list of renaissance humanists

Many of the improvements in the quality of life introduced during the Roman Empire, such as a relatively efficient agriculture, extensive road networks, water-supply systems, and shipping routes, decayed substantially, as did artistic and scholarly endeavours. [citation needed], The Index was enforceable within the Papal States, but elsewhere only if adopted by the civil powers, as happened in several Italian states. Hieronymus Bosch is a highly individual artist, whose work is strange and Despite, or because of, the rampant abuses of the hierarchy, there were efforts to reform the church. Three key figures in Renaissance architecture were Filippo Brunelleschi, Leon Battista Alberti, and Andrea Palladio. [18] The revival of Greek literature during this period made Platonism fashionable again in Catholic intellectual circles. What is the difference between Christianity and Roman Catholicism? During the Protestant Reformation the churchs conflicting tendencies toward both corruption and reform coincided with the highly personal struggle of Martin Luther, who asked an essentially medieval question: How do I obtain a God who is merciful to me? Luther at first attempted a medieval answer to this question by becoming a monk and by subjecting himself to fasting and disciplinebut to no avail. [4][5] Likewise, Pope Leo X embroiled papal armies in fighting the protracted War of Urbino, an effort to secure the Pope's nephew Lorenzo II de Medici's rule over that city. [2][3][4] The 20th and final edition of the index appeared in 1948, and the Index was formally abolished on 14 June 1966 by Pope Paul VI. [10], List began regularly writing for a weekly newspaper, the Ostdeutsche Rundschau ("East German Review"), which had been established in 1890 by the Austrian Pan-German parliamentary deputy Karl Wolf. In which John Green teaches you about the European Renaissance. "[13][pageneeded], J. Martnez de Bujanda's Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 16001966 lists the authors and writings in the successive editions of the Index,[14] while Miguel Carvalho Abrantes's Why Did The Inquisition Ban Certain Books? Pre-publication censorship was encouraged. Accompanying these sociopolitical forces in the crisis of late medieval Roman Catholicism were spiritual and theological factors that also helped to bring about the Protestant Reformation. 570 ca. He claimed that the ancient brotherhood had consisted of three degrees, each with their own secret signs, grips, and passwords. [74] Thorsson then spearheaded "the post-war runic revival",[75] founding an initiatory organisation known as the Rune Gild in 1980. The designation "Renaissance philosophy" is used by scholars of intellectual history to refer to the thought of the period running in Europe roughly between 1400 and 1600 Humanists also encouraged the study of Aristotle and other writers of antiquity in the original. He defended his usage of the term with the claim that he was the descendant of aristocrats from Lower Austria and Styria, and that his great-grandfather had abandoned the title to become an inn keeper. The term and its conventional meaning were introduced by Italian humanists with invidious intent. Antwerp Mannerism is a term for painters showing some Italian influence, but mainly continuing the style and subjects of the older masters. It is associated with the pan-European Renaissance that is usually regarded as beginning in Italy in the late 14th century. The "ghost" may appear of its own accord or be summoned by magic.Linked to the ghost is the idea of a "haunting", where a supernatural entity is tied to a place, object or person. Amphibious campaigns in the Mediterranean, Although he was stopped at Kszeg and failed to conquer Vienna, since Ferdinand and Charles evaded an open field battle, Suleiman additionally secured his possession in Hungary by conquering several forts. Education can be thought of as the transmission of the values and accumulated knowledge of a society. The Renaissance Papacy was a period of papal history between the Western Schism and the Reformation. It was also the period during which the Roman Catholic Church, as an entity You can support us directly by signing up at to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?Facebook - - - Kids: The period is known for the initial development of the broader Renaissance culture that spread across Europe and marked the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity.Proponents of a "long Renaissance" argue that it started around the [76] These publications brought awareness of List to an English-speaking readership,[74] with his 1988 translation of List's The Secret of the Runes initiating a surge of interest in Ariosophy among the Heathen community of the United States. The Gothic style developed in art and architecture. In the Holy Roman Empire book censorship, which preceded publication of the Index, came