cloudburst mitigation upsc

The plan aims at decoupling 3040% of the stormwater from the combined sewer system. Two companies join to form Environmental Containment Corporation, Photo 39822649 Lawrence Henderson |, NYC to begin major green infrastructure project, Photo by Michael Dietze / University of Gttingen, Earthquake sensors can track floods early, Photo 6305440 / Drought Oleksandr Buzko | What is the most effective tool in each city's cloudburst-mitigation toolbox? However, as we have been witnessing, the intensity of heavy rainfall occurrences in a short spell of time has been increasing. In a true Danish and Scandinavian spirit, developing a long-term plan and executing it is the key to successful and sustainable development of our cities. A "cloudburst" is a sudden, heavy downpour where a lot of rain falls in a short amount of time. To understand the difference let us dive deep into the topic. This is in order to level out the effects of climate change that are predicted to cause 40% more extreme rainfall over a hundred-year period. Cloudburst is localized but there is a huge amount of precipitation in a very short time usually followed by thunder and flood conditions. Why are dewdrops not formed on a cloudy night? National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Guidelines on Landslide . This creates a vast area for the collection of rainwater, while also improving the recreational value of the city. According to the Disaster Mitigation Centre, two more bodies were recovered in Bastadi village of Pithoragarh district. UPSC Syllabus. A cloudburst refers to an extreme amount of rain that happens in a short period, sometimes accompanied by hail and thunder, and this has a precise definition. 2022 All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York, the Cloudburst Management in NYC for Long-Term Resilience Presentation, Homeowners Guide to Rain Event Preparedness, NYCHA: South Jamaica Houses Cloudburst Master Plan 2018. the array of physical features, both natural and constructed. A public engagement process will also begin in 2022 to incorporate community input into the planning process. Cloudbursts can cause flooding, damage property, disrupt critical infrastructure, and pollute New Yorks rivers and Harbor. Your email address will not be published. The best-laid plans for disaster mitigation following quakes can go awry, but some lessons can be learnt from the past. Landslides affect 15% of Indian landmass, but their susceptibility may increase in the future owing to climate change and population pressures. Strengthening the structural and non-structural dimensions of earthquake mitigation efforts. One of the more radical suggestions is to transform one of Copenhagens three inner-city lakes, Saint Joergens Lake, into a beach park by lowering the water level in the lake. They analysed atmospheric pressure, temperature, rainfall, cloud water content, cloud fraction, cloud particle radius, cloud mixing ratio, total cloud cover, wind speed, wind direction, and relative humidity during the cloudburst, before as well as after the cloudburst. Thank you ClearIAS", Smart Work Approach to clear the IAS exam. During this time, the rivers bring heavy sediment load from the catchments. Cloudbursts can cause flooding, damage property, disrupt critical infrastructure, and pollute New York's rivers and Harbor. An initial economic analysis indicated that the cost of doing nothing to mitigate flooding would triple in 100 years due to climate change affecting the weather patterns. Generally cloudbursts are associated with thunderstorms. Ponds in the area filled up and so did the Thennakudipalayam lake. The notes and questions for Natural Hazards and Disasters- 1 have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus. You can reference the NYC Stormwater Flood Maps to understand if your residence or place of business is at risk of rainfall-based flooding in the future. Detailing the Vision in theMaster Plan Rainfall over 100 mm or 10 cm per hour over a region of 20 to 30 square km falls into this category. About Cloudburst? If you would like to join the mailing list and learn about future events and opportunities to get involved, please email A cloudburst is a sudden, heavy downpour where a lot of rain falls in a short amount of time. Short spells of very heavy rainfall over a small geographical area can cause widespread destruction, especially in hilly regions. Cloudbursts are short-duration, intense rainfall events over a small area. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), it is a weather phenomenon with unexpected precipitation exceeding 100mm/h over a geographical region of approximately 20-30 square km. Also, there is evidence suggesting that globally short-duration rainfall extremes are going to become more intense and frequent. Roads are basically backup systems for conventional storms sewers, conveying runoff to retention . Cloudbursts are short-duration, intense rainfall events over a small area. (200 Words) The sudden movement of rock, debris or earth along the slope is called landslide. By this definition, 5 cm of rainfall in a half-hour period over the same area can also be categorized as a cloudburst. Cloudbursts are short-duration, intense rainfall events over a small area. The most important part of UPSC IAS exam is its syllabus and there is a need to take an in-depth look at it. Cloudbursts happen when drenched clouds are not able to cause rain because of the rising movement of the extremely hot current of air. The cloudburst master plan