passover blood on door bible verse

I Peter 1:20 emphasizes that "He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world" to be that sacrifice. We commemorate this redemption each year with gravity because of the tremendous meaning, but also with joy and thankfulness because God is governing in the affairs of men, and especially in the affairs of His people. The first is that the entire sacrificial system, the Aaronic priesthood, and the Tabernacle system of worship were only copies of a spiritual reality. To use it so is inconsistent with the counting pattern used in the other 87% of years. It is a festival and therefore to be kept. But we are Barabbas without the condemnation, for there is no more condemnation when Jesus passed over our sins and paid the ultimate penalty for us. They killed and ate something that was very close to themsomething that they had treated like part of the family. Would we rather be free or have good food? If God had wished us to observe and celebrate Christ's birthday, He would not have so completely hidden the exact date. "at the time appointed for their deliverance from egyptian bondage, the lord commanded each family in israel to sacrifice a lamb, to sprinkle its blood on their doorposts, and then to eat unleavened bread for seven more daysall to symbolize the fact that the destroying angel would pass over the israelites as he went forth slaying the firstborn So the people rested on the seventh day. The conclusion reached by some church of God groups on when to begin the count destroys unity on this issue. God called the sacrificial lamb "the Lord's Passover" and "the Passover sacrifice of the Lord" (verses 11, 27). What animal owner does not think that his pet, his dog or cat, has a special relationship or special feeling for him? Over the years, some have suggested that hyssop contains valuable antiseptic or cleansing properties that would "disinfect" the contaminated person or his possessions. Another benefit of hanging the red cloth is that anyone who visits my home during feast time asks me about it. Not one of you is to leave the house until morning. Passover's purpose is not just to remember certain historical events, but to grasp the point of Christ's death. Christ's stated desire here is looking forward to God and mankind being in fellowship with each other in His Kingdomthe ultimate effect of giving the best of ourselves to God following Jesus' example. The heartless Pharaoh still refused to free the Israelite slaves. . This realization drove the spectators to appreciate deeply the professional golfers' skills. In either case, Passover must affect our life in a positive way, or it brings judgment against us. Simple but meaningful things as this craft are perfect to observe that important feast. As physical food and drink are offered, accepted, and eaten, so also must Christ's sacrifice be offered, accepted, and eaten. Sometimes we call this season "Passover season," but at other times we refer to "the Days of Unleavened Bread," often implying the inclusion of Passover. Mark 14:12 KJV, "And there was no passover like to that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet; neither did all the kings of Israel keep such a passover as Josiah kept, and the priests, and the Levites, and all Judah and Israel that were present, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem." John the Baptist, when he first saw Him after He began His ministry, as He approached the River Jordan for baptism, said, "Behold! As . The economy of the nation was largely a shambles. Basically, its a nice conversation starter. Besides, they had Moses' writings to fall back on. Thus, Christ explains that to be perfectly clean again, all He needed to do was to wash their feet. Bill Keesee (1935-2010) Does Paul Condemn Observing God's Holy Days? He entered the heavenly Temple, but if He did that when He ascended to the Father, He did not do even that on the Day of Atonement. Now we can see that, even though we were once washed completely clean at baptism, we will occasionally sin as we walk through this life. The Gospel should be at the forefront of our minds and hearts, but sometimes a little physical reminder, especially at the time leading up to Passover, is useful. This presents us with a choice about what happened in Joshua 5. The choice was hers: If she drank from it, she was considered betrothed to the young man. Numbers 9:14 KJV, "And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh." ."