bible contradictions islam

Although not obvious in English translations, this would strike anyone reading the Greek, who would realize that it was tracing the line of Joseph's wife, even though his name was used. When we look at the Qur'an we are struck with the reverse situation, for the Qur'an has very little context as such to refer to. Prophets. He does not lie.2TH 2:11-12God deludes people, making them believe what is false, so as to be able to condemn them. Contradiction #80who was high priest when david went into the house of god and ate the consecrated bread? But nowhere do we find even a hint that the Bible was contradictory, or indeed that it was corrupted. (a) yes (matthew 14:5). (d) jesus of nazareth, the king of the jews (john 19:19). It is just a parallel to show that the Qur'an testifies of such things too. Another commentator maintains that the number of stalls recorded in 1 Kings was the number at the beginning of Solomon's reign, whereas the number recorded in 2 Chronicles was the number of stalls at the end of his reign. (Note: The presence of the money changers in the outer court of the Temple had been authorized by the Temple authorities and was, in fact, a necessity since the Jews would not accept Roman coin for the purchase of sacrifices.). (a) \"toward the dawn\" (matthew 28:1). The two thieves crucified with Jesus either did (Mark 15:32) or did not (Luke 23:43) mock Jesus? NU 11:33God inflicts sickness.JB 2:7Satan inflicts sickness. 50. Contradiction #46the gospels say that jesus cursed a fig tree. Consequently, as we saw in the previous question all three parties had a part to play in bringing Joseph to Egypt. (a) yes (matthew 26:48-50). Now the God of peace be with you all. Matthew 28:16-20 is a summary of all the appearances of Christ, and it is for this reason that it is not advisable to overstress chronology in this account, as Shabbir seems to have done. If he had looked at the context of 1 Corinthians 10, he would have noted that Paul was referring to the plague in Exodus 32:28, which takes place at Mt. When Critics Ask: A Comprehensive Handbook on Bible Difficulties. Then comes the following feat: (a) moses and aaron converted all the available water into blood (exodus 7:20-21). I believe the traditional Muslim answer would be to say that we (the Jews) changed the Torah and the Jewish answer would be to say that the Quran is incorrect when the Torah and Quran contradict each other. . God has given you a brain, use it! God's purpose was to purify Job's faith, and to strengthen his character by means of discipline through adversity, whereas Satan's purpose was purely malicious, wishing Job as much harm as possible so that he would recant his faith in his God. (b) judas son of james is the corresponding name in luke\'s gospel (luke 6:12-16). \" then, \"on the sabbath they rested according to the commandment\" (luke 23:55 to 24:1). Contradiction #76when jesus entered capernaum he healed the slave of a centurion. Luke, however in his report in Acts1:18-19 wants to cause the feeling of revulsion among his readers, for the field spoken about and for Judas, and nowhere denies that Judas died by hanging. GE 7:1Noah was righteous.JB 1:1,8,JB 2:3Job was righteous.LK 1:6Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous.JA 5:16Some men are righteous, (which makes their prayers effective).1JN 3:6-9Christians become righteous (or else they are not really Christians).RO 3:10,3:23,1JN 1:8-10No one was or is righteous. MT 5:37,15:19,MK 7:22,JN 8:14,44,14:6,18:37Jesus says that you should answer a plain yes or no, that his purpose is to bear witness to the truth, and that his testimony is true. Similarly, no translation is or can be perfect, and all translations are an additional step away from the autograph. Contradiction #94who killed goliath? DT 23:1A castrate may not enter the assembly of the Lord.IS 56:4-5Some castrates will receive special rewards. It cannot be denied that many doctrines and systems of theology and also many superstitions, from the worship of saints to the use of rosaries and amulets, have become grafted on the main trunk of Muslim creed. GE 6:4There were Nephilim (giants) before the Flood.GE 7:21All creatures other than Noah and his clan were annihilated by the Flood.NU 13:33There were Nephilim after the Flood. Muslim web sites abound in articles and collections attacking the integrity of the Bible by means of contradiction lists. Therefore they broadened the law to mean more that it does actually say. Contradiction #42did john the baptist recognise jesus before his baptism? (b) no. The word rendered 'stood' also means to be fixed, to be rooted to the spot. (b) still alive in the thirty-sixth year (2 chronicles 16:1). And he cast down the pieces of silver into the temple and departed, and went out and hanged himself. (a) yes (john 1:32, 33). Matthew 27:31,32 tells us that he was led out to be crucified and that it was only as they were going out to Golgotha that Simon was forced to carry the cross. Hebrew and Aramaic are closely related Semitic languages. (b) \"when the sun had risen\" (mark 16:2). And immediately the cock crew.