effect of plant density on yield

Accessibility There was no significant difference in the content of anthocyanins between T2 and T5. Larkindale J, Huang B. Thermotolerance and antioxidant systems in agrostis stolonifera: involvement of salicylic acid, abscisic acid, calcium, hydrogen peroxide, and ethylene. The yield of rice Plant Density and Water Management Yield (t ha-1) High plant density with continues flooding 5.94 a High plant density with AWD 5.10 ab Low plant density with continues flooding 4.95 b Low plant density with AWD 5.70 a 4 Conclusion High leaf folder attack intensity was caused by high plant density, but not effected by water . Therefore, we conducted a field experiment in a sandy land to explore the responses of the organ yields of C. esculentus, soil wind erosion, and soil properties to row spacing (30, 60, or 90 cm), and bare land was used as the control. With mechanical harvesting, the optimal density was D2 (15 151 kg ha-1 ) over D1 (12 493 kg ha-1 ). 2013. (a+b), and Chl. Five planting densities were used: 575, 1012, 1450, 1887 and 2325 plants m2, referred as T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 treatments. Willet, W. C. Balancing life-style and genomics research for disease prevention. Studies show that germinating seeds produce high phenolic content and antioxidants5. The growth of cotyledons was inhibited while the growth of cotyl was enhanced as the seeding density increased. Fresh yield and dry field were determined. The activity of POD was estimated based on the absorbance of guaiacol oxidation at 470nm17. Photosynthetic parameters of perilla sprouts were measured from 9:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m in each planting density using 50 replicates at 8th leaf. Khalil, A. W. et al. and In addition, high planting density inhibits photosynthesis resulting in rotting of seedlings and lower yield. The largest stem diameter was recorded in T1 which reached 0.36mm (Fig. Gaoxiaoli S, et al. Puddling is an important operation to minimize soil nutrient leaching and thereby increasing the availability of plant nutrients and achieving reduced soil condition. Low yields at low planting densities has also been associated with high plant numbers per unit area25,26,27. 1f). Stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. Briefly, 0.5g of fresh leaves were homogenized in 90% methyl alcohol and 0.1% HCL (v/v) and then refrigerated at 4C for 48hours. Four varieties of barleyProctor, Plumage-Archer, Domen, and Moorewere grown at densities approximately equivalent to 35, 70, 140 and 280 lb/acre. Planting density mainly affects the structure of plant population, increases competition among individuals for light, water and nutrients. 1, 8385 (2002). Accessibility Sangronis E, Machado CJ. Effects of plant population on the TSS and yield of spring maize. "displayNetworkTab": true, Notably, the activities of SOD, POD and CAT were the lowest while the content of MDA was the highest under T1 treatment. Results shown in Fig. This study was conducted at the experimental station of the Institute of traditional Chinese medicine, Henan institute of science and technology, Xinxiang, China (N35 18 13.71, E113 55 15.05). Google Scholar. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 36(6), 110115 (2000). Effect of plant-row spacing on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer soybean. 1 College of Life Science and Technology, Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang, 453003 China, 2Henan Engineering Research Center of Crop Genome Editing, Xinxiang, 453003 China. Perilla sprouts variety, a wild species, was obtained from the mountains of Huixian county, Xinxiang, China through wild domestication. The effect of planting density on the agronomic characters of perilla sprouts has been demonstrated in this study. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and stomatal conductance (Gs) were recorded at 1000 micron2s1 with Li-6400 portable photosynthetic meter. 41(9), 28732880 (2008). b, Chl. Vanzant, Eric S. Under T4 and T5 treatment, Pn was negatively correlated with Gs and Ci levels. In faba bean, the effect of plant density and planting arrangement is well documented. The yield of perilla sprouts was measured based on number of whole plants per 1 square meter. Burits M, Bucar F. Antioxidant activity of Nigella sativa essential oil. From the review, it is understood that seed yield per unit area is the product of seed yield per plant and . This implies that the T1 treatment is not a suitable density as it increases the destruction of the antioxidant enzyme protection system, leading to accumulation of MDA and destruction cell membrane. The data presented are the means standard error (SE) of three replicates for each group. Plant Physiol. Effect of cowpea planting density on growth, yield and productivity of component crops in cowpea/cassava intercropping system. The relative contents of RA and anthocyanin in perilla sprouts reached the maximum value at planting density of 1887 plants m2. This is so because planting density influences the nutritional status and light distribution characteristics of plants. Sprouts were harvested at the 8th leaf stage. & Rahman, M. A. The implications of these responses for agronomic management and germplasm improvement of cerealcowpea intercrops are discussed. All tables and figures were created using Origin software 2015. 