an online course, build that skill you were always saying you were going to do, says Teachman. World Health Organization ( accessed 11 February, 2009). FAO, OIE) to control disease in animals and to implement prevention measures. Education leaders are tackling the unexpected challenge of providing distance learning. Plan for the increased need for antibiotics, antipyretics, hydration, oxygen, and ventilation support within the context of national clinical management strategies. Support Member States' communication efforts during a pandemic by providing material and technical guidance. antivirals from the global stockpile, other materials and logistics) for rapid containment. Enhance surveillance to rapidly detect, investigate, and report new cases and clusters. Implement corpse management procedures as necessary. Recommend measures to reduce human contact with potentially infected animals. /Filter /FlateDecode Detect and investigate unusual clusters of influenza-like respiratory illness or deaths and assess for human-to-human transmission. Individual/household level measures include risk communication, individual hygiene and personal protection, and home care of the ill and quarantine of contacts. Regularly update the public on what is known and unknown about the pandemic disease, including transmission patterns, clinical severity, treatment, and prophylaxis options. The crisis offers an important reflection point for education . Basic science research has been leading the way in developing vaccines and genome sequencing the SARS-CoV-2 strains. WHO Interim planning guidance for rapid containment of the initial emergence of pandemic influenza. Department of EducationSir Joseph CarreonDr. Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic-prone acute respiratory diseases in health care, WHO Interim Guidelines. Provide guidance on measures to reduce the spread of influenza disease (social distancing and use of pharmaceuticals) and develop tools to estimate their public health value. This Viewpoint offers guidance to teachers, institutional heads, and officials on addressing the crisis. Document any changes in epidemiological and clinical features of the pandemic virus. This section provides specific actions to be taken by national authorities and WHO. 42 0 obj District leaders should be prepared to help them as they shift to plan for emergencies, address learning gaps, and deal with student mental health issues that might be exacerbated by the pandemic's effects. Develop feedback mechanisms to identify emerging public concerns, address rumours, and correct misinformation. This brief note offers pragmatic guidance to teachers . In addition to weekly Zoom meetings, she has written to her team members to ask about their concerns and offer problem-solving help. students access course materials online in their own time, which is associated with the more traditional distance education). Share specimens and/or strains to develop diagnostic reagents and prototype vaccines and for antiviral susceptibility. If exit screening is implemented, it should be considered as a time-limited intervention and the isolation and treatment of cases and quarantine of contacts resulting from screening must be carried out in accordance with IHR (2005). Coordinate and disseminate relevant public health messages using various channels (WHO website, published material, press conferences, and the media). See NSFs Dear Colleague Letter about how to submit a research proposal. Activate pandemic contingency planning arrangements for the health sector. Encourage cross-border collaboration with surrounding countries through information sharing and coordination of responses. Facilitate assessment of antiviral susceptibility, effectiveness, and safety. Then reach out to your program officer and share how the crisis is affecting your work and how you plan to keep making progress. Modify/adapt antiviral and vaccine strategies based on monitoring and surveillance information. Consider providing resources and technical assistance to resource-poor countries with foci of influenza activity. Update national and international authorities, other partners, stakeholders, and the public on global epidemiological situation, disease characteristics, and the containment efforts. Review and update WHO recommendations for pandemic vaccine use. Researchers who rely on undergraduates as research participants and many other researchers who rely on face-to-face interaction to collect data will have to hit pause or go online. City-to-City COVID-19 vaccination learning exchange (COVLEx . Mobilize and dispatch resources (e.g. FV>2 u/_$\BCv< 5]s.,4&yUx~xw-bEDCHGKwFGEGME{EEKX,YFZ ={$vrK Establish, as needed, full legal authority and legislation for all proposed interventions. 34. Its possible that federal agencies and other funders may extend deadlines. Continue with vaccination programmes in accordance with national plans, priorities, and vaccine availability. Increase the familiarity of news media with WHO activities, operations, and decision-making related to influenza and other epidemic-prone diseases. Collect, synthesize, and disseminate information on the global human influenza situation in collaboration with partners. The scope and complexity of the task demands frequent, transparent, and proactive communication and information exchange with the public, partners, and other stakeholders about decision making, health recommendations, and related information. Reduce infection risk in those involved in responding to animal outbreaks (education and training regarding the potential risk of transmission; correct use of personal protective equipment; making antivirals available if indicated by the risk assessment). A big part of it is telling them that these are not normal times, and that its OK not to be as productive, she says. Weekly Epidemiological Record, No. Assess effectiveness and safety of antiviral therapy using standardized protocols when possible. Designate special status as needed, such as declaring a state of emergency. Reach out to junior colleagues and offer data sets they can work with or opportunities to collaborate with you. To mitigate the impact, Zacks, his fellow BSA members and other experts offer the following advice. Evaluate the resources needed to monitor subsequent waves. Advise health-care workers to consider the possibility of influenza infection in patients with respiratory illness, especially those with travel or other contact with persons in the affected country(ies). Societal-level measures are applied to societies or communities rather than individuals or families. Online learning is a form of distance education which mainly involves internetbased education where courses are offered synchronously (i.e. While previous studies on face-to-face (F2F) and online instruction in higher education were conducted at a time when there was no pandemic, the fall Distribute antivirals, and other medical supplies in accordance with national plans. Report any suspect cases to national authorities and WHO. Continue to work with Member States to increase the effectiveness of national communications activities. Symptomatic people should self-isolate and avoid using public transport. Refine case definition for global reporting. Australian Freight Companies' Ethics During the COVID-19 Pandemics. During a pandemic, health systems will need to provide health-care services while attending to the influx of patients with influenza illness. WHO Interim Protocol: Rapid operations to contain the initial emergence of pandemic influenza. remote research, sustainable food systems, collaborative knowledge co-production, transformative social change. Anticipate and address the resources required to implement proposed interventions at national and sub-national levels including working with humanitarian, community-based, and non-governmental organizations. 