under control of the Jesuits at the end of the 16th century, but had little effect, since the German princes within the empire set up their own systems. List's Wotanism was constructed largely on the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda, two Old Norse textual sources which had been composed in Iceland during the late Middle Ages; he nevertheless believed that they accurately reflected the belief systems of Germany, having been authored by "Wotanist" refugees fleeing Christianity. A ghost story is any piece of fiction, or drama, that includes a ghost, or simply takes as a premise the possibility of ghosts or characters' belief in them. [37] Many actions of the congregations were of a definite political content. After the dissolution of the Roman Empire, the idea arose of Europe as one large church-state, called Christendom. They did not speak of Augustines Six Ages of the World or believe in the chronology of Joachimite prophecy, but they nevertheless inherited a philosophy of history that began with the Garden of Eden and would end with the Second Coming of Christ. By the time the Reformation was over, a number of new Christian churches had emerged and the Roman Catholic Church had come to define its place in the new order. [19], The reforms of the Council of Constance were unambitious and unenforced. Please help this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. The balance of economic power slowly began to shift from the region of the eastern Mediterranean to western Europe. Filippo Brunelleschi Humanists. L'Eugne (1552) a comedy in five acts; Jacques Grvin. [54] Influenced by the Pan-Germanist politician Georg Ritter von Schnerer and his Away from Rome! The English Renaissance was a cultural and artistic movement in England from the early 16th century to the early 17th century. [1] Voices critical of the worldliness of the papacysuch as Savonarola in Florencewere excommunicated. In social studies, a political ideology is a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should work and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order.A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends it should be used. There were attempts to ban heretical books before the sixteenth century, notably in the ninth-century Decretum Glasianum; As in most of the rest of northern Europe, England saw little of these developments until more than a century later. "[15] This began when he received an operation to remove a cataract from his eye, after which he was left blind for eleven months. "[12][13], The Renaissance papacy began to decline when the Protestant Reformation splintered Western Christianity into denominations, and as nation-states (e.g. It goes further than romanisation, which is the transliteration of a word to the Latin Despite List's modern Pagan faith, the wedding was held in an evangelical Protestant church, reflecting the growing popularity of Protestantism among Austria's Pan-German community, who perceived it as a more authentically German form of Christianity than the Catholicism that was popular among Austria-Hungary's other ethnic and linguistic communities. Italian Renaissance influences begin to show on Early Netherlandish painting around 1500, but in many ways the older style was remarkably persistent. In his books and lectures List invited true Germans to behold the clearly discernible remains of a wonderful theocratic Ario-German state, wisely governed by priest-kings and gnostic initiates, in the archaeology, folklore, and landscape of his homeland. [45] He believed that the Armanenschaft had societal control over the ancient German people, acting as teachers, priests, and judges. [7], The popes of this period ruled as absolute monarchs, but unlike their European peers, they were not hereditary rulers, so a plurality of them promoted their family interests through nepotism. [37] He believed that prior to the spread of Christianity into Northern Europe, there had once been a culturally unified German civilisation that had been spread across much of Europe, which came to be degraded and divided under the impact of Christianity. Guido Karl Anton List was born on 5 October 1848 in Vienna, then part of the Austrian Empire. [28] Nevertheless, a peace treaty was concluded a year later with Ferdinand. [33] He expressed the view that Norse mythology accorded with and thus proved the cosmogonical teachings of Theosophy. The popes themselves seemed to set the tone. Humanist definition, a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity. movement, List decried the growing influence of linguistically Slavic communities within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Rather than starting from the early 14th-century ars nova, the Trecento music was treated by musicology as a coda to Medieval music and the new era dated from the rise of triadic harmony and the spread Encyclopdia Britannica: Index Librorum Prohibitorum). Many