(Mat 26:74), And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. The context atJN 7:10makes the deception clear, however.). (a) hebrew: the words are eli, eli . It has not been appropriate to attempt a full harmonization in this short paper, as we have been answering specific points. Jesus is referred to in Matthew 1:1 as the son of David, the son of Abraham. Charles Wesley summarizes this high view of inspiration brilliantly when he says, "The Bible must be the invention either of good men or angels, bad men or devils, or of God. (b) jehoiakim (1 chronicles 3:16). (a) no. 73. This the Qur'an cannot do if it has no human element, as is generally alleged. Before the feast of the passover (john 13:1) judas went out at night (john 13:30). 59. As isaiah 1:18 says: \"come now, let us reason together. You will die for your own sin and go to hell. Which one of these versions of the Bible is the true word of God? This is a rather foolish question. (a) two (genesis 6:19, 20). But the Christian cannot agree that the principle of non-contradiction is given to men as a criterion by which they are to judge God's word. Muslims talk often about the many contradictions in the Bible. There was plenty of other water for the magicians of Pharaoh to use. And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle ringstraked, speckled, and spotted. MT 16:18Jesus founds his church on Peter and will give him the keys of the kingdom.MT 16:23Jesus calls Peter [a] Satan and a hindrance, and accuses him of being on the side of men rather than that of God. \" and having said this he breathed his last (luke 23:45-46). In Matthew 14:2 and Mark 6:16 he gives his answer: after considering who Jesus could be, he concluded that he must be John the Baptist, raised from the dead. Mat 12:30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.(default is against), MAR 9:40 For he that is not against us is on our part.(default is for) Are you willing to take up this challenge, to read the quran and see if there are any contradictions in it, or are you so unsure that you may not find the answer you are looking for that you will not bother trying at all? Contradiction #9when did david bring the ark of the covenant to jerusalem? The Mark 10:45 passage starts off by quoting Jesus as saying, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Two of the discrepancies differ by 1, one differs by 4, two by 6, two differ by 9, another differs by 11, another two by 100, another by 201, another differs by 105, a further family differs by 300, and the largest difference is the figure for the sons of Azgad, a difference of 1,100 between the accounts of Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7. Do the 95. But the fulfillment of this challenge necessitates that we actually pick the book up and read it. 51. Those originals, however, because of the early date of their inception no longer exist. . In neither case is there a suggestion that either was used exclusively before changing to the other. Shabbir uses Matthew 28:10 and John20:17 to demonstrate this apparent contradiction. (Islam, The Straight Path, Oxford University, New York, 1988), There can be no hope of going back to the original text itself,' there is still the possibility that on the whole all the Gospels - including The Gospel of Barnabas - in their present form do contain a certain degree of accuracy and truth. Contradiction #39when jesus met jairus was jairus\' daughter already dead? Jesus would (Luke 1:32) or would not (Matthew 1:11; 1 Chronicles 3:16 & Jeremiah 36:30) inherit David's throne? In the passage of John 1:29-36 it is abundantly clear that John recognised Jesus. Contradiction #54did jesus ascend to paradise the same day of the crucifixion? (Nebudchanezzar failed to capture or destroy Tyre. Contradiction #83at what time of day did the women visit the tomb? In dazzling apparel later described as angels (luke 24:4 and 24:23). Yet the numbers do not add up to anything close. MT 20:29-34Jesus heals two blind men on the way to Jericho.MK 10:46-52He heals one blind man. Matthew tells us that Joseph's father was named Jacob. Yet, by simply measuring the Bible against the nazil or Tanzil ('sent down') concept which they claim for their Qur'an, Muslims condemn themselves of duplicity, since they demand of the New Testament that which they do not demand of the previous revelations, the Taurat and Zabuur, though both are revered as equally inspired revelations by all Muslims. In the light of this prior knowledge and the witness of the Holy Spirit within John, it is most likely that this sign of the Holy Spirit resting on Jesus was simply a sure confirmation of what he already thought. (Note: This would mean that the demon is of God.). But in the case of the unclean animals and birds, a single pair would suffice, since they would not be needed for blood sacrifice. (a) yes (matthew 26:48-50). (b) two thousand eight hundred and eighteen (nehemiah 7:11). According to the Gospel of Barnabas, the revelation which was given to Jesus was never preserved as a written text at any stage, but was more in the nature of a well of wisdom which was placed in the heart of Jesus by the angel Gabriel, and from which he could draw as he needed. 