circular economy canada

Circular Innovation Council, one of Canada's leading environmental non-profit organizations dedicated to advancing the circular economy, has launched Circular Economy Month, Canada's first-ever public awareness month dedicated to educating and engaging Canadians on transitioning to a circular economy.. "The circular economy is a paradigm example of a multi-pronged approach that will necessitate participation from all sectors, including governments, businesses, and civil society." Environment and Climate Change Canada asked the CCA to examine the potential opportunities and challenges for a circular economy in Canada. The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario has committed . Join us October 2022 for #CircularEconomyMonth! You will not receive a reply. We can use nature as our model and mentor to design a future for Canada that minimizes inefficiencies and waste in all of its forms. The circular economy aims at breaking our current outdated economic linear model of " take-make-waste " and turning all wastes into a . To learn more about the circular economy, including Canadian initiatives and ways to get involved, visit the Circular Economy page on Bio: Paul Shorthouse is the Managing Director of Circular Economy Leadership Canada (CELC) and the Interim Managing Director of the Canada Plastics Pact. Professor Tima Bansal chaired a high-level interdisciplinary expert panel that examined the potential economic, environmental, and social impacts of advancing a circular economy in Canada. NISP Canada, a program run by Vancouver's Light House Sustainable Building Centre, is implementing a National Industrial Symbiosis Program, with activities focused on the geographic regions of Metro . For example, businesses can launch product buy-back programs that recover usable materials, or create new materials from product wastelike turning pulp-and-paper-mill waste into renewable plastics or textiles. You have successfully subscribed to our mail list. CELC and CPP are independent initiatives of. In partnership, NAIT and Inter Pipeline are developing solutions to ensure that waste plastics are reused . This month's World Circular Economy Forum, co-hosted by the Government of Canada, highlighted the rich universe of possibilities to deepen emission cuts under the Paris Agreement. Circular Economy Alliance Australia was conceived and established with a mission of bringing together experts, practitioners, leaders, . TORONTO, Oct. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Circular Innovation Council, one of Canada's leading environmental non-profit organizations dedicated to advancing the circular economy, today launches . He is a recognized economic development expert and received the. Lays the groundwork to ensure plastics are designed for reuse and recycling. Circular practices help to reduce the amount of finite . On March 2, 2022, representatives from 175 countries endorsed a resolution at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) to negotiate an international, legally-binding agreement to end plastic pollution by the end of 2024. In September 2021, Canada was co-host of the World Circular Economy Forum the first time the event was held in North America. Rethink waste and create a circular economy culture. And its getting worse. In Canada, if we improve how we manage plastic waste through the circular economy, by 2030, we can. The future is uncertain. Nothing that is made in a circular economy becomes waste! The City of Guelph and the County of Wellington are also paving the way for circular economies in Canada. Week 3: Waste Reduction Week in Canada (focusing on the resource protection and recovery components of circular . The Canada-Wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste was introduced by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) in November 2018. Creating a circular economy one that eliminates waste and pollution . And if youre not yet taking any of these actions, now is your chance to learn more about how you, your business, and your community can contribute to the transition toward a more circular economy. The CEC is the global circular economy network with +280 CEC local clubs in 140 countries. "As Canada's largest independent tire dealer and retreader, Kal Tire is committed to advancing Canada's circular economy by extending the life of our products, diverting waste from landfills . Beyond societal needs, though, there are also strong commercial incentives for manufacturers to adopt a circular model. A circular economy is an economic model designed to minimize resource input, as well as waste and emission production. Exclusive digest of leaders' insights on Canadian themes and forces shaping the future economy. Provides advice and connections between policymakers, industry, and the community on ways to improve global and local resource management. The Government of Canada has taken a global leadership role in tackling plastic waste,. Circular Economy Leadership Canada (CELC) is working to make Canada a world leader in building a sustainable, prosperous circular economy that benefits people and planet.. By providing thought leadership, technical expertise and a collaborative platform, we will accelerate the transition to a low-carbon, circular economy in Canada. Our facilities help diversify the energy mix and make . Environmental conservation and protection, World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) side event. The way our economies extract, use, then dispose of resources is putting pressure on our natural systems, communities, and public health. But Dutch company DyeCoo has developed a process of dyeing cloth that uses no water at all, and no chemicals other than the dyes themselves. Many Canadians are already participating in the circular economyreusing, repairing, sharing and the Government of Canada is working to support and expand these efforts. Week 3: Waste Reduction Week in Canada . (according to Accenture Strategies) Environment and Climate Change Canada and the United Nations Environment Programme North America Office co-hosted Circular North America, a WCEFonline side event on November 19, 2020. We invite you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter to learn more and keep up to date with news in the field. Its called the circular economy. Join us to advance breakthrough solutions and initiatives that can be used as a model in Canada and beyond. For enquiries,contact us. Join us October 2022 #CircularEconomyMonth #WasteReductionWeek | Canada's circular economy public awareness campaign. Catalyzes global leadership from business, government and civil society to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Week 2: Environmental Benefits. Conventional . Canadian businesses are rethinking the way they work to help save the planet. Moving away from our traditional linear model of "take . 