different kinds of social units proliferated, including guilds, associations, civic councils, and monastic chapters, each eager to obtain some measure of autonomy. On arrival at the Anhalter Station at Berlin, List felt too exhausted to continue the journey. Humanist definition, a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity. Renaissance humanism was a revival in the study of classical antiquity, at first in Italy and then spreading across Western Europe in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. Titled "Ario-Germanic research reports", they covered List's opinions on the meaning and magical power of runes, the ancient Wotanic priesthood, Austrian folklore and place-names, and the secret messages within heraldic devices. A June 1966 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith notification announced that, while the Index maintained its moral force, in that it taught Christians to beware, as required by the natural law itself, of those writings that could endanger faith and morality, it no longer had the force of ecclesiastical positive law with the associated penalties. [1] Conciliarisma movement to assert the authority of ecumenical councils over popeswas also defeated; papal supremacy was maintained and strengthened at the expense of the papacy's moral prestige. [8] Nikola ubi Zrinski's success in an attack upon an Ottoman encampment at Sikls, and as a consequence Suleiman's siege of Szigetvr, blocked Ottoman's line of advance towards Vienna. [12] Some have argued[weaselwords] that the developments since the abolition of the Index signify "the loss of relevance of the Index in the 21st century. The College was dominated by cardinal-nephews (relatives of the popes that elevated them), crown-cardinals (representatives of the Catholic monarchies of Europe), and members of the powerful Italian families. [15] In 1903 List published an article in Die Gnosis magazine, which reflected a clear influence from the ideas of the Theosophical Society. [21] He operated as leader of this group, using the title of Grand Master. [29], Louis II of HungaryCampaigns 1 (Belgrade) and 3 (Mohcs), Philippe Villiers de L'Isle-AdamCampaign 2 (Rhodes), Ferdinand ICampaigns 4 (Vienna), 5 (Gns/Kszeg), 9 (Buda), and 10 (Gran/Esztergom), Tahmasp ICampaigns 6 (Iraqain), 11 (Iran), and 12 (Nakhchivan), List of the campaigns carried out by the Ottoman sultan Suleiman I, List of campaigns of Suleiman the Magnificent. From tales of chivalrous knights to the barbarity of the Inquisition and the misery of the Black Death, no era has been a greater source of awe, horror, and wonder than the Middle Ages. This decline persisted throughout the Migration period, a historical period sometimes called the Dark Ages, Late Antiquity, or the Early Middle Ages. Both church and government held to a belief in censorship, but the publishers continually pushed back on the efforts to ban books and shut down printing. [3] According to his later account, he developed an early interest in the pre-Christian religions of Austria, coming to believe that the catacombs beneath St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna had once been a shrine devoted to a pagan deity. He was regarded by his readers and followers as a bearded old patriarch and a mystical nationalist guru whose clairvoyant gaze had lifted the glorious Aryan and Germanic past of Austria into full view from beneath the debris of foreign influences and Christian culture. "The works appearing on the Index are only those that ecclesiastical authority was asked to act upon" (, "The entanglement of Church and state power in many cases led to overtly political titles being placed on the Index, titles which had little to do with immorality or attacks on the Catholic faith. [24], During World War I, List erroneously proclaimed that there would be victory for the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary, claiming to have learned this information from a vision that he experienced in 1917. L'Eugne (1552) a comedy in five acts; Jacques Grvin. [11], List began lecturing on these subjects; for instance, in February 1893 he spoke to the nationalist Verein 'Deutsches Geschichte' ("'German History' Association) on the ancient priesthood of Wotan. [81], A bibliography of List's published books is provided in Goodrick-Clarke's study The Occult Roots of Nazism. [6] He was involved in both solitary and group expeditions into the Austrian Alps, and it was on one of the latter journeys that he left his mountaineering group to spend Midsummer night alone atop the Geiselberg hillfort. [9] On 26 September 1878 he married his first wife, Helene Frster-Peters. In Western Europe, the first work to use the term polymathy in its title (De Polymathia tractatio: integri operis de [32] In later work, this Theosophical influence over List's thinking grew, and he began referencing works such as Helena Blavatsky's Die Geheimlehre ("The Secret