cultural imperialism in a sentence

The Cambridge dictionary quite simply defines cultural imperialism as one "culture of a large and powerful country, organization, etc. ( 2012) Tonight he looks at how France has been influenced by the cultural imperialism of America, from music to urban sprawl. There has been culture imperialism that has majorly been brought about by the media. Pick a media company that interests you, such as a magazine, a television station, or a record label. This, I think, is the flipside of the arguments about a new western imperialism. The passive form is when one culture (not necessarily the subordinate) voluntarily embraces the influences and traditions of another culture. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Is there anything that might not relate to its main product? Hollywood probably does not actually have a master plan to export the American way of life around the globe and displace local culture, just as American music may not necessarily be a progenitor of democratic government and economic cooperation. The theory of cultural imperialism has its roots in critical communication scholarship and was used to describe the growing influence of the United States and its commercial media system around the world, specifically in the context of the Cold War, after the Second World War, when the United States and the Soviet Union were attempting to compel and persuade other countries to . Palestine is now a key fault line in US imperialism's effort to establish ' full spectrum dominance ' around the world. Introduction. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. By contrast, some local cultures around the world have taken to Western-style business models so greatly that they have created their own hybrid cultures. 1218-1291), or Rudolf of Hapsburg, was Holy Roman emperor-elect from 1273 to 1291. Although culturally specific variations exist, any McDonalds in a particular area has basically the same menu as any other. imperialism. This ideal of cultural imperialism has become even more likely to occur because of media. Cultural Imperialism. following the standard rules of grammar, incorporating complex sentences and a wide range of vocabulary. . How to use Cultural Imperialism in a sentence? How do local cultures respond to the influence of foreign culture? This argument that media can influence culture and politics is typified in the notion of the American Dream. Cultural imperialism comprises the cultural aspects of imperialism. (139) Small nations resent Western cultural imperialism. It could even be argued that American cultural exports promote intercultural understanding; after all, to sell to a culture, a business must first understand that culture. Marxs ideas remained at the heart of Gramscis beliefs. How does the digital divide affect developed and developing countries differently? Learn using Imperialism Sentence Examples and Meaning. Look it up now! Communication is the process by which messages can be conveyed to . How does this localisation relate to the notions of cultural and media imperialism? The music and dance numbers are essentially cinematic forms of music videos, both promoting the soundtrack and adding variety to the film. Well, cultural imperialism takes place when one culture overtakes another in such a way that the latter ends up following a significant number of values, traditions, beliefs and influences of the former either completely or in a way which enmeshes the influences of the dominating culture inextricably with those of its own. In what ways does the United States act as a cultural hegemon? So, what is imperialism in terms of cultural influence? In any debates about cultural imperialism, whose empire are we really talking about? Tomlinson, John. graduate entrance essays examples; British imperialism in india essay for aqa media coursework evaluation Are there any online-only content sections of the site? They held the imperialism in contempt. Top 200. On the 10th of June 1904 he addressed a meeting of the Liberal League at the Queen's Hall, London, and sketched, a programme of "sane and practical Imperialism"; but he irritated the Home Rulers by again repudiating a parliament in Dublin, and he perplexed the public generally by his adverse criticism on the popular Anglo-French Agreement, which he was the only English statesman to oppose, on the ground of its handing over Morocco to France. Just as imperial Britain economically ruled the American colonists, so did Britain strongly influence the culture of the colonies. Here, the dominant culture makes little efforts in imposing its cultural ideals upon the other but the latter gets influenced as a consequence of its receptivity to the formers cultural impacts. Either way, it's not a policy worth emulating. Cultural imperialism is not a new phenomenon, but it assumes alarming proportions today when driven by the new technologies and profit propensities of the dynamics of Globalization. At the beginning of the 20th century Russian revolutionary Lenin argued that imperialism had three parts to it? One was that of Imperialism - f ull civil rights for every civilized man, whatever his race might be, under the supremacy and protection of Great Britain. In it he sums up the tactic of defeating imperialism. Indias largest film industry mixes melodrama with musical interludes, lip-synced by actors but sung by pop stars. Cultural festivals such as the "Bon" dance keep the tradition alive among everyday folk, while more performative versions such as kabuki and noh theatre preserve the more formal steps. 