2CH 11:20 Maachah the daughter of Absalom In Sura 2 we are introduced to the fall of Adam, then God's mercy is shown to the Israelites, followed by Pharaoh's drowning, followed by Moses and the Golden calf, followed by the Israelites complaint about food and water, and then we are introduced to the account of the golden calf again. . Contradiction #11when david defeated the king of zobah, how many horsemen did he capture? Contradiction #19how many were the children of adin? This principle can also be. Also it is more than probable that the Gospel record was already being circulated amongst the believers at the time of Luke's writing. It is a commandment which Jewish people keep even today for the meal, for God makes it extremely clear, "eat bread without yeast And whoever eats bread with yeast in it must be cut off from the. This "contradiction" generally appears only in older English translations of the Biblical manuscripts. Scripture is inerrant, not in the sense of being absolutely precise by modern standards, but in the sense of making good its claims and achieving that measure of focused truth at which its authors aimed. The Messiah was here without a doubt and all would be revealed in its proper time. (b) judas son of james is the corresponding name in lukes gospel (luke 6:12-16). Contradiction #71in the gospels which say that jesus prayed to avoid the cross, how many times did he move away from his disciples to pray? 1SA 9:15-17The Lord tells Samuel that Saul has been chosen to lead the Israelites and will save them from the Philistines.1SA 15:35The Lord is sorry that he has chosen Saul.1SA 31:4-7Saul commits suicide and the Israelites are overrun by the Philistines. Contradiction #40did jesus allow his disciples to keep a staff on their journey? No opening is left for another two times. They brought the ass and the colt and put their garments on them and he sat thereon. Luke 14:12 says it was "the Feast of Unleavened Bread", which is also called "Passover". Both can be correct. 31. (genesis 11:12-16). This apparent contradiction asks did both thieves crucified with Jesus mock him or just one. Get wisdom.LK 2:40,52Jesus was filled with wisdom and found favor with God.1CO 1:19-25,3:18-20Wisdom is foolishness. (a) yes (matthew 21:12). Keil, C.F., and Delitzsch, F., Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament, 20 vols. (b) next day after the baptism, jesus selected two disciples. EX 20:5,34:7,NU 14:18,DT 5:9,IS 14:21-22Children are to suffer for their parents sins.DT 24:16,EZ 18:19-20Children are not to suffer for their parents sins. (b) even if i do bear witness to myself, my testimony is true (john 8:14). He cannot just ignore it for that would not be just. It does remain a great pity that there is no complete original authentic text of the Gospel of Jesus, which has been verified beyond any reasonable doubt, in existence today. The complete texts of the Bible, Quran, and Book of Mormon, with annotations from a skeptic's point of view. (a) twenty-four thousand (numbers 25:1 and 9). (b) no (matthew 11:2). Mark therefore just included more information in his account than the other gospel writers. MT 20:20-21The mother of James and John asks Jesus a favor for her sons.MK 10:35-37They ask for themselves. It is interesting how Shabbir jumps around to make his point. What do you think they mean? (b) amaziah (2 chronicles 26:1). But this is no different to the Qur'an. The other possibility is forwarded by the learned Old Testament scholar R.K. Harrison, who suggests that at any rate the figure of 42,000 may be metaphorical, following "the pattern of the Exodus and similar traditions, where the large numbers were employed as symbols of the magnitude of God, and in this particular instance indicating the triumphant deliverance that God achieved for His captive people" (Harrison 1970:1142-1143). (a) eight hundred thousand (2 samuel 24:9). MT 2:23And he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. However in verse 27 all the members of the family are included, including Joseph and his sons and Judah making a total number of 70, referring to the total number