19 July 2022. Provincially, Quebec and British Columbia are out in front, both actively developing circular economy strategies. Are you interested in our work, or just want to know more about whats happening in Canada with respect to the circular economy? If we continue with business-as-usual, we will emit 65 billion tonnes of GHGs globally in 2030 and can expect to experience a 3- to 6-degree temperature increase over the next decade.. In a circular economy, nothing is waste. Its a new way of doing things that improves the way we manage waste. Turning Point: Advancing the Circular Economy in Canada. He is a recognized economic development expert and received the Clean50 Award for 2022, which recognized him as one of the top 50 sustainability leaders in Canada helping to drive the countrys clean economy transition. COURSE OVERVIEW. The Canadian Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) works to build circular economy knowledge and capacity in the Canadian local government sector - offering a national webinar series on innovative approaches and providing direct support, guidance and peer-to-peer exchange to Canadian communities as they take steps to become more . This major event served as a catalyst for many, resulting in greater interest . Of all the resources, products and materials we produce or import into Canada every year, only 6.1% of these materials and resources are cycled back into the economy. Included in the report is an estimate of the current circularity of the Canadian economy and four scenarios that illustrate what the Canadian . A circular economy is a proposed economic system, as well as a specific model of production and consumption, that aims to reduce or eliminate waste output through the continual use of finite resources.Thus, when compared to a linear economy, a circular economy is a closed-loop system that limits the creation of waste or disposal of used resources through material recycling, recovery, and . What Canada needs is a circular economy innovation strategy and coordinated action plan that provides a cohesive vision for the future, maximizes the benefits and keeps our industries competitive in this rapidly evolving space. As the global population is projected to hit 9 billion by 2050, tensions over resources like food, water and energy are likely to swell along with it. For Canada to meet its net-zero emissions target by 2050, we need to make significant shifts in how we do business. CEC's activity is global, non-profit and free to join. Funding opportunities for individuals or businesses. Outlines areas where changes are needed across the plastic lifecycle, from design to collection, clean-up, and value recovery, and underscores the economic and business opportunities resulting from long-lasting and durable plastics. Canada's First Circular Economy Public Awareness Campaign. Its about keeping valuable resources and materials in the economy and out of the environmentand it just makes sense. Online Live. Circular Economy Leadership Canada 2022, Media contact: Paul ShorthouseE-mail: In a circular economy, nothing is waste. Rethink: Reduce resource consumption and design out waste, harmful chemicals, and pollution from products and services. Content will be added throughout each week, so make sure to come back for updates! From coast to coast, we are seeing new technologies and innovative ideas that: increase resource productivity. Non-for-profit, global and open to anyone to join for free. We are also working to support other circular strategies remanufacturing, redesigning, reducingto create new economic opportunities and a more sustainable and resilient economy. We must embrace a regenerative biosphere and a circular technosphere where we store our raw materials during their use phases and then cycle them back for future uses. Until recently, climate action efforts have largely focused on reducing direct GHG emissions (i.e., Scope 1 and 2 emissions) through approaches such as energy efficiency and fuel switching to renewable and lower-carbon energy options. 1) Circular Economy clothing The fashion industry is beginning to cause many environmental problems and a big part of the reason for that is the linear model of the 'fast fashion' industry. Popular events include swaps, material collection drives, repair cafes, documentary screenings, clean-ups and more. read more is never circular; rather, it is linear. Guelph, Ont., April 16, 2021 - Today, the Guelph-Wellington Smart Cities Office received new funding for a far-reaching initiative that will advance its goal to help create and support circular economy businesses and organizations in the region, and across Canada. TORONTO, Oct 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) -- TORONTO, Oct. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Circular . A circular economy keeps materials, products, and services in circulation for as long possible. Investing in the circular economy can also drive superior risk-adjusted returns. Circular Economy vs Linear Economy. The circular economy, more value less waste. We need to be sure this strategy goes beyond the status quo that is focused on waste management and recycling to truly rethink our current linear approaches. The circular economy re-engages consumption and production beyond the linear model by decoupling economic growth from resource use. These strategies are translating to real-world solutions in Canada, with the circular economy growing as a focus nationally over the last several years. Analysis of 222 European companies across 14 industries has highlighted that the more circular a company is, the lower its risk of default on debt over both a one-year and five-year time horizon. The circular economy is underpinned by three key principles: In practice, there are five well-established circular business models or strategies that look to capture the full value of resources and eliminate the concept of waste across the value chain: circular inputs into supply chains, sharing platforms, products as a service, product life extension and resource recovery. 