6. All Words. More evident still is the subordinate role played by petty bourgeois pacifism with regard to Imperialism in the United States. Applying the concepts of an optimized financial market to cultural and human items such as food, McDonaldization enforces general standards and consistency throughout a global industry. Since the end of World War 2, America has had a big influence above others. We can see this phenomenon in the form of Westernization of a number of Eastern countries. Imperialism in a Sentence. British imperialism created the enormous British Empire. These four attributesmore than any specific cultural ideasare the primary features of globalized American businesses. The most widespread and still continuing instance of cultural imperialism can be seen in the form of Americanization. Some possible websites to research include the following: Now answer the following questions regarding the site that you picked: Bush, President George W. address on terrorism before a joint meeting of Congress, New York Times, September 21, 2001, Thailand, balancing between British and French imperialism, managed to avoid formal subordination to any foreign power. The Bible's message must not be subjected to, Certainly, Nathan Drake's success and appeal despite his treatment of global heritage sites and artefacts makes for an interesting exception in a developing public dialogue around, Sarhan sees the arrival of Western museums as, It for Others (2013), the work which won the Turner Prize, takes Chris Marker and Alain Resnais 1953 film Les statues meurent aussi (Statues Also Die) as a starting point for an examination of, Dublin-born Duncan Campbell, 41, is nominated for his film It for Others, an examination of, He believes that the potential positive outcomes of programs based on the belief that adult-child play is crucial for child development could be reduced by suspicions of racism or, denounce the Universal Declaration as \ estern, So with this breed, we have everything that is wrong when Western, Many of the comments here are right to suggest that most political movements that emphasise, But that only emphasizes the fact it doesn't take burning crosses to make a person of color feel unwelcome in everyday situations, especially when masculinity and a benign sense of, This canard only holds up if you think uniforms and longer school days are a sign of, No doubt those notions truly did amount in retrospect to a kind of, Boshier's work, steeped in the language of Pop throughout his six-decade career, speaks to the distinct vantage point of a British ex-pat experiencing America's, Hugh Lawton and Marc Smith-Evans may unwittingly be indulging in, Some professors at Teacher's College and Harvard GSE even claim that TFA is just a new iteration of 1800s-style, Not all industrial workers were able to gain new employment within the cultural sector, and some criticised the museum as gentrification and, The Communist party was a driving force behind the campaign, considering the items to be examples of American, Evans said, [I wanted] to look into the sign system of the house and the era in which it originated; our bittersweet legacy of colonialism and, Synonyms for CULTURAL IMPERIALISM (related words and expressions). in a sentence. The term was introduced in the 1960s and has been used to refer to cultural hegemonies throughout the history of mankind, as well as the modern-day spread of Western cultural influence. European imperialism is as equally reactionary as the US. While cultural imperialism might cause resentment in many parts of the world, the idea that local cultures are helpless under the crushing power of American cultural imposition is clearly too simplistic to hold water. Rather, the films producers had judged that it would succeed on a world stage just as on a domestic stage. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. uncountable noun. How to say cultural imperialism in English? Cultural Imperialism. Because of this, one of the industrys quickly expanding career fields employs people who manage the online outlets of a more traditional media outlet such as radio or television. The _____ for American cultural imperialism are rooted in the desire to gain access to foreign markets. 1) Imperialism is the practice of a nation to extend its influence over another country. Thus by the hand of Richelieu a union against Austrian imperialism was effected between the Bavarian Catholics and the Protestants who dominated in central and northern Germany. His ability, sincerity of character, and wide information, and his attitude towards the new issues arising from the war, in which he took the side opposed to "imperialism," increased his following. What is synergy, and how can media companies use it? Imperial entertainment and advertisement target young people who are most vulnerable to U.S. commercial propaganda. It is cultural in that the customs, traditions, religion, language, social and moral norms, and other aspects of the imposing community are distinct from, though often closely related . Finally, Hollywood's cultural imperialism was set to deal the death blow. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The main justification of imperialism is to be found in the use which is made of imperial power. But these " core Commonwealth values " have been those imposed by British imperialism and interpreted to suit its interests. Anyone who opposed American imperialism had to be on the side of the angels and so the eastern European Communists were the good guys. What might its purpose be? ( 2012) In 1888 he visited Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, the effect of this experience being to strengthen still further the Imperialism which was the guiding principle of his political opinions. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)right to your inbox. Perhaps a good example being the inclusion of India into the British Empire before it gained its formal independence. Home; Words; imperialism; imperialism in A Sentence. These four things are four of the main aspects of free markets. cultural aspect example sentences 4) Cultural imperialism is defined as the cultural aspects of imperialism. Often this occurs during colonization, where one nation overpowers another country, typically one that is economically disadvantaged and/or militarily weaker. Growing imperialism during the 19th century resulted in the occupation of much of Oceania by other European powers, and later, Japan and the United States. After all, isnt it easier to rule if the invaded share the same religious and cultural platforms as the invaders? The leader's strategy of imperialism involves a war to take over the troubled nation. In this activity, you will research a media outlet and then answer questions about the choices that the web producer, editor, or manager made regarding its content. The concept gained . Cultural imperialism (sometimes referred to as cultural colonialism) comprises the cultural dimensions of imperialism.The word "imperialism" often describes practices in which a social entity engages culture (including language, traditions, rituals, political and economic structures, and ways of life) to create and maintain unequal relationships between social groups. Indeed, the Englished Linschoten provides another important illustration of English imperialism, while expropriating the valorous deeds of another nation. Topics include domesticity, sexuality, paid work, citizenship and politics, imperialism and war. Yes! 2. Unlike Marx, who believed that the workers of the world would eventually unite and overthrow capitalism, Gramsci instead argued that culture and the media exert such a powerful influence on society that they can actually influence workers to buy into a system that is not economically advantageous to them. In other words, wherever a consumer is likely to travel within a reasonable range, the menu options and the resulting product remain consistent. Although this plan did not succeed as hoped, it raises the question of whether Americans should truly be concerned about spreading their cultural system if they believe that it is an ideal one. A country heavily importing products and services of another country may get significantly influenced by the exporting countrys lifestyle attributes and social values. During the early 21st century, much of the United Statess foreign policy stemmed from the idea that spreading freedom, democracy, and free-market capitalism through cultural influence around the world could cause hostile countries such as Iraq to adopt American ways of living and join the United States in the fight against global terrorism and tyranny. French ministers protested at US cultural imperialism. 2) Imperialism is also called "the policy of extending political control over other territories.". only in accordance with fair use principle. What sort of multimedia content does the site use that might relate to its main product? However, the term social imperialism was also used in reference to countries that claimed to be socialist, but acted like imperialists, notably the USSR. What is the effect of digital communication in developing countries? Analyze the ways that local cultures respond to outside forces. In 1900 he was nominated for the presidency by the Democratic, Silver Republican, and Populist party conventions; but although "imperialism" was declared to be the paramount issue, he had insisted that the "platforms" should contain explicit advocacy of free-coinage, and this declaration, combined with the popularity of President McKinley, the Republican candidate for re-election, again turned the scales against him. Is the application of antitrust legislation to media companies positive or negative? And, inequality, with imperial power and . Abstract. With McDonaldization, four aspects of the business are taken to the extreme: efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. Central to many definitions of the term "cultural imperialism" is the idea of the culture of one powerful civilization, country, or institution having great unreciprocated influence on that of another, less powerful, entity to a degree that one may speak of a measure of cultural "domination." Cultural imperialism has sometimes been described as a theory, especially where scholars build . January 3, 2022 by hrenglish. Cultural imperialism is a view of advertising as seen from the Marxist left that addresses the impact of a more powerful capitalist culture on a less powerful, peasant culture. If a member from an imperial family approaches you, then your response should be to bow before them. They even extended the limits of Roman imperialism by converting the pagans of the Baltic to Christianity, and further reinforced the work of ecclesiastical centralization by enlisting in their service a force which had recently come into existence and was rapidly becoming popular - the mendicant orders, and notably the Dominicans and Franciscans. How has the Internet changed the value of experience goods? Cultural imperialism occurs when often there exists a military connection or colononization. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Examples . There are many examples throughout . The imperial system and the metric system are two different measurement systems for things like distances, volumes, and weights. (13) 1. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. (mprilzm ) Explore 'imperialism' in the dictionary. However, cultural imperialism has potential negative effects as well. The illusions of imperialism have been made clearer than ever by the course of modern history. See more. They do not represent the opinions of Rudolf I (ca. Cultural imperialism can take the form of a general attitude or an active, formal and deliberate policy, including (or resulting from) military action. A good example is the embargo of the US on Cuba. His own imperialism was intensified by the way in which England's difficulties resulted in calling forth colonial assistance and so cementing the bonds of empire. Sri Lanka is a good example of this dietary imperialism. However, the idea that other local beliefs need to change may threaten people of other cultures. cultural imperialism definition: the fact of the culture of a large and powerful country, organization, etc. Find 3 ways to say IMPERIALISM, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Thus the triple alliance of Adalberos bold and adroit imperialism with the cautious and vacillating ambition of the duke of the Franks, and the impolitic hostility towards Germany of the ruined Carolingians, resulted in the unhooked-for advent of the new Capetian dynasty. Religious and cultural invasion are often inseparable parts of a conquest. Cultural imperialism is the process and practice of promoting one culture over another. The communication caters importantly towards the development of Cultural Imperialism. This is mostly due to the multitudes of commercial relationships the United States holds with a large number of countries in all parts of the world. 