intends to create synergy for the city as a whole through visionary solutions. Photo courtesy Environmental Containment Corporation. So the answer is D. However, some of the sources have given the answer as C as well. Get your personal guidance plan now! The cloudburst is a localised weather phenomena representing highly concentrated rainfall over a small area lasting for few hours. Cloudbursts happen when drenched clouds are not able to cause rain because of the rising movement of the extremely hot current of air. intense rainfall caused by cloudburst, the magnitude of a flash flood is dramatically affected by pre-existing physical factors such as ground cover, topography and soil moisture. For more information about cloudburst pilot projects see pages 4849 of the Green Infrastructure 2020 Annual Report. Such clouds usually cause rain, thunder and lightning. Cloudburst management implements a combination of methods that absorb, store, and transfer stormwater to minimize flooding from cloudburst events. Additionally, the forecasts are for a relatively large geographical area, usually a region, a state, a meteorological sub-division, or at best a district. If you would like to report flood-related issues, such as ponding, street flooding, or sewer backups, please call 311. The density of the cloud increases greatly with the weight of the drops and then suddenly heavy rain starts. What are cloudbursts? The India Meteorological Department (IMD) defines a cloudburst as any event where 100 millimetres of rainfall have fallen in a span of an hour over a region that is 20-30 square kilometres in area. Drought has been recognised as a disaster in view of its spatial expanse, temporal duration, slow onset and lasting effect on vulnerable sections. Not all instances of very heavy rainfall, however, are cloudbursts. These unstable clouds cause an intense rainstorm over a small area after becoming heavy enough and locked in the ridges and valleys between the hills. As they zoom in over smaller areas, the forecasts get more and more uncertain. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) defines it as unexpected precipitation exceeding 100mm (or 10 cm) per hour over a geographical region of approximately 20 to 30 square km. Our training methods are different from traditional coaching. Many UPSC toppers thank ClearIAS for our role in their success. They are more likely to occur in mountainous zones mainly because of terrain and elevation. How do Cloudbursts occur? They can occur inside warm, moist air masses and at fronts. The Vasishta river flooded due to this. As temperatures increase the atmosphere can hold more and more moisture and this moisture comes down as a short very intense rainfall for a short duration. In addition, the plan aims to create robust solutions that drain the low-lying areas. Cloudburst Occurrence It happens when moist air moves up a hill, forming a vertical column of clouds known as 'cumulonimbus' clouds. May 19, 2016. Colloquially, the term cloudburst may be used to describe any sudden heavy, brief, and usually unforecastable rainfall. Uttarakhand cloudburst: 3 more bodies recovered, toll rises to 18. Thunder happens because the lightning would heat the air at huge temperatures and the air expands so fast that it make a loud clap of thunder. The air currents rushing upwards in a rainstorm hold up a large amount of water. The water would so fast that it can not give you much time to think and get to take necessary action. Subject: Geography. A landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth, down a slope due to the action of gravity. It recorded 213 mm of rain in one day. ForumIAS is the repository of many toppers' Online study materials for GS Mains and Optional subjects. Join 3,00,000+ Subscribers! A socioeconomic analysis was done for the master plan. The vision that Ramboll created for this boulevard is to change the whole road profile to a V-shaped profile, creating a large retention volume in the lowered green area in the center of the profile. What is cloudburst? I practised and revised ClearIAS online mock exams from my mobile whenever I got time and it really helped me in my prelims preparation. What are Cloudburst? It makes good sense to work with multifunctional spaces in dense cities where space is scarce and the spaces are available for play and recreation 99% of the time. As the warm, moist air moves upward, it cools, condenses, and forms cumulonimbus clouds that can reach heights of over 20 km (12.45 miles). It reported 95mm of rain in an hour. Above Village Hyper Market, Chandralyout Main Road, Helping New Yorkers understand and manage vulnerabilities to extreme rain. UPSC: Latest News, IAS, IPS, UPSC Online Preparation, Last updated on September 30, 2022 by ClearIAS Team. In the two states, cloudbursts and resulting flooding and landslide events are estimated to have claimed more than 6,000 . A cloudburst refers to an extreme amount of rain that happens in a short period, sometimes accompanied by hail and thunder, and this has a precise definition. What is the cause of cloudbursts? The capacity of the urban river created during cloudbursts can carry up to 3,300 cubic meters per second of water. It recorded 213 mm of rain in one day. cloudburst, a sudden, very heavy rainfall, usually local in nature and of brief duration. India Meteorological Department (IMD) defines a cloudburst as any event where 100 millimeters of rainfall have fallen in an hour over a region that is 20-30 square kilometers in area. As a result, specific cloudburst