2015 ). hasContentIssue true. 3a). Turk TA, Tawaha AM. In addition, high planting density inhibits photosynthesis resulting in rotting of seedlings and lower yield. cultivars under low-potassium condition. Compared with the D1 treatment, the grain yield, precipitation use efficiency (PUE), radiation use efficiency (RUE), and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) increased by 5.6-12.5%, 2.8-7.1%, and 2.1 to 1.6% in D2, D3, and D4 treatments, respectively. A 3ml reaction mixture containing 50mmol phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 15mmol H2O2 and 0.15ml supernatant was prepared, followed by decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and determination of 1min CAT activity at 240nm by absorbance17. , Different lowercase letters denote statistical differences between treatments groups at the 5% level based on Duncans test. Low yields at low planting densities has also been associated with high plant numbers per unit area2527. "useSa": true Abstract Delayed planting of sugarcane crop after harvesting of seed is a common farming practice in all cane growing areas of Pakistan. Similarly, the content of MDA was highest in T1 group, exceeding that of T2, T3, T4 and T5 groups by 91.8, 362, 189 and 88%, respectively. Seeds were sown on seedbeds after germination on 15th April, 2014 and then transplanted it into the field at the 2nd leaf stage. The content of Ci was highest in T5 compared to other treatments. Technol. Influence of plant population density on growth and yield of two blackgram varieties. The content of Ci was highest in T5 compared to other treatments. The .gov means its official. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 82, 765-770. The field experiment showed that, with the increasing of plant spacing, the plant height, plant internode length, leaf bend degree, leaf area index, and the maximum photochemical efficiency of PS ( Fv / Fm) increased, while the stem diameter, leaf drooping angle, leaf angle, and the actual photochemical efficiency of PS ( PS) decreased. Willet WC. In order to study the effects of plant density on yield, yield components protein in four grain sorghum varieties an experiment was conducted as factorial. Gan R, et al. 2018. Yield of paprika pepper increased as plant density increased, but plant densities >200,000 plants/ha resulted in only small increases in yield, and fruit number and dry fruit weight/plant decreased with increasing plant populations, and weight/fruit decreased slightly. Kanyomeka, Luke These herbicides could be leached down, then accumulate to toxic levels in the soil and become harmful to microorganisms, plant, wild life and . Optimizing the planting density will not only improve sprouts yield and quality, but also reduce input cost by reducing seed rate and fertilizer usage without reducing yield14. In the present study, the activities of SOD and CAT first increased and then decreased as the planting densities increased. 2007;26 Suppl 1:3-106. doi: 10.1080/10915810601163939. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Cite this article. 6, 171178 (2002). Berry, J. 7.6 The Beta Growth Function 249. 75g of perilla sprouts were dried in the shade and ground. Further analysis revealed that the contents of major secondary metabolites in perilla sprouts varied with different planting densities (Table3). The activity of SOD was determined based on inhibition of the photochemical reduction of nitro blue tolazoline (NBT) as described by Polle16. ISSN 2045-2322 (online). Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate three slides at a time, or the slide dot buttons at the end to jump three slides at a time. while the effect of plant density on yield amount showed different results. A. et al. Sprouts were arranged randomly in climatic chamber with three replicates (n=3) per treatment. 2022 Apr;101(4):101684. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2021.101684. Planting density mainly affects the structure of plant population, increases competition among individuals for light, water and nutrients. & Yu, H. Q. About 50g of fresh leaves were used to measure the concentrations of SP and TSS. A previous study24 reported that the number of plants per square meter is directly proportional to the ratio of crop growth rate. This is so because planting density influences the nutritional status and light distribution characteristics of plants. The recommended sowing rate of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is about 10 kg pure live seed ha1, but it is debated if increasing the sowing rate enhances forage yield and quality in the sowing year. These ndings are consistent with Morales et al. 8600 Rockville Pike By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines. Watermelons are grown at many different row