62% of global greenhouse gas emissions are released during the extraction, processing, and manufacturing of goods to serve society's needs; 38% are emitted in the delivery and use of products and services. Celebrate #WasteReductionWeek October 17-23 The aim of the fast fashion industry is to get consumers to constantly want to buy the latest styles and trends of clothing at cheap prices, creating . To be clear, the circular economy is not about an economy that is insular or closed off from the rest of the world, but rather one that looks to strengthen supply chains and extract the maximum value of our goods and resources. CELC provides thought leadership, technical expertise and collaborative platforms for accelerating systems change and the transition to a low carbon, circular economy in Canada. The circular economy model provides solutions for addressing Scope 3 emissions and embodied carbon, with actionable business strategies for helping to tackle the 45% of global GHG emissions that come from how products are manufactured and used. We believe that the Circular Economy can realign production and . The equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic waste enters our oceans from land every minute. If we continue with business-as-usual, we will emit 65 billion tonnes of GHGs globally in 2030 and can expect to experience a 3- to 6-degree temperature increase over the next decade. It is also looking to bring forward Right to Repair legislation to extend the life of certain electrical goods, requiring them to be repairable for an extended period of time and that manufacturers and retailers make spare parts available for that period. The circular economy is an economic model that extends the life cycle of products. According to Statistics Canada, local government expenditures for waste management in Canada increased from $1.8 billion in 2004 to $3.2 billion in 2012 footnote 6 [6]. And the best part? Turning Point explores what a circular economy is, how it works, and what it could mean for Canada. In Canada, nearly 4 million tonnes of construction materials are sent to landfill annually, representing an estimated 1.8 million tonnes of embodied carbon. About Circular Innovation Council. Circularity has the ability to improve the value of natural resources, reduce carbon emissions, and eliminate waste. For decades, Circular Innovation Council has engaged Canadians from coast to coast to coast to better understand the issues of waste and the opportunities they have to accelerate our transition to a circular economy. Canada's first university-level professional training program in circular economy. To truly achieve net-zero GHG emissions, there is a need to embrace circular economy principles and strategies across all sectors and supply chains. The linear economy refers to our current economic model where we extract our planets finite natural resources, make them into something of use, and then dispose of these resources after use (sometimes after no more than a single use). At present, resource extraction and use account for 70% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Organization Profiles: Circular Economy Leadership Canada (CELC) connects Canadas circular economy community and serves as a bridge to similar networks around the world. We need to head toward net-zero, and quickly. A circular economy gives us the tools to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss together. These businesses are finding new ways to recycle valuable metals and alloys and reuse materials, (like plastics) parts, and components while also increasing their bottom line. We can't wait to show you how you've helped our impact grow over the past year Join the live stream on November 1 at 7:00 pm . The circular economy provides a solution. Week 2: Environmental Benefits. The Circular Economy Evolution. As success with these efforts focused on direct emissions leads to a decrease in operational carbon over time, Scope 3 (or indirect) emissions are expected to become an increasingly significant portion of GHG emissions. It is a new way of doing business that extracts as . In Canada, construction is a very important economic sector, generating $141 billion in GDP in 2020. Focus on testing current technologies, developing new ideas and supporting collaborative solutions. Sign up to our Weekly Newsletter, United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. The circular economy concept emerged in the 70s and has been gaining momentum among economists, governments and corporate . It redefines value, and encourages innovation in product design and business delivery systems. A plastics circular economy in Canada would: recirculate plastics, to either displace the demand for raw materials or to be consumed as nutrients in living systems without harm; use renewable energy to power each life-cycle stage of plastic Both businesses and individuals can save money and create opportunities in a circular economy. The Government of Canada has committed to the goal of zero plastic waste by 2030. This movement has been building momentum as governments, businesses and individuals embrace more circular approaches. Each week in October will center around a different pillar of the circular economy in order to educate and encourage sustainable action across Canada. Currently, plastic material flows are largely linear. This is a linear economyit moves in a straight line from resource extraction to waste disposal. Everything from clothing, to electronics, to toothbrushes! On December 3, 2021, ECCC, in partnership with the CCA, hosted a discussion of the Turning Point reportas a World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) side event. Creating a Shared Vision of a Circular Economy: In 2020, we joined the U.S. and Canada Plastics Pacts as part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's initiative to create a circular economy for plastics. In addition, the federal government has been embedding circular economy considerations into several of its sector strategies, including its draft Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (currently out for