cultural relativism anthropology quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology?, The Garbage Project and "African Burial Ground" are examples of which branch of anthropology?, Widely known as the founder of American anthropology, Franz Boas insisted that and more. b.All anthropologists work in academic institutions. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology?, The Garbage Project and "African Burial Ground" are examples of which branch of anthropology?, Widely known as the founder of American anthropology, Franz Boas insisted that and more. ____________________ was a Russian Mayan scholar who determined that Maya script was a mixed system, combining word signs and phonetic signs corresponding to the sounds of spoken Maya. Identify whether or not these are examples of a credible way to establish ethnographic authority. Social institutions often appear monolithic and unchanging. Facebook wasn't the first social media site, of course; it had to compete with earlier sites, such as Friendster and MySpace. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like An etic perspective would include which of the following?, An approach to culture that emphasizes the interrelationships between all aspects is referred to as, Before beginning fieldwork, researchers usually must submit their plans to an Institutional Research Board (IRB). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Language, Place the languages in order from highest to lowest number of native speakers., Don Kulick's study of the use of the word no in sexual relations in the United States suggests that men may not even hear the actual word because it does not conform to their cultural expectations of what women should say in During the seminar, the "lower" group felt stereotyped as __________ if they tried to complain about their treatment. (Q002) What is an example of nonmaterial culture? a. a photography exhibit at a modern art museum Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like According to the textbook, the sociological study of culture began with which theorist? ____________________ was a brilliant archaeologist and epigrapher who created a meticulous classification system for over 800 Maya signs. 44 terms. A variable that is thought to be influenced by another variable is known as the: Which of the following factors is needed to establish causality? In addition, skateboarders have distinctive gear, such as skate shoes designed to provide grip and durability. For some tourists visiting the monument at that time, the cultural collision with tattooed and long-haired bikers might be jarring. Which global connections are described in this film? Biological anthropology and archaeology use what kind of approach to research? Which mode of production has these three central features: private property is owned by a business class; workers sell their labor power to survive; and surpluses of wealth are produced? Undertaking a period of fieldwork in cultural anthropology typically requires, interacting on a daily basis with a group of people to learn about them, Today, anthropologists recognize all of the following EXCEPT, culture change has led to the loss of an authentic way of life for peoples around the world. b. literature and historical texts. Does the anthropologist practice emic or etic forms of data collection? In anthropology, the process of learning culture as it is transmitted by others is called, Clifford Geertz, a post-modern anthropologist, stressed the importance of, language, as a means of transmitting symbolic knowledge in public contexts, The term primitive is a term that implies all of the following EXCEPT, an objective and neutral approach to newly encountered peoples, "Going native" means that an anthropologist, participates more fully in local life than an observer, becoming romantically or sexually involved with Native people and/or taking on leadership roles in society. a. a photography exhibit at a modern art museum the unique set of practices that anthropologists-particularly cultural ones- have developed to put people first as we analyze how human societies work, considered an essential part of an anthropologist's training, The theory of unilinear cultural evolution, idea that all cultures would naturally evolve through the same sequence of stages from simple to complex and that the diversity of humans cultural expressions represented different stages in the evolution of human culture, which could be classified in comparison to one another, Fieldwork strategy developed by Franz Boas to rapidly collect cultural, material, linguistic, and biological information about U.S. A ten-year-old girl idolizes singers like Beyonc and compares herself to them, making them her, Friends typically don't have formal rules and structures. ____________________ was an architect, artist, and Mayan scholar who first determined that Mayan stele were the family histories of rulers. c. are used by people who wish to fit in. Within the activity, there are distinct variations on how it's done, and the skating vocabulary can vary by place. Jane Elliot imposed discriminatory rules, such as not being allowed to go to recess and not being allowed to have seconds at lunch, against the children with __________ eyes the first day. Once home in Kent, England, Darwin began examining his collections, as well as the nature around him, and came to the realization that species best suited to their environments live longer and reproduce more, a process he called __________. a) It is a set of relatively enduring behavioral and cognitive characteristics, traits, or predispositions that people take with them to different situations, contexts, and interactions with others, and that contribute to differences among Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The sequencing of mitochondrial DNA to trace changes in human ancestors over time involves which specialization of anthropology?, What kind of approach enables an anthropologist to examine the similarities and differences between societies' gender roles?, Which of the following directly contributes to Ethnography. "Social physics" or "positivism" is best defined as the: ideas influence society, not just economics. What was the problem with Flaherty's "documentary" film, Nanook of the North? He believed in Historical Particularism and Cultural Relativism. Chapter 5 Book Problems - ACC-307. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Over time, humans have become increasingly dependent on which of the following in order to cope with the range of environments they have occupied in time and space? Rarely, foraging groups may become sedentary instead of nomadic. d. describe English culture better than English does. Antonio Gramsci's concept for the historical process in which a dominant group exercises moral and intellectual leadership by voluntarily receiving the approval and consent of the masses is known as: de facto censorship may occur because it becomes easier to suppress messages that media owners don't support. Anthropologists continued this tradition with formalized approaches to data collection and analysis.Place the following descriptive accounts of other cultures in order from first to most recent. ____________________, the first person to decipher a Mayan glyph, determined that the dots and bars in the glyphs were numbers. Jane Elliott estimated that it took about __________ for the children to begin discriminating against one another. And a dep. if one member of the group leaves, the group ceases to exist. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The sequencing of mitochondrial DNA to trace changes in human ancestors over time involves which specialization of anthropology?, What kind of approach enables an anthropologist to examine the similarities and differences between societies' gender roles?, Which of the following directly contributes to The Pharaoh __________ built three great monuments known as the Meidum Pyramid, the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid. Which global connections are described in this film? a.Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century colonialism gave rise to the discipline. The Chicago School of American Sociology emphasized the importance of. According to Georg Simmel, which of the following groups is the most fragile? c. are English derivatives. How do anthropologists understand the ritual of Christmas for its participants? The role of the IRB is to and more. Herodotus travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and the area now known as Ukraine. reckless driving What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose? In a pastoralist society, wealth and status are measured by, The mode of exchange that is characterized by regulation by supply and demand and transactions that are often impersonal (with strangers) but may be personal (with acquaintances or family members) is, Foragers have a broad spectrum diet, that is, they have a diet based on a wide range of food resources, The four modes of subsistence recognized by anthropologists are, Foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture, use the fur and wool of animals for warmth and clothing. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ethnographic fieldwork, Fieldwork experience, The theory of unilinear cultural evolution and more. He staged certain scenes and provided traditional props to recreate an imagined past for the Inuit, Chapter author Nelson tells the story of her fieldwork experience in two Mayan villages in highland Chiapas in order to describe, how learning to weave helped her understand her ethnographic research in a new way, Clifford Geertz' term, "thick description," refers to the ethnographer's focus on, the context and meanings of any cultural practice, Armchair anthropology is a term used to refer to, a type of early anthropology based on the tales of others who had traveled to foreign lands, A sense of trust and a comfortable working relationship in which the informant and the ethnographer are at ease with each other is referred to as having, The idea that we should seek to understand another person's beliefs and behaviors from the perspective of their culture rather than our own is called, Salvage ethnography was an approach that emphasized, preserving and collecting "authentic" and traditional ways of life that were disappearing, The idea that one's cultural upbringing and social environment, rather than one's biology, primarily determine behavior is an idea called. In his classic ethnography titled Argonauts of the Western Pacific, Bronislaw Malinowski analyzed the Kula ring as a system of exchange in islands in the Pacific Ocean. 1. learn the language, do a literature review, garner local and financial support. Cultural Anthropology Midterm Chapter 4. Two years after the publication of On the Origin of Species, the Natural History Museum purchased __________, a transitional fossil that was part reptile, part bird. 10 terms. Our interpretations of how others see us are more important than the reality of how others see us. Which of the following is NOT a major subfield of anthropology in the United States? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the United States, the gesture made by forming a circle with one's forefinger and thumb means "OK". eric_stephenson3. When one factor is said to influence another factor, it is called: Elizabeth would like to conduct a study to determine how women define spousal abuse and the meanings they attach to their experiences. conducting a survey about how often people attend church. 