events cannot be forecast. It has been observed that strong and sudden Geophysical forces greatly affect society. The temperature today is expected to range between 20 and 22. Central retention is also a key element in the cloudburst plan. (d) Clouds deflect the blowing wind to ground level. Adjacent to the cloudburst streets, areas with secondary streets will be transformed into green streets with swales or permeable pavements that retain the water in the area, and to some extent, infiltrate it, thus helping to recharge the groundwater aquifers. Ramboll, in addition to the plans, has carried out an extensive hydrogeological assessment of the whole city to identify the effects of infiltration on the groundwater table. A cloudburst refers to an extreme amount of rain that happens in a short period, sometimes accompanied by hail and thunder. It causes the widespread destruction of both human and material resources. Climate Change Impact on India and World International Reports, Key Observations, etc. . : A cloudburst refers to an extreme amount of rain that happens in a short period, sometimes accompanied by hail and thunder. The municipality of Copenhagen decided to implement a cloudburst master plan for the protection of the city against future cloudbursts. Meteorologists say the rain from a cloudburst is usually of the shower type with a fall rate equal . But this question is asking about the Thunder i.e. On 18th July 2021 at 8:30 p.m., a cloudburst took place on the top of the Hari Maharaj Parvat, which triggered a huge debris flows and flash floods, affecting 143 households of four villages of. The recent weather events in Uttarakhand termed as 'cloudbursts' were highly unusual and could have been caused by the warming of the region, an expert told Down To Earth (DTE) May 12, 2021.. Cloudburst-like events have hit Uttarakhand since May 3 and have caused considerable damage in . A major cloudburst and heavy rainfall on the intervening night of August 6, 2010, triggered mudslides, flash floods, and debris flow in Jammu and Kashmir's Ladakh. Following a 2011 Cloudburst that caused damage of approximately USD $1 billion, climate change mitigation solutions became an urgent focus for the city of Copenhagen. 1. View Image Gallery . Cloudbursts are short-duration, intense rainfall events over a small area. Attend Online Classes by ClearIAS Experts! During the thunderstorm, the thunder in the skies is produced by the (UPSC 2013). Rather than falling down, raindrops get larger in dimension and are forced up because of the air current. The city of Copenhagen has been divided into eight areas, and a concretisation plan for each of those catchments has been developed. The cloudburst master plan is based on a few simple principles, the main being to keep the water on the surface and control it, rather than making large expensive pipes underground. There is no universal definition of a cloudburst. Rainfall of 10 cm or more in an hour over a roughly 10 km x 10-km area is classified as a cloudburst event. The cloudburst plan, when fully implemented 30 years from now, will protect the city of Copenhagen from a 100-year storm event (a storm that statistically will occur once every 100 years) and will have taken climate change into account as well. It happened due to rainfall behind the Amarnath cave. Explain how hazard 2019 zonation mapping will help in disaster mitigation in the case of landslides. Cloudburst management projects may also feature special community amenities and open spaces that can be used by the public. Occurrence of Cloudburst It includes 300 separate projects that are expected to run over the course of the next 20 years. The Vasishta Nadi became flooded, making the Attur check dam to brim with water. Stay informed by signing up for alerts from, For homeowners, protect your home from floods by following the tips in the. Cloudbursts have a very specific definition: if rainfall of about 10 cm or above per hour is recorded over a place that is roughly 10 km x 10 . But weather scientists do not have the capability to predict exactly how much rain is likely to fall at any given place. How is it different from rainfall? Cloudbursts are sudden and extreme rainfall events over a limited area in a short period. Cloudbursts are short-duration, intense rainfall events over a small area. To find out which community board you live in and get involved in the planning process for your neighborhood, Look up Your Community Board. Working with communities in all of NYCs flood zones to identify appropriate resiliency strategies. This is due to a rapid condensation of the clouds. Major roads and other infrastructure were flooded. The recreational solutions aboveground will save approximately 134 million Euros, compared to the construction of an underground stormwater pipe. . Where possible, the water should be handled locally. The concretisation plans help the city of Copenhagen maintain its position as the most livable city in the world, along with cities like Singapore. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), it is a weather phenomenon with unexpected precipitation exceeding 100mm/h over a geographical region of approximately 20-30 square km. Although thunderstorm is related to cumulonimbus cloud, but Qn is asking about thunder. These are costing society billions of dollars, Euros, and krone in damages. 