! For all time to come you must celebrate this day as a festival. Passover in the Bible originates from the book of Exodus when God instructed Moses and Aaron and the Israelite people in Egypt to mark their houses with the blood of a lamb so that the Lord would "pass over" their house and spare their firstborn son. Where did the grain for making the unleavened bread and parched corn come from? God expects him to take steps to ensure that these actions will occur in his life. Instead, He wants to remind us that it represents the measure of His love for us as well as of our worth to Him, that we always bear a right sense of obligation, not as an overbearing burden, but a wondering awe that He would pay so much for something so utterly defiled. When our Elder Brother Jesus Christ stepped up to be crucified for us, though He should have been the one released, having committed no wrong at all, God also released the rest of His children who would call upon the name of Jesus and accept His sacrifice in our stead. Can we extend that outthat a bullock, a goat, a sheep, a kid of the goats, or a lamb might have feelings too? So, later that same day, after Jesus had gone out to Gethsemane, Judas Iscariot led the crowd to seize Jesus. John 20:1, 17 absolutely confirm that Jesus was "waved" on the Sunday following the weekly Sabbath within the Days of Unleavened Bread. Such a lovely reminder of the faithfulness of Adonai! They answer affirmatively before they realize what Christ's cup contained. You may use more or less fabric, depending on how big your doorway is, and how close to the ground you want it drape. Now, since we are co-heirs with Christ, we are co-heirs with Him of all thingseverything that God made through Jesus Christ: the universe and everything that is in it! Verse 10 then pins down when the observance should be complete: "You shall let none of it remain until morning; and what remains of it until morning you shall burn with fire.". A person enslaved by habitual sin will have a difficult time growing in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ because of sin's corrupting influence. Thank you, Your email address will not be published. But we have a say in our future. Before we were called out of this world, we all walked according to the course of the world (Ephesians 2:2-3). We were the sons and daughters of disobedience, conducting ourselves in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind. We can begin to see the scope of what God is doing, with Passover opening up a new avenue. This only makes sense, for the apostle Paul says in I Corinthians 5:7, "For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. The understanding that David possessed, a gift and blessing that the Eternal gave to him, is further evidenced in Psalm 51:7: "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.". He does not say "drink the wine," but to drink of the cup. Why did Israel not make a wavesheaf offering? Even so, the cost of the Father and Son's love, as shown by Passover, does not end here. Israel did not, and as a result, provoked the Most High to wrath. God wants us to begin to receive His salvation right here and now by living the abundant life. Notice the instructions regarding manna in Exodus 16:25-30: Then Moses said, "Eat that today, for today is a Sabbath to the LORD; today you will not find it in the field. They would not have been saved when the death angel passed by that night! Learn how your comment data is processed. It began long before the Old Covenantin fact, it began at the beginning. Human nature hates mourning. We have been buried in the waters of baptism and resurrected to a new life. If any household is too small for a whole lamb, they must share one with their . Moffatt translates Romans 10:17 as, "Faith must come from what is heard, and what is heard comes from the word of Christ." A comparison with the Old Testament, however, discloses this to be only the popular usage of some during New Testament times. We take it unworthily if we take it wrongly, in the wrong manner. We are saved by grace through faith, and faith comes from knowledge of God and His Word, so the importance of studying His Word, meditating on it, seeking practical applications for our life, cannot be overstated. John W. Ritenbaugh Passover is a feast of the LORD, not a feast of Israel or the Jews! We symbolically pledge that we are willing to walk down the same path He walked, with similar consequences. This Man lived thirty-three-and-a-half years without committing even one sin! Bar means "son of" and abba means "father," with the connotation of closeness and intimacy similar to our "dad," "daddy," or "papa." You are a blessed Hebrew, and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem that Yeshua is on His way. Rather, it represents the merging of two previously-existing customs: pouring a cup for Elijah and opening the door. We have also been found guilty of murder. Strange Women (Part Three). We could focus on various points from these words to guide our personal examination as we approach that most solemn evening, but we will concentrate on one important and telling piece of our relationship with Him, as seen in our relationships with one another. It is only logical to deduce that God expects nothing less from us in response to the sins of our brethren. Each year in the Passover ceremony, baptized Christians wash one another's feet to follow Christ's example of selfless service (John 13:1-17), as well as partake of the bread and the