of Jacob's family that ended up in Egypt not just those that traveled with him to Egypt. (b) \"before the cock crows twice you will deny me three times\" (mark 14:30). It ought to be free from all discrepancies and contradictions. Did David (1 Samuel 17:23, 50) or Elhanan (2 Samuel 21:19) kill Goliath? (a) joram (matthew 1:8). (b) because of the bloody death of judas therein (acts 1:19). The other disciples thought he was going out to buy supplies to prepare for the passover meal (john 13:29). And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. Both Islam and Christianity believe in the resurrection of the body, and both believe in the intermediate state. A creed so precise, so stripped of all theological complexities and consequently so accessible to the ordinary understanding might be expected to possess and does indeed possess a marvelous power of winning its way into the consciences of men." (a) god did (2 samuel 24:1) (b) satan did (1 chronicles 21:1). This was indeed true. The Quran was written about 550 years after the Bible and affirms the Bible as the word of God, less the alleged Tahrif. It is clear that the gospel authors are writing from different points of view, adding and leaving out different details. Contradiction #101when jesus walked on water how did the disciples respond? GE 17:8God promises Abraham the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession.GE 25:8,AC 7:2-5,HE 11:13Abraham died with the promise unfulfilled. No none of the books have contradictions in themselves. (a) two thousand (1 kings 7:26). . As a result of Saul's disobedience pain was caused to God and to the people of Israel. (b) yes. (a) yes. 2KI 16:5The King of Syria and the son of the King of Israel did not conquer Ahaz.2CH 28:5-6They did conquer Ahaz. The emphasis of Matthew 16:17 is that Simon did not just hear it from someone else: God had made it clear to him. Contradiction #97who will bear whose burden? That is, without fulfilling the prophecies spoken in the Old Testament. \" - (gary miller author of \"missionary christianity - a muslim\'s analysis\") \"but intellectual bondages are harder to shatter; the slave himself fights to retain them. They had no idea that Jesus was going to give his life for the sins of the world like the Passover lamb of Exodus 20 did to save the Israelites from God's wrath upon Egypt. Although John's disillusionment was a natural human reaction, he had been right the first time. He reserves wrath for, and takes revenge on, his enemies. Matthew 1:18-25 tells the story only from Joseph's perspective, while Luke 1:26-56 is told wholly from Mary's point of view. Contradictions of the Quran Islam The Qur'an is by definition replete with contradictions because of the hermeneutical doctrine of "abrogation" [nasikh wa mansukh] which basically means that Allah gave a revelation to the prophet at one time and then later retracted that revelation and gave a new one - often the opposite of the previous one. In Rabbinical literature there are approximately 4000 parables recorded. Matthew does not say that the women saw the angel roll the stone back. This fidelity to the fundamental dogma of the religion, the elemental simplicity of the formula in which it is enunciated, the proof that it gains from the fervid conviction of the missionaries who propagate it, are so many causes to explain the success of Mohammedan missionary efforts. (a) thaddaeus (matthew 10:1-4; mark 3:13-19). (Note: The translation now prevalent, like a foolish man, inMT 7:26is a dishonest attempt to alleviate the obvious inconsistency here in that the oldest Greek manuscripts use the same Greek word translated fool inMT 5:22and like a foolish man inMT 7:26. The only common name to these two lists between David and Jesus is Joseph, How can this be true? . Do you guys have a website for all bible contradictions such as . }else{ (b) no (acts 9:7). (a) eight hundred thousand (2 samuel 24:9). The verses given are in complete harmony and the confusion arises solely from misreading the passage concerned. (a) mark does not give the words but he says that the words were the same as the first prayer (mark 14:39). Although it would be easy to change this recognized error, this has not been done in favour of remaining true to the manuscripts. in the Qur'an?". MK 1:23-24A demon cries out that Jesus is the Holy One of God.1JN 4:1-2Everyone who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. (Ecumenical Translation). Mat 27:28 scarlet On this point donald morgan had this to say in an article entitled introduction to the bible and biblical problems: while biblicists are capable of offering some sort of explanation for nearly any biblical problem that can be uncovered, such explanations should be unnecessary.

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bible contradictions islam