6. Visit UPSC IAS syllabus page here. Home / . Floods are the deadliest, costliest and most common form of natural disaster in the United States and in the world. Based on scientific data, there should be the delineation of eco-sensitive zones. On May 4th, 2018, a cloudburst occurred above Belagavi, Karnataka. The result was that the benefit from this approach, which focuses on livability and an overall improvement of the city, by far exceeds the costs of construction and maintenance. awareness campaigns, capacity building, training, regulations, and policies, as well as landslide stabilisation and mitigation. Loss of forests and wild flora and fauna. . Cloudbursts mostly occur at elevations between 1,000-2,500 metres above sea level. As a result of the cloudburst study, DEP is testing the implementation of cloudburst management at the NYC Housing Authoritys (NYCHA) South Jamaica Houses. In areas where the water simply cannot be handled on terrain, large underground cloudburst tunnels up to 3 meters in diameter will be built instead of cloudburst streets. Published: Thursday 20 June 2013 A cloudburst is different from rain only in the amount of water that pours down on the earth. Q.During a thunderstorm, the thunder in the skies is produced by the: Select the correct option using the codes given below: UPSC 2023 countdown has begun! Comprehensive site analysis led to establishing the Copenhagen Cloudburst Formula and a Cloudburst Toolkit of urban mitigation strategies and components. A cloudburst is short-term extreme precipitation that takes place over a small area; it is not, as is sometimes understood, the breaking open of a cloud resulting in the release of huge amounts of water. reducing the vulnerability in the high-risk districts. Cloudbursts. Floods are difficult to predict, which means . This is not just a problem for European cities. The benefits are many, such as increased recreational value from upgrading of parks and meeting places, improved microclimate, and synergy with traffic planning, as well as contributing to making the city safe and accessible for the citizens. Earth flow, mass movement, mudflow, rotational slip, and avalanches are all examples of landslides. Usually small areas - anywhere between 20-80 square kilometres are affected. Read to know more. Cloudbursts are sudden and extreme rainfall events over a limited area in a short span of time. A cloudburst event is defined as rainfall of 10 cm or more in an hour over a 10 km x 10 km area. Cloudburst can cause rain at speeds of up to 100 millimeters per hour. Cloudburst Mitigation in Copenhagen. On December 2nd, 2015, Chennai recorded 494 mm rainfall causing the 2015 South India floods. What is a cloudburst? Another consultancy, Ramboll, contributed to the hydraulic basis of the plan by building a calibrated hydraulic model and carrying out initial flood calculations for the whole city, for Greater Copenhagen Utilities, HOFOR. Also, incidence of cyclonic circulations and cloud bursts that cause flash floods are increasing due to Climate change. Central retention will be created in public spaces such as parks and parking zones. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) labels rainfall over 100 mm per hour as cloudburst. The lightning generates between 100 million and 1 billion volts of electricity and can heat the air to around 50KF. Not all instances of very heavy rainfall, however, are cloudbursts. A cloudburst is an extreme amount of precipitation, sometimes with hail and thunder, which normally lasts no longer than a few minutes but is capable of creating flood conditions. These clouds normally form on warm sunny days but they can also be found on cold front. Theoretically, it is not impossible to forecast rainfall over a very small area as well, but it requires a very dense network of weather instruments and computing capabilities that seem unfeasible with current technologies. On July 28, at least seven people were killed, 17 injured and over 35 missing after a cloudburst hit a remote village of Jammu and Kashmir. In Phoenix, they have put a lot of effort into using roads as temporary ways to convey water away from houses and businesses to low-lying areas where it can be absorbed. The green strip is elevated a bit and has no other function than adding some green space to the city and providing space for citizens to walk their dogs. Our turn-key solutions and state-of-the-art systems provide a real answer to the . If these currents suddenly cease, the entire amount of water descends on to a small area with catastrophic force all of a sudden and causes mass destruction. Simplicity Rules This study looks at flood prevention and mitigation in India and guiding principles with regard to flash flood are Cloudburst streets collect and transport the water away from the vulnerable areas. The alternative would be to construct a gigantic and extremely expensive cloudburst pipe to divert the expected half million cubic metres of water away. With a focus on the September 2010 guidelines from the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), discuss the mechanism for preparedness to deal with the El . It is a showcase for the importance of long-term city planning, holistic and sustainable solutions, and an example to follow for many other cities in the world that are facing the same issues. No forecast ever mentions a possibility of a cloudburst. The most liveable city in 2014, according toMonoclemagazine, Copenhagen (capital of Denmark) is preparing for climate change and the impact of future extreme weather. Rainfall rate equal to or greater than 100 mm (3.97 inches) per hour is a cloudburst.

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cloudburst mitigation upsc