Doctrine") and William Scott-Elliot's The Lost Lemuria in his publications. The term is alternatively applied to a variety of Western beliefs, methods, and philosophies that place central emphasis on the human realm. For full treatment, see Europe, history of: The Middle Ages. [54] The later Heathen and runologist Edred Thorsson noted that List's "theories were to some degree based on the anti-semitic dogmas of the day",[59] while Hammer stated that the Ariosophic tradition promulgated by List and others was "unambiguously racist and anti-semitic". [5][6][pageneeded][7], The Index condemned religious and secular texts alike, grading works by the degree to which they were seen to be repugnant to the church. [25] [49] He also claimed that the Medieval Knights Templar had been keepers of these Armanist secrets, and that they had been persecuted by the Christian establishment as a result of this; he believed that the deity they were accused of worshiping, Baphomet, was actually a sigil of the Maltese Cross representing Armanist teachings. Christendom was thought to consist of two distinct groups of functionaries: the sacerdotium, or ecclesiastical hierarchy, and the imperium, or secular leaders. The term is alternatively applied to a variety of Western beliefs, methods, and philosophies that place central emphasis on the human realm. The Anabaptists, as their name indicates, were accused by their opponents of rebaptizing those who had received the sacrament of baptism as infants (the Anabaptists advocated adult baptism and held that infant baptism was invalid); this was, at its foundation, a redefinition of the nature of the church, which they saw not as the institution allied with the state and embracing both the good and the wicked but as the community of true believers who had accepted the cost of Christian discipleship by a free personal decision. [15][pageneeded]. [39], List believed that the basic teachings of Wotanism were found in the runic alphabet, believing that they could be deciphered by linking these letters with particular runic spells which appear in the Old Norse Havamal. [1], There were attempts to ban heretical books before the sixteenth century, notably in the ninth-century Decretum Glasianum; the Index of Prohibited Books of 1560 banned thousands of book titles and blacklisted publications, including the works of Europe's intellectual elites. [12] The group was partly based upon the 15th-century Litteraria Sodalita Danubiana created by the Viennese humanist Conrad Celtes, about whom List authored a brief biography in 1893. Renaissance music is traditionally understood to cover European music of the 15th and 16th centuries, later than the Renaissance era as it is understood in other disciplines. By 1918, List was in declining health, furthered by the food shortages experienced in Vienna as a result of the war. For example, a history of Bohemia, the Rervm Bohemica Antiqvi Scriptores Aliqvot by Marqvardi Freheri (published in 1602), was placed on the Index not for attacking the Church, but rather because it advocated the independence of Bohemia from the (Catholic) Austro-Hungarian Empire. Nevertheless, the Anabaptists retained, in their doctrines of God and Christ, the historical orthodoxy of the Nicene Creed. Wannieck was also president of the Verein 'Deutsches Haus' ("'German House' Association"), a nationalist organisation of linguistically German inhabitants of Brno who felt encircled by the largely Czech population of South Moravia. As in most of the rest of northern Europe, England saw little of these developments until more than a century later. to the influence of Renaissance masters. This question was put to Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, pro-prefect of the congregation, who responded in the negative. Ultimately, the pope was the one who had to approve of works being added or removed from the Index. A polymath (Greek: , polymaths, "having learned much"; Latin: homo universalis, "universal human") is an individual whose knowledge spans a substantial number of subjects, known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.. [13], List's activities had made him a celebrity within the Austrian Pan-German movement, with the editors of the Ostdeutsche Rundschau convening a Guido List evening in April 1895 and South Vienna's Wieden Singers' Club holding a List festival in April 1897. L'Eugne (1552) a comedy in five acts; Jacques Grvin. The term is alternatively applied to a variety of Western beliefs, methods, and philosophies that place central emphasis on the human realm. [31], List believed that the degradation of modern Western society was as a result of a conspiracy orchestrated by a secret organisation known as the Great International Party,[60] an idea influenced by anti-semitic conspiracy theories. [13] Having divorced his previous wife, in August 1899 List married Anna Wittek, who was from Stecky in Bohemia. [67] In List's