89-329, as amended) authorizes the operation of three federal student loan programs: the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) program, the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, and the Federal Perkins Loan program. Support affected Member States as much as possible in confirming the spread of human infections and assessing the epidemiological situation. The research is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of UK Research and Innovation's rapid response to COVID-19. Action Research as Professional Development Action Research is a process of systematic inquiry into a self-identified teaching or learning problem to better understand its complex dynamics and to develop strategies geared towards the problem's improvement. Coordinate with national authorities to monitor containment measures. The goal of recommended actions during these phases is to reduce the impact of the pandemic on society. The effects of developing introvert behaviour. "One teacher noted how much more collaborative her teaching has become. Encourage stakeholders across all sectors, public and private, to revise their pandemic and emergency plans based upon the lessons learned. The research priorities were informed by an expert panel convened by the British Psychological Society that reflects the breadth of the discipline; a wider advisory panel with international input; and a survey of 539 psychological scientists conducted early in May 2020. The efficacy of homeschooling programs. Coordinate the international response to rapid containment, including the deployment of international field teams as requested and necessary. >> Maintain trust across all agencies and organizations and with the public through a commitment to transparency and credible actions. Establish global case definitions for reporting by countries of human cases of influenza caused by viruses with pandemic potential. Participatory research: methods adjusted during the pandemic The proposal planned participatory action research to support each community partner. Certain manners in us need to change and for a better tomorrow, this is just a small step. Provide technical support to Member States, as requested, to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on the country and the effectiveness and impact of interventions utilized during the pandemic. No copyright infringement intended. .3\r_Yq*L_w+]eD]cIIIOAu_)3iB%a+]3='/40CiU@L(sYfLH$%YjgGeQn~5f5wugv5k\Nw]m mHFenQQ`hBBQ-[lllfj"^bO%Y}WwvwXbY^]WVa[q`id2JjG{m>PkAmag_DHGGu;776qoC{P38!9-?|gK9w~B:Wt>^rUg9];}}_~imp}]/}.{^=}^?z8hc' O*?f`gC/O+FFGGz)~wgbk?J9mdwi?cOO?w| x&mf For similar information about National Science Foundation (NSF) research, see the NSF FAQ. Encourage reduction in travel and crowding of the mass transport system. And since conferences are likely to be canceled, find other ways to network and enhance your professional reputation, such as getting involved in APA divisions and videoconferencing with colleagues. While new loans are currently authorized to be made only through the Direct Loan program, previously . Establish goals and priorities for the use of pandemic influenza vaccines. Facilitate assessment of interventions and update recommendations if needed. New ways of reaching out to the prospective market. Review and, if necessary, revise pandemic preparedness and response plans in anticipation of possible future pandemic wave(s). Coordinate collection and testing of specimens and/or strains to develop diagnostic reagents, prototype vaccines, and for antiviral susceptibility. Read Full Paper . Provide guidance for appropriate infection control, laboratory biosafety and clinical management in health care and social settings, and in care facilities. Plan for vaccine distribution and accelerate preparations for mass vaccination campaigns. : +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: Thus, the present study aims to provide knowledge and investigate the lived experiences of the public school teachers during this new normal amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Incorporate the findings into communication and health education campaigns targeted to the specific groups. Coordinate collection and testing of strains for possible vaccine production and antiviral susceptibility. "The more that we can stimulate them and . Develop an ethical framework to govern pandemic policy development and implementation. Update guidance to national authorities to optimize use of scarce facilities. This research has identified three areas where the pandemic has the potential to open up new conversations . Virtually all K-12 students in the United States are currently missing face-to-face instruction due to COVID-19. The goal of communications before and during a pandemic is to provide and exchange relevant information with the public, partners, and stakeholders to allow them to make well informed decisions and take appropriate actions to protect health and safety and response and is a fundamental part of effective risk management. A1vjp zN6p\W pG@ total views Method We created a web-based survey regarding changes in clinical, research, and educational activity of neurology trainees in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic and the preventive measures undertaken by local institutions to reduce the risk of contagion. Provide leadership and coordination to multisectoral resources to mitigate the societal and economic impact of a pandemic. Advocate new partnerships with organizations of the United Nations system, bilateral development agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector. << Update national authorities, other partners and stakeholders, and the public on global situation, trends, epidemiological characteristics, and recommended measures. 35. Monitor safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical interventions to the extent possible and monitor supply.

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action research title about pandemic