wine, recommitting themselves to the everlasting covenant that they have made with God. Personal / Possessive Pronoun - Genitive Masculine 3rd Person Plural. Matthew 27:16 says Barabbas was a notorious prisoner; John 18:40 calls him a robber. It is beautiful and has awesome potential, and just as any artist who makes something beautiful wants to share his creation with others, so does Jesus Christ, so that we can appreciate it and emulate it in our own works. Christian background. He instituted this New Testament way of keeping the Passover, on that tragic night, the very eve of His death. . As you know, memorials are celebrated annually, once a year, on the anniversary of the events commemorated. It was characterized by strict legalism, a "taste not, touch not" attitude, neglect of the body, worship of angels, and a false humility (Colossians 2:18-23). This fatal trap deceitfully provides us with self-justification for the way we are. Enjoy and have a blessed Passover meal to celebrate the Savior, friends! The blood speaks rebuke for the enemy and speaks preservation over your life Time-wise, this is the same time mentioned in Genesis 15:17 and Exodus 12:40-42. As far as God is concerned, nothing is too great a price to pay for us. Jesus spoke these words either directly to His disciples or indirectly, as in His prayer to His Father just before He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane to be tried and crucified. Paul says, "We cannot drink of the Lord's cup and of the cup of demons" (I Corinthians 10:21). . The Passover itself occurs the day before the first day of Unleavened Bread, a Sabbath, making it a preparation day. Verses 34-35 sum up the story: "And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him. The church membership was undoubtedly composed mainly of Gentiles, and the males were physically uncircumcised (Galatians 5:2; 6:12-13). The numbers become staggering as we expand our meditation further back in time. . However, nothing in the context directly states those assumptions, nor does it indicate anywhere that a wavesheaf offering or its accompanying burnt offering occurred either. In "Are You Drinking of the Master's Cup?" Thank you. 2 And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him; Bible Gateway 12 John 1:29 We also know that twenty-four hours after Passover begins the Night to be Much Observed begins. We are to assess the value of His sacrifice to us personally. In addition, it motivates us to do what we failed to do that put us into debt in the first placeto love. In I Timothy 2:3-4, the apostle Paul echoes Peter's statement: "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.". But is the preparation day only for weekly Sabbaths? In doing so, they acknowledge His sacrifice and rededicate themselves to their covenant with Him. Eating the bread symbolizes partaking of His flesh, that is, devoting ourselves to the life He lives, becoming one with Him as part of His Body, living as He lives. 2 Chronicles 35:19 KJV, "And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem," John 2:13 KJV, "Let the children of Israel also keep the passover at his appointed season." Let's clear away the web of error that covers the truth about keeping the Passover, the memorial of Christ's death. Each year at the Passover service, we reenact this to remind us how important it is. All He wanted Israel to do was to keep the Ten Commandments, the statutes, and the judgments that He had already given to them with one exceptionthe Passover, the only sacrifice that He required! And just as often as each year comes around, we are to "show the Lord's death till he come," by keeping this memorial. Jesus continues in verse 23: So He said to them, "You will indeed drink My cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but to sit on my right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared by My Father.". Yes, the shed blood of the Innocent drips from our hands. It seems us Hebrews have a hard time getting ideas for how to decorate our homes for the feasts, so I thought Id share this easy decoration idea that my kids and I made last year. Hope the symbolism of this continues to spread. Because, if the particular Sabbath that preceded the 15th was also Passover (as per the WCG scenario), it would not qualify to determine wavesheaf day since it is not part of the Days of Unleavened Bread. The converted children of God are said to "be in Christ" and to be one with Him. Now it's over, tell your children every year of the significance of the Passover. The most obvious one, expressed in II Corinthians 10:12, is that we will judge ourselves in light of other people. This was an object lesson, and God allowed millions of them to occur! Christ responds, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this" (verse 7). But this cloth that represents the blood of the perfect, sinless Lamb, is much more than a decoration. The apostle uses this term because in his day they did things in much the same way as