1: Practice. These are, all of the answer choices are correct(correct), Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese. a) It is a set of relatively enduring behavioral and cognitive characteristics, traits, or predispositions that people take with them to different situations, contexts, and interactions with others, and that contribute to differences among Which of the following best describes the difference between the I and the me in George HerbertMead's theory? Which of the following is true about a gesture-call system? AshaRangappa, dean of admissions at Yale Law School, explained that most students who apply to Yale Law School have already benefited from opportunities that make them appear to be stronger candidates than those from less advantaged backgrounds. establishing ethnographic authority: "My fieldwork in Frakerville lasted 24 months, and I developed fluency in Spanish in order to include the Spanish-speaking population of the town.". Why did anthropologist Horace Miner write "Body Ritual among the Nacirema" (1956)? Which of the following subsistence activities is an example of an immediate return system? Paul Farmer, working as both a __________ and a __________, demonstrates the applied potential of anthropology. Affect the relationship between an ind. Why were some anthropologists angered by the participation of their colleagues in this program? c.Anthropology does not study human diversity. EXAM 1 REVIEW. d. describe English culture better than English does. Ethnography. Which of the following describes the deductive approach to research? "I am having a really hard time concentrating when the TV volume is so loud.". eric_stephenson3. This technique will ensure that Sean will ________. b. literature and historical texts. The first Pre-Cambrian fossil ever identified was __________, discovered in 1957 in the forests outside of Leicester, England and dated to 562 million years old. millseric100. In his classic ethnography titled ?, Bronislaw Malinowski analyzed the ? What term is used to refer to the immersive, long-term research that cultural anthropologists undertake? critically assessing how our role as researchers may affect the people we study. All of the following statements about language are true except: d. Men accommodate more to topics women raise. A group of children are playing a game called "telephone," in which one child whispers a message to another, who then passes it along, until the last child announces the message to the whole group. Using language that incorrectly represents people as unchanging (e.g., "Frank is selfish.") The __________ University Psychology Department informally confirmed that after spending a day as "superior" people, Jane Elliott's students' test scores maintained a higher level for the remainder of the school year. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the definition of Anthropology?, Define Cultural Relativism, What is ethnocentrism? Zealous friar __________ inflicted a primitive inquisition on the Mayan culture with the intention of destroying their writing system, which he viewed as devil worship. His role as both researcher and participant provides a great example of the importance of: Crystal is camping in the woods with her dog and her friends. After the professor lectures, the class breaks up into groups, a shift from being _______ to ______. Internalizing values beliefs and norms required to become a functioning member of a society: Long stretches of leisure time and child-initiated play. Which of the following is the clearest behavioral description? According to research by Annette Lareau(2003), parents of different social classes socialize their children differently. This is an example of what language rule? In developing the paper discussing your study results, what is one of the challenges you in particular must overcome to produce an unbiased study? Who developed the theory that uses game playing to understand the development of the self? a. the ways in which symbols can be arranged. C. climatic Which of the following errors is illustrated in this statement? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like (Q001) Material culture includes a. values, beliefs, behaviors, and social norms. A complete sentence must have a subject and verb. Ch. Ordinary people could learn the "truth" through observation and experience, Jane Goodall's work with nonhuman primates highlights the value of. A(n) ______ approach starts with empirical observations and works to form a theory. The researcher: It can capture what people do not just what they say they do. d.Anthropology reinforces ethnocentrism. inviting key informants to write part of the ethnography that represents their lives. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Disciplines in the category of social sciences include:, These interdisciplinarians regard integration as the key distinguishing characteristic of interdisciplinarity and the goal of fully interdisciplinary work:, Interdisciplinarity, particularly in its instrumental form, and more. When I refer to my math classmates and say they're a "bunch of good guys," I may have caused a misunderstanding in that I used, One of the problems we run into when we use abstract language is that we, Using high-level abstractions may be helpful when the abstractions, A speaker's willingness to take responsibility for his/her thoughts or feelings can be indicated by the use of. Who defined the concept of cultural relativism? The in-depth study of everyday practices and lives of a people is referred to as, Before beginning fieldwork, researchers usually must submit their plans to an Institutional Research Board (IRB). The gap between the first instance of self-portraiture by camera and the proliferation of the term "selfie" more than a century later is an (extreme) example of, In what country did Reg and Ruth Coles serve as missionaries? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like human, nature, past and present and more. Which of the following anthropologists is widely considered to be one of the founders of modern North American anthropology, with its focus on fieldwork and cultural relativism? b. have caused international war. mardi gras beads and the chinese sweatshop workers who make them. Pages 17-18 1.4. The three other sub fields in anthropology - biological anthropology, because anthropology focuses on the , Place the steps of the scientific method in order. To reach his goal of collecting data and interpreting it well, Franz Boas introduced and practiced the concepts of __________ which is the rapid gathering of all available material, and ______________ or seeing the merits of each culture from that culture's perspective. Anthropologists continued this tradition with formalized approaches to data collection and analysis. a. George Herbert Mead c. mile Durkheim b. Karl Marx d. Max Weber, Johann is from the United Kingdom. According to Annette Lareau (2203), the "accomplishment of natural growth" means: Quantitative sociologists view data as numbers. Ch. In cultures that stress formality in language. The Must Farm village dates to at least __________ years after Stonehenge was erected. e. express family relationships better than English. driving while intoxicated All this sets skaters apart as a kind o, (Q009) Sociologist Allison Pugh researched consumer culture and socioeconomic class differences through parental purchases for children. According to textile expert __________, the fabric found at Must Farm Quarry is woven from natural plant fibers with incredible care and expert workmanship. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ethnographic fieldwork, Fieldwork experience, The theory of unilinear cultural evolution and more. Why do the authors of this chapter decide to talk to a patron of a coffee shop? Which of the following anthropologists wrote about how culture shapes a region's personality traits in Patterns of Culture (1934)? 3000 word essay in one night sat essay blank paper writing and reading essay do you underline the title of your essay how to do an introduction research paper how to write an essay about a hero essay about land resources personal development essay tagalog research paper topics film industry literary essay notes essay on composition of blood how to get a dissertation topic Which subfield of anthropology aims to solve specific practical problems in collaboration with governmental, non-profit, and community organizations? For centuries, explorers, missionaries, and others gave accounts of different cultures that they encountered around the world. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Over time, humans have become increasingly dependent on which of the following in order to cope with the range of environments they have occupied in time and space? c. replacing abstract terms with concrete ones. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term for the process of participant-observation fieldwork in cultural anthropology?, Cultural relativism argues that we should seek to, What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose? A third party who: the structure social relations will take. c. may undermine relational goals to accomplish content goals. This image depicts two men who have sold their kidneys on the illegal global market, the subject of Nancy Scheper-Hughes's fieldwork about the dynamics of globalization. Okay?"? Which element of an "I" statement does this phrase represent? with better communication systems, people often read what is written about them, adherence to defined techniques (participant observation, field notes, interviews, mapping, etc.). Many Americans believe that shark attacks happen more frequently than they actually do. EXAM 1 REVIEW. eric_stephenson3. ____________________ first photographed Mayan hieroglyphs in the 1880's. b. language operates as a perceptual schema. a. language exerts a strong influence on perceptions. Which of the following is defining of the discipline of sociology as distinct from other social sciences, according to the textbook?a)A focus on examining how society works. If she interprets her experience through a sociological lens, she will see culture in everything around her except for: One of the two main categories of culture that includes values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors is known as: The experience of internalizing a culture's norms, values, and the like is known as: is a reflection of the means of production at a particular time. In the book, Malinowski also provided guidelines for anthropologists conducting fieldwork, an approach that today is still called __________. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The United States is the most _____ of all cultures. Which categories do sociologists use to distinguish between majority groups (greater power) and minority groups (lesser power)? Ethnographic writing techniques have changed dramatically since Malinowski, Mead, and Evans-Pritchard published their books in the early twentieth century. How do biological anthropologists know what they know?, What is true about social EXAM 1 REVIEW. Making an inference is a reasonable thing to do relationally as long as. If I say "here the drink bring," I have violated a(n) ________ rule of our language. Emilia is studying global development, and in investigating underdevelopment in Africa, she turns to economist Jeffrey Sachs. Which of the following is the least abstraction statement? What aspects of culture did Bob, the coffee shop patron, identify in his definition of culture? Approximately __________ million people have used consumer DNA testing. He calls this: Two young men are on an elevator together. One major concern with restricted ownership of major media outlets is that: According to Pugh's research, because low-income parents cannot give their children every toy and gadget they want, the parents engage in: Which of the following was an example of the concept of culture lag discussed in lecture? 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cultural relativism anthropology quizlet