27. For some, it smacks of imperialism and neocolonialism. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Cultural Imperialism has wiped out the music, culture and art many. Businesses in the best of nations have risen increasingly in scale and value. Also, the fact that most traditional aspects of the Chinese culture pertaining to religious beliefs, festivals and social norms significantly inundate the socio cultural edifices of various Oriental countries indicate towards strongly existing cultural imperialism. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. The Araucanization of the minor Patagonian tribes troughout the colonial era would only be ended by the similar cultural imperialism of the Hispanophones which swept over the Mapuche as well after the 19th century Argentinian and Chilean independence. We hope you enjoy this website. The aggression by NATO has also sharpened the contradiction between imperialism and the peoples. Instead, they face occupation by US and British troops and at best, a stooge regime imposed by US imperialism. The concept of cultural imperialism is the practice of transferring a culture of one society into that of another. How to use imperialism in a sentence. Kristof, Nicholas D. In China, Beauty Is a Big Western Nose, New York Times, April 29, 1987, Has this process made the company more efficient? The fact that Cricket is among the top ten most popular sports around the world with an estimated 3 billion fan following, especially in countries like Australia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, New Zealand and certain African and Caribbean countries, proves the strength of the English cultural imperialism. Jamie Uys's humorous yet moving film The Gods Must Be Crazy narrates the story of what happens when a pilot flying across the Kalahari Desert of Botswana drops a Coca-Cola bottle into the midst of a tribal group. Not everyone views the spread of American tastes as a negative occurrence. 29. So what is cultural imperialism all about? Each response should be a minimum of one paragraph. Germany's catastrophic error in 1914 was to resist British economic imperialism by recourse to war - the means of the previous age. The embargo was first imposed in 1960 in . Imperialism, which had been excited by Lord Beaconsfields policy in 1878, and by the prospect of a war with a great European power, fell into discredit when it degenerated into a fresh expedition into Afghanistan, and an inglorious war with a savage African tribe. German imperialism, deprived of colonies, puts on the fearful mask of fascism with its saber teeth protruding. His Life of Caesar (1879), a glorification of imperialism, betrays an imperfect acquaintance with Roman politics and the life of Cicero; and of his two pleasant books of travel, The English in the West Indies (1888) shows that he made little effort to master his subject, and Oceana (1886), the record of a tour in Australia and New Zealand, among a multitude of other blunders, notes the prosperity of the working-classes in Adelaide at the date of his visit, when, in fact, owing to a failure in the wheatcrop, hundreds were then living on charity. His late writings examined the emergence of Russia as a world power, opening an era of global imperialism and war. Instead, local cultures seem to adopt American-style media models, changing their methods to fit the corporate structures rather than just the aesthetics of U.S. media. "The claim to a national culture in the past does not only rehabilitate that nation and serve as a justification for the hope of a future national culture. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary. A minority community may voluntarily choose to become a part of the majority culture, if this is viewed as being superior, or provides them with a route to improve their status in society. Today cultural integration and uniformity mesmerizes the world with fast music, fast computers and fast food. One well-known example of this is Indias Bollywood film industry. The idea that media actually spreads a culture, however, is controversial. 1. : a policy or practice by which a country increases its power by gaining control over other areas of the world. Economic or technological factors may also play a role. cultural imperialism, in anthropology, sociology, and ethics, the imposition by one usually politically or economically dominant community of various aspects of its own culture onto another nondominant community. Hooray for Bollywood! Time, September 16, 1996,,9171,985129,00.html. This transports a verdict of " not guilty " on the indictment of British imperialism creating an anarchic international security corollary. How are citizens of developed countries who lack useful Internet access affected? All above text quotes are in ownership of their legal Both in the north and in the south of this great and imperfectly explored continent, memories still clung which were ungrateful to imperialism. From its very inception NASA's primary aim has been to further the interests of US imperialism. If the jubilee was a proof of the closer union of the many sections of the British empire, and of their warm attachment to their sovereign, it also gave expression to the imperialism which was becoming a dominant factor in British politics. The US engaged in cultural imperialism and perpetuated colonial mentality. Apart from political invasion, cultural imperialism can also occur due the significant commercial relations between two countries. Media works in an uncannily similar way to fast food. (11) Ninkovich will nettle critics of imperialism. Times, Sunday Times. This is done by creating colonies, or areas that have been taken over. In turn, attempts at cultural domination can work through a wide variety of social institutions .

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cultural imperialism in a sentence