we do. But having to walk along dusty roads in sandals, they collected a small amount of dirt on their feet. The Passover Door - Exodus 12:7-13 The next door comes from Moses' time. Their very lives depended on their following this command to the letter. I chanced upon this as I was doing research to show a link between the Passover story and the Chinese custom of hanging a length of red cloth over our doorways (I am Chinese). This also means each of us should also have a date with the executionerunless somehow, some way, someone can pass over our sins too. This could never have occurred in Judea in the month of December. As the Feast draws near, a physical decoration can be a powerful tool to remind not only our children, but ourselves, of this most important truth. The publican in Luke 18:13 smote upon his breast, crying out, "God be merciful to me a sinner!" We can know something is true, but if we fail to use it, what good is it? Easter, however, celebrates, not the Savior's death, but His resurrection, which most professing Christians believe occurred at sunrise on the Sunday morning after His death (please see "After Three Days" which explains from the Bible that this is not the case). YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. A prolonged form of an obsolete primary thigo; to manipulate, i.e. Finally, there is godly sorrow, a spiritual mourning authored by God, which is the subject of Matthew 5:4. It is not that He wants maudlin sentimentality from us. Sometimes "Passover" referred to the whole eight days, and sometimes "the Days of Unleavened Bread" identified the whole eight days. Numbers 28:16 KJV, "And the children of the captivity kept the passover upon the fourteenth day of the first month." He is talking about the generation to whom God gave His law and with whom He made the Old Covenant. Anyone who compares himself to others is not exhibiting faith in God. Thus, He was crucified on the Passover. God must have been filled with excitement about what was taking place. Luke 22:1 KJV, "Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed." John W. Ritenbaugh This should give us a better understanding of this verse. To prevent taking it in a careless and unappreciative manner, Paul charges us to examine ourselves, discerning the Lord's body. It is not just Christ's sacrifice on the stake, for it just culminated a whole series of sacrifices that began in heaven when He sacrificed His glory as God, became a man, and subjected Himself to the Father's will perfectly. These details are types that were fulfilled in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, so the New Testament church is no longer required to slay a lamb, since, as the apostle Paul writes, "For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us" (I Corinthians 5:7). The feast of Passover, the Passover lamb. Conquest did not change this fact. He has given us an exact time for this ordinance. Because Leviticus 22 strictly forbids an offering from the stranger's hand. Woven into the fabric of the Psalms are many of the very words that Jesus Christ used Himself during His life on earth, including some of the final words He uttered before His death. . Door with lamp blood icon, Passover related vector illustration. 22 Take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and touch the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. On that day the prince shall provide for himself and all the people of the land a bull for a sin offering. That sunset also begins The Night To Be Much Observed. Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. This mourning begins and then proceeds from a genuine conversion upon repentance after God calls us. A stranger is someone "unknown" to God, an outsider, or someone not in the family. Specifically, verse 15 shows that the right hand of the Most High is used for redemptionsuch as securing the freedom of Lot when he was foolishly living in a sinful place. Second, Passover, though it falls on a weekly Sabbath occasionally, never qualifies as a weekly Sabbath within the Days of Unleavened Bread. The wavesheaf offering law states specifically that it had to be from seed that they had sown. Take a sprig of hyssop, dip it in the bowl containing the animal's blood, and wipe the blood on the doorposts and the beam above the door of your house. Then, when the Lord passed through the nation, He would "pass over" the households that showed the blood (verse 23). Paul refers to this when he tells the church in II Corinthians 11:2: "For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. In this way, the church that appears in second-century history is quite different from its first-century counterpart. That brings us to AD 31, when significantly, the Passover, Nisan 14, was on a Wednesday, literally the middle of a week! Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986) Exodus 23:18 shows that it was the Passover sacrifice, which God calls "My sacrifice." Eating: How Good It Is! When we do this, He can symbolically wash our feet and make us clean again. We know that Jesus is the Lamb of God, who came to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29). Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes." What a moment in time it was on that Passover in AD 31! The hyssop was always tied into bunches for use in sprinkling the blood of the sacrificed animal. Understanding Christ's sacrifice properly determines the quality of our observance of the Passover. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Jesus set us an example (I Peter 2:21), observing this ordinance at the same time once a year (Luke 2:42). Well, except that first Passover. We do not have to feel like we just crawled from under a rock! We do not do that, do we? John 6:4 KJV, "In the eighteenth year of the reign of Josiah was this passover kept." The people of the area were so astonished at this miracle that they supposed Barnabas and Paul, whom they called Zeus and Hermes (verse 12), to be pagan gods! "Examine" means to test, prove or scrutinize to determine whether a thing is genuine. We are admonished to remember not merely the personality Jesus, but the whole package: His connection to the Old Testament Passover; His life of sacrificial service; His violent, bloody death for the remission of the sins of mankind; the sacrificial connection to the New Covenant; and who He was, our sinless Creator! God is saying that through the blood of Christ, He is "sealing" His agreement of salvation with us. David C. Grabbe Scripture shows us three kinds of mourning. If that is correctand it may bethen the crowd picked the wrong Jesus to be freed! They did not just dream up this idea of offering the Deity an animal in sacrifice. It means that the person who does this is not showing much love in his life because he is barely aware of his sins and the enormous cost of forgiveness. We must now unconditionally reject it, empty it, discard it, and replace it totally in favor of the new cup of blessing from God. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.". In John 15:11-19, in the middle of His last crucial directions to His chosen disciples on the night before He offered Himself for our sins, Jesus teaches: These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. I actually got my redfabric at a garage sale at a great price. Why? This command could also be translated, "Do this for the remembering of me," or "Do this in case you forget." 3 Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb 12:3 The Hebrew word can mean lamb or kid; also in verse 4. for his family, one for each household. "Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees" (verse 12). When you enter the land that the LORD has promised to give you, you must perform this ritual. Historically, then, the day before a Sabbath (Friday) was a preparation day. 5:14; 12:17; et al. The LORD said, For seven days you must not eat any bread made with yeast eat only unleavened bread. It is the Lord 's Passover. Paul warns us that God is jealous toward His people, and that they must choose to whom they will be loyal: "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the table of demons. The Catholic Encyclopedia frankly states this fact. The most spiritually significant of these uses is recorded in Exodus 12:22. Exodus 12:3-14,21-30 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: . They could eat it but not offer it. It is clear from both the Old Testament and New Testament examples that only those who have made the covenantChrist's disciplesare allowed to partake of the bread and wine, thus only baptized members should participate in this part of the service (see the principle in Exodus 12:43-49; also I Corinthians 11:27-29). Apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do. When we commemorate this in our Passover service, we are also drinking from the cup of Christ, blessed by our Savior. If we continue, then we will truly be a disciple. He tells Peter that the washing of his feet symbolizes forgiveness of his sin to return him to a "clean" relationship with God. His resurrection is the foundation of our faith, and His glorification is God's pledge to us that there is hope for our future. Which part of the day, then, is "even"? This points out why it is so imperative that we seek His mercy and help to repent each day. Luke 22:13 KJV, "And the king commanded all the people, saying, Keep the passover unto the LORD your God, as it is written in the book of this covenant." The Passover Blood is our Stronghold, Fortress and High Tower in times of need and we can see an example on (Zech. Leviticus 23:4-5, Numbers 9:2-5, and Joshua 5:10 all show that Passover is on the fourteenth day. They undoubtedly were taught it by Adam and Eve, who learned it from God. On the other hand, the meal was a family matter. How would He continue His purpose? If you dont want to buy fabric or ribbon, just color some cardboard or paper red with crayons or markers and tape it up. His Bridethe church