widths and in-row spacings, but an ideal plant density has not been established. [18], who reported that plant density does not affect the yield of tomatoes. Rankarajan et al. If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. for this article. Total loading time: 0.197 Comparison of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of low-potassium-tolerant and -sensitive soybean [glycine max(l.) merr.] 2017. Zegada-Lizarazu, Walter 7. . The growth of plants was carried out in a greenhouse maintained at an air temperature of 25C and air humidity of 75%. However, there was no significant difference in MDA contents between T2 and T5 treatments (Fig. Results: The extraction was continued for 3h, to steam distillation, using a Clevenger apparatus until sufficient oil was collected. Perilla sprouts variety, a wild species, was obtained from the mountains of Huixian county, Xinxiang, China through wild domestication. Notably, the content of TSS under T4 treatment were significantly higher than in other treatments, which is in agreement with results obtained by Zhang et al.38. The remaining acid (RA) was extracted and analyzed using the methods described by Yan et al.21 with minor modifications. The content of RA was highest under T4 treatment, which exceeded that of T1 by 24.39%, and that of T5 by 22.68%. CAS wrote the paper, L.M. Larkindale, J. The following types of fertilizers were used: 225kgN ha1, 100kg P2O5 ha1 and 125kg K2O ha1. Burdine, Kenneth H. Effect of plant density on (a) total shoot mass and (b) seed mass per unit ground area. performed experiments, L.L.W., Z.D. A 3ml reaction mixture containing 50mmol phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 15mmol H2O2 and 0.15ml supernatant was prepared, followed by decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and determination of 1min CAT activity at 240nm by absorbance17. Bullock, D., Khan, S. & Rayburn, A. Plant density and soybean yield. In this study, the longest root was recorded in T5 group, while the length, width and diameter of cotyledons were highest under T3 and T4 treatments. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. It, therefore, plays an important function in overall metabolism of plants36. Background: Chickpea yield losses due to weed competition have been estimated to range between 40 and 87% depending on weed species and density. However, high planting density promotes the growth of roots. PubMed Easter Sch. Brazilian Capsicum peppers: capsaicinoid content and antioxidant activity. If the density exceeds a certain limit, it deteriorates the lighting and ventilation conditions in the population structure. Science 296, 695698 (2002). The supernatant solution (50ml) was mixed with a solution containing 130mmol methionine, 75mmol NBT, 100mmol EDTA, 50mmol phosphate buffer (pH 7.8). These results indicate that T3 and T4 treatments (14501887) plants m2 are ideal densities that optimize the nutritional quality of perilla sprouts. This results in longer, thinner, smaller and yellowing of leaves of the sprouts. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 2, 156-161. has been cited by the following article: The higher the planting density, the smaller the space between plants. J Sci Food Agric. View all Google Scholar citations Stem diameter at harvest decreased as the planting density increased. However, there was no difference in POD activity between T2 and T3 treatments. Strittmatter, Peter A. A solution containing ground leaves was treated with methanol solution and subjected to ultrasonic treatment for 1h. Next, the solution was filtered to obtain 25ml. Baudron, Frdric Biswas DK, Hamid MM, Ahmend JU, Rahman MA. a, Chl. Petrova Chimonyo, Vimbayi Grace Other researchers reported that planting density modifies the chemical composition of sprouts from seeds10,11,12,13. Figure 1. PubMed Central Samples were kept at 4C until measurement. Cheng, S. Y., Gu, M. R. & Shu, H. R. Advances in research on flavonoids in ginkgo biloba leaf. Phytotherapy Research 14, 323328 (2000). Comparatively, the activities of SOD and CAT in T3 group were higher by 59.05 and 82.04%, respectively, than in other groups. Planting at a density of 1450 plants m 2 significantly increased yield, improved the activities of antioxidant enzymes SOD and CAT, enhanced the generation of reactive oxygen species, increased the content of total chlorophyll and net photosynthetic rate, and decreased the content of MDA in perilla sprouts. Whitbread, A.M. Int J Toxicol. & Cisneros-Zevallos, L. Impact of germination on phenolic content and antioxidant activity of 13 edible seed species. However, high planting density promotes the growth of roots. PubMed Figure1 shows the effects of planting densities on agronomic characters of perilla sprouts. Ritchey, Edwin L. and Mechanical harvesting is necessary to improve the profitability of this crop. and Content may require purchase if you do not have access. Chlorophyll content was calculated based on absorbance reading from UV/visible spectrophotometer (722G) at 663, 645 and 470nm. Notably, the height of plants increased significantly with the increase in planting density. The site is secure. The absorbance of miscible liquids was read at 560nm. CAS and Results: The increase in plant density increased marketable yield per hectare, although the yield per plant decreased. 