consultation), the Canada Minerals and Metals Plan, its Forest Bioeconomy Framework for Canada and a national strategy for Remanufacturing and Value Retention Processes. Week 1: Introducing the Circular Economy. , a national charity working to advance science, innovation and strategic leadership aimed at fostering a strong and inclusive economy that thrives within natures limits. The CEC is the global circular economy network with +280 CEC local clubs in 140 countries. The circular economy is a different way of doing business. Canada, specifically Ontario, has become the first jurisdiction in the Americas to enact a comprehensive circular economy law, the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 ("RRCEA") (SO 2016 c. 12).Previously, waste diversion existed in Ontario under the Waste Diversion Act ("WDA") (SO 2002, c 6), a government-managed scheme that was meant to oversee the diversion of target . DyeCoo. The manufacturing and recycling pick up service contribute to a circular market system. Circular economy aims to reach the maximum efficiency in the use of finite resources, the gradual transition to renewable resources, and recovery of the materials and products at the end of their useful life. List of circular economy companies, manufacturers and suppliers . A significant amount of materials end up dispersed into the environment as unrecoverable waste or pollution garbage into landfills, plastics into the oceans and carbon dioxide (the waste by-product from burning fossil fuels) into the atmosphere. The report identifies the opportunities and challenges for a circular economy in Canada, including the potential economic, environmental, and social impacts of a circular transition. Circular economy refers to "a method of production and consumption that involves making the best use of material resources, thus reducing the input of new raw materials and avoiding the production of waste that may be unnecessary".. It examines the opportunities and challenges Canada will face in planning a circular economy transition. The MarketWatch News Department was not involved in the creation of this content. The aim of the circular economy is none other than to permanently and sustainably conserve various natural resources by substituting products for services and . Circular Innovation Council is an independent environmental organization with a deep history of supporting policy development, research, and market programs that accelerate Canada's transition from a linear to circular economy harnessing its economic, social and environmental benefits. Circular Economy Month | Waste Reduction Week in Canada | 356 followers on LinkedIn. On October 1st, 2022, Circular Innovation Council kicked-off Circular Economy Month, Canada's first-ever public awareness month dedicated to educating and engaging Canadians on building a circular economy. Includes transition to a circular economy through procuring goods and services with a reduced environmental impact, life-cycle assessment, and clean technologies. CEC's mission is to bring the circular economy to every corner of the world. We are inclusive and collaborative among supply and value chains; and seek to advance circular business models, products, and services that . The circular economy, more value less waste. The Circular Economy Club (CEC) is the networking arm of the Circular Economy Institute. Seeks to re-imagine the idea of mine tailings and waste within the circular economy paradigm. Embodied carbon emissions are essentially the GHG emissions found in products based on the materials they include, how they were manufactured and transported, how they were used and maintained and how they were disposed of at end of life. The circular economy model presents a solution, with actionable business strategies for moving away from our linear economy. The new Plastics Pollution Treaty includes measures that consider the entire lifecycle of plastics, from product design to production to waste management, enabling opportunities to design out waste before it is created. It will take a coordinated approach and scaled-up investments in collaboration models, knowledge and information sharing and critical infrastructure. 1. Its having a positive impact on industries in Canada and around the world. The circular economy is a solution for industry and business at all scales to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. CELC provides thought leadership, technical expertise and collaborative platforms for accelerating systems change and the transition to a low carbon, circular economy in Canada. connects Canadas circular economy community and serves as a bridge to similar networks around the world. is a first-of-its-kind Canadian resource and initiative of the Circular Innovation Council to support Canada's collective understanding of the circular economy and how purchasing advances it. The Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) has released its latest report, Turning Point, requested by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and informed by the Expert Panel on the Circular Economy in Canada, a multidisciplinary group of 16 experts from across Canada and abroad. We must also consider circular economy principles and strategies at different scales from the product and material level to the company and community level, right up to our global supply chains. Sets out tangible actions and clear timelines to implement the Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste, with the goal to better prevent, reduce, reuse, recover, capture and clean up plastic waste and pollution in Canada. An initiative of The Natural Step Canada, CELC is working to connect Canada's circular economy community and serves as a bridge to similar networks around the . The effort seeks to unify businesses, government entities, NGOs, researchers and other stakeholders around a common vision for a circular . Proclaim Circular Economy Month Declare October 1-31 as Circular Economy Month as a municipality, organization, or school. The circular economy is a different way of doing business. MONTREAL, Oct. 28, 2022 /CNW/ - Lithion Recycling (Lithion or the "Company") is honoured to have hosted today the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, the US Ambassador to Canada, David L. Cohen .

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circular economy canada