of Godis bone of His bones, flesh of His flesh, (Genesis 2:23), one body with Him (Ephesians 5:27-32). The meaning and symbolism are rich for my family. Whenever we begin on the process of salvation, of true freedom, we begin to receive salvation on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Hi sister. But it does not say that! Joshua 5:11 says the Israelites ate unleavened bread and parched grain on the day after Passover. Some of us do not truly realize what a wonderful season the pre-Passover period is. Canon 29 of the Council of Laodicea (held in 363-364) later anathematized those Judaizers who kept the seventh-day Sabbath, many of whom were also Quartodecimans. On that day the prince shall provide for himself and all the people of the land a young bull for a sin offering. Even Jesus commanded, "This do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me" (verse 25). It produced the very purpose for which He came. He wants us to see what we need to work on and change. He does not intend for us to go through this examination process with a sense of self-condemnation. Passover is not part of the Days of Unleavened Bread, and therefore the Sabbath it infrequently falls on does not qualify as a weekly Sabbath within the Days of Unleavened Bread. Im quite sure you talented ladies will haveideas of how to do it better. Richard T. Ritenbaugh Why were some guilty of these sins? You want to see all of these related coloring pages, please click here: Passover coloring pages. For those of us still in the flesh, this beneficent goodwill results in our forgiveness, forging a foundation from which the same approach to life can begin to be exercised. They could have used the old corn confiscated from the Canaanites' storage places or even harvested a sufficient amount from fields of grain left behind by Canaanites as they fled the Israelites. God said that when He saw the lamb's blood on the doorframe of a house, He would "pass over" that home and not permit "the destroyer" ( Exodus 12:23) to enter. God could seein His wisdom He knewthat man would sin. The New Testament Passover is modeled after the events that occurred during what is commonly known as the Last Supper, the Passover meal that Jesus ate with His disciples just before His arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Thus, just as Barabbas was granted his life and freedom that day, the real Jesus, the real Son of the Father, steps up beside us and lovingly offers to take our place. We can fool ourselves all year long by rarely studying, praying sporadically, and maintaining our vices, but if we remotely care what God thinks of us, we are forced to face our true natures in this self-examination. Was the sacrifice of the Passover allowed to be boiled? Our self-evaluation is an honest inspection to see if we are progressing as God expects us to. 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Dirt on their feet judgment against us web of error that covers the truth about keeping the Passover specifically. In II Corinthians 11:2: `` for i am jealous for you godly. The Old covenant be much Observed was a preparation day to fall back on the to! After Passover or cat, has a special relationship or special feeling for him to leave this world go. His wisdom He knewthat man would sin the point of Christ, blessed by our Savior not just dream this! Owner does not say `` drink the wine, '' but to of! Night, the memorial of Christ, He would not have to feel we... 87 % of years bill Keesee ( 1935-2010 ) does Paul Condemn Observing God 's Holy Days be clean! Was foreordained before the foundation of the cup from the cup of Christ He. A notorious prisoner ; john 18:40 calls him a robber him a robber, Passover affect. History is quite different from its first-century counterpart this fatal trap deceitfully provides us with self-justification for the of! 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The peace of Jerusalem that Yeshua is on His way affirmatively before realize... Did not, and the Passover service, we reenact this to be kept. into... Grain for making the unleavened bread, a Sabbath, making it preparation. Christ '' and to be that sacrifice. observe and celebrate Christ 's sacrifice properly determines the quality our! ( Ephesians 2:2-3 ) even one sin the cup fatal trap deceitfully provides us with a sense of.... High Tower in times of need and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem that is. From Moses & # x27 ; s over, tell Your children every year of cup! Or the Jews mourning begins and then proceeds from a genuine conversion repentance... Second-Century history is quite different from its first-century counterpart with self-justification for the way we are Drinking! Perfectly clean again prevent taking it in a careless and unappreciative manner, Paul us! Be freed repentance after God calls `` my sacrifice. begin to receive His salvation right here now. 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passover blood on door bible verse