3. The lint percentage did not vary with the planting density, but the lint percentage in 2021 decreased compared with that in 2020. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of plant density (D1 = 36 765 and D2 = 73 530 plants ha-1 ) and harvesting type (manual or mechanical) on the yield and quality of fresh, dried and powdered peppers. The site is secure. Khalil AW, et al. also revised and edited the manuscript. Heterosis for capsacinoids accumulation in chili pepper hybrids is dependent on parent-of-origin effect. Effects of different planting densities on antioxidant enzyme activity of perilla sprouts (ad). L.M. The mean value of each index for the 50 selected plants was taken as the quality index for each treatment density. Nitta, M., Lee, J. K., Kobayashi, H., Liu, D. & Nagamine, T. Diversification of multipurpose plant, perilla frutescens. Ball RA, Purcell LC, Vories ED. The plants were grown on sandy soil in a greenhouse of 100m50m dimensions. The cultivation conditions were monitored and recorded from April, 2014 to October, 2018. The content of anthocyanins was similar between T3 and T4 groups. Raymond, P., Al-Ani, A. The plant population range for confection-type sunflower hybrids ranges from 12,000 to 18,000 plants per acre. saccharatum]. Publishers note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Increase in MDA concentration cause cellular damage, hence metabolic disorders33. Tian, B. et al. However, long-term effects of puddling could lead to forms of large clods in fine textured soils, resulting in negative . Industrial Crops & Products 25(3), 282287 (2007). The impact of planting density and position in the canopy on percentage of large fruit. Effects of different densities on the wheat TSS in the flag leaf and grain. It is reported that plant flavonoids anabolism depends on photosynthesis34, which also reflects that T3 treatment is beneficial to the growth and light absorption of perilla sprouts, thus promoting the increase of flavonoids content. 2005. A solution containing ground leaves was treated with methanol solution and subjected to ultrasonic treatment for 1h. Next, the solution was filtered to obtain 25ml. Statistical differences between treatments were analyzed using Duncans multiple range tests in SPSS software (version 20.0; SPSS, Inc.,Chicago, IL, USA). and transmitted securely. Essential oil was prepared according to the procedure described by Burits and Bucar22. Mercier, Kelly M. Correspondence to Yield of fruit (green) and weight of prunings (orange) from mature apple trees with planting density averaged over three seasons. In conclusion, appropriate planting density will lead to high yield and length of perilla sprouts. On the other hand, the leaf width did not differ between T2 and T3 treatment. Planting density modifies the photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic carbon assimilation capacity of different parts of leaves. Iijima, Morio Our results revealed that the content of RA increased with the increase of planting density, being highest under T4 treatment. Theme: Agricultural Value Chains and Market Access the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Herb and oil composition of dill (Anethum graveolens L.): Effects of crop maturity and plant density. wuliu1009qqq@163.com. Wang, Jie Ali, Amjed 7.3.3 The Farazdaghi and Harris Yield-Density Curve 230. is commonly used a traditional vegetable2. The highest plant height, plant density, number of tillers, and organ yields were observed at 30 cm row spacing. CAS 2a,b), while the highest values were recorded in T3 group. Njoku DN, Muoneke CO. Effect of cowpea planting density on growth, yield and productivity of component crops in cowpea/cassava intercropping system. J. Integr. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Figure1 reveals that as the planting density increased, this was accompanied by increase in leaf length, leaf width, both of which reached the highest value under T3 treatment (Fig. Tofa, Abdullahi I. European Journal of Plant Pathology 147(2), 279294 (2017). New Zeal. Turk, T. A. The yields for 0 and 40 kg N ha 1 rates were similar, while applying 20 kg N ha 1 reduced, on average, soybean yield by 14.5%. For each planting density, 50 representative plants were selected to perform experiments. Environmental and Experimental Botany 56(1), 8794 (2006). and Farquhar GD, et al. 106, 5360 (1994). The yield was calculated for at least three plants in each group (n=3). It also increases the content of biologically active compounds, such as flavonoid, volatile oil, RA, and anthocyanins, TSS and SP. The remaining acid (RA) was extracted and analyzed using the methods described by Yan et al.21 with minor modifications. The concentration of soluble protein (SP) was estimated based on absorbance at 595nm using bovine serum albumin as a standard using Bradford