opinion, this new empire would be highly hierarchical, with non-Aryans being subjugated under the Aryan population and opportunities for education and jobs in public service being restricted to those deemed racially pure. During the period, the term humanist (Italian: umanista) referred to teachers and students of the humanities, known as the studia humanitatis, which included grammar, rhetoric, history, poetry, and moral philosophy. Feudalism and the related term feudal system are labels invented long after the period to which they were applied. [27] Immediately after the Ottoman withdraw, Ferdinand reoccupied devastated territory in Austria and Hungary. [4] The details of the first eight campaigns were preserved in Suleiman's diary. [46] In List's interpretation of history, the Christian missionaries persecuted the Armanenschaft, resulting in many fleeing northward into Scandinavia and Iceland. [57] A fewPetrarch was the most conspicuous among themfelt that their lot was cast in a dark time, which had begun with the decline of the Roman Empire. We'd argue that any cultural shift that occurs over a couple of hundred years isn't too overwhelming to the people who live through it. During the 1890s he continued writing vlkisch articles, now largely for the nationalist Ostdeutsche Rundschau newspaper, with his works taking on an anti-semitic dimension halfway through that decade. Wall St posts third straight quarterly loss as inflation weighs, recession looms. [42] Other areas adopted their own lists of forbidden books. The designation "Renaissance philosophy" is used by scholars of intellectual history to refer to the thought of the period running in Europe roughly between 1400 and 1600 Humanists also encouraged the study of Aristotle and other writers of antiquity in the original. Often led by members of the clergy, they were shocked by the accelerated dismantling of the vestiges of the classical world and the rapid loss of its literature. [31] List's early Theosophical influence came largely from the writings of German Theosophist Max Ferdinand Sebaldt von Werth, who had combined Theosophical ideas with his own interpretations of Germanic mythology and emphasis on racial doctrines, thus anticipating Ariosophy. A polymath (Greek: , polymaths, "having learned much"; Latin: homo universalis, "universal human") is an individual whose knowledge spans a substantial number of subjects, known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.. [12] He also authored two further novels during the 1890s, both of which were historical romances set in Iron Age Germany. Information overload (also known as infobesity, infoxication, information anxiety, and information explosion) is the difficulty in understanding an issue and effectively making decisions when one has too much information (TMI) about that issue, and is generally associated with the excessive quantity of daily information. Updates? Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (5 October 1848 17 May 1919), was an Austrian occultist, journalist, playwright, and novelist.He expounded a modern Pagan new religious movement known as Wotanism, which he claimed was the revival of the religion of the ancient German race, and which included an inner set of Ariosophical teachings that he termed This 20th[36] edition contained 4,000 titles censored for various reasons: heresy, moral deficiency, sexual explicitness, and so on. [32], Writing in 2003, the historian of religion Mattias Gardell believed that List had become the "revered guru of Ariosophic paganism". In 1529 Suleiman's conquests were checked at the siege of Vienna. (2011). The sack of Rome by Alaric the Visigoth in 410 ce had enormous impact on the political structure and social climate of the Western world, for the Roman Empire had provided the basis of social cohesion for most of Europe. [3][Note 2] The total duration of these campaigns was ten years and three months. [58], In many cases, an author's opera omnia (complete works) were forbidden. "[72] In 1984, Thorsson expressed the view that List's impact was such that he was "able to shape the runic theories of German magicians (although not necessarily their political ones) from that time to the present day. [1], According to the historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, 1902 marked "a fundamental change in the character of [List's] ideas: occult ideas now entered his fantasy of the ancient Germanic faith. [29] In 1559, a new index was finally published, banning the entire works of some 550 authors in addition to the individual proscribed titles:[29][note 1] "The Pauline Index felt that the religious convictions of an author contaminated all his writing. Following the Council of Trent in 1545, the humanism once encouraged by the Renaissance papacy came to be regarded as against the teachings of the Church.[15][14].

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list of renaissance humanists