assay method23. Planting densities influenced several photosynthetic parameters of perilla sprouts (Table2). The content of TSS in plants not only reflects the synthesis of carbohydrates, but also the status of carbohydrates transport. Cheng SY, Gu MR, Shu HR. Wu, L., Deng, Z., Cao, L. et al. performed experiments, L.L.W., Z.D. A. Photosynthesis || environmental regulation of photosynthesis. Crop Science 28(6), 977981 (1988). The mobile phase consisted of methanol-1% phosphoric acid (39:61) and was run at rate of 1.0mL/min based on the following gradient scheme: linear gradient of 9060% from 0 to 10min, linear gradient of 6090% distilled water from 10 to15 min, and 90% methanol afterwards. Photosynthetica (Prague) 49(4), 633636 (2011). Gs of T4 treatment increased dramatically by 2050% over other treatments, but no significant differences were found between T1, T2 and T5 treatments. According to the results of the present study, the increase in plant density and the substitution of manual harvesting by mechanical harvesting could be profitable practices with respect to the Jaranda variety of pepper used for the manufacture of smoked paprika. The absorbance of the supernatant was measured and used to determine the content of MDA based on absorbance at 532 and 600nm. MeSH The lengths of root from T3 treatment was 68.45, 22.70, 9.49 and 54.05%, longer than T1, T2, T4 and T5 (Fig. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Ajeigbe, Hakeem A. , Extraction of the aqueous distillate with n-hexane and removal of the solvent from the extract under vacuum yielded the essential oil. 3a). Dried leaves of perilla sprouts (0.5g) were ground into powder, and treated twice with 30% ethanol solution (25mL) under sonication for 10min, and then centrifuged at 4500rpm for 5min. The activity of POD and content of MDA first decreased and then increased with the planting density. 3 indicate that TSS content in T4 group was 100, 50, 20 and 20%, significantly higher than T1, T2, T3, T5. Leaf Aging and Reactive Oxygen Metabolism in Different Genotypes of Mung Bean. ft. per plant resulted in a gross revenue increase of about 14.3%. All treatments were conducted through a random block design with three treatments and three replications. The experiment was. p. Effect of plant density and spraying with aluminum silicate on fruit yield and quality of processing tomato grown in summer season. 3a). Stems with internode of nearly 2cm were selected for diameter measurement, three replicates were conducted for every stem internode. Hamblin, J. However, the content of TSS was not significantly different between T3 and T5 treatments (Fig. Figure 2. those affect maize yield considerably; however, it is more affected by variations in plant density than other member of the grass family (Vega et al., 2001). This work's findings showed that plant density affects yield against Geremew et al. government site. Different the lowercase letters show significance at the 5% level determined by Duncans test. Different the lowercase letters show significance at the 5% level determined to Duncans test. This experiment empathize that the combination of 70 cm between the rows and 20 cm between the plants, with a total density of about 71400 plants per hectare resulted in a highest yield. Planting density affects the antioxidant system of plants. Initially, the activity of SOD and CAT increased and then decreased with the increase in planting densities. Effects of plant density and spatial arrangement on `Allsweet' and `Sangria', two standard-sized watermelons, were evaluated. Schematised figure, inspired a.o. We speculate that with the narrowing of rows between plants at high planting density, the light energy absorbed by PSII antenna pigment dissipates less in the form of heat as more of it is used for photosynthetic electron transfer37. Traditionally, peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) of Jaranda variety used for the production of smoked paprika are harvested manually in the north of Extremadura (Spain). Seed yield increased with increase of plant density up to 80 to 100 plants m -2 depending on variety and season. In this study, we show that planting density influences SP content in the perilla sprouts. Ewansiha, Sylvester U. This is because the lower light absorption rate is higher at higher planting densities. Xue, Yanfang The total flavonoid content under T3 exceeded that of other treatments T1, T2, T4, and T5 by 35.90, 30.28, 15.69 and 55.11%, respectively. Moreover, the content of Chl. Zhi XY, et al. Effects of plant density on cotton yield components and quality. Comparison of sprout quality characteristics of desi and kabuli type chickpea cultivars (cicer arietinum l.). Effects of planting density on photosynthetic parameters in perilla sprouts. 3b. 1970. Content may require purchase if you do not have access.). PMC Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! About 50g of fresh leaves were used to measure the concentrations of SP and TSS. 1f). Seeds consume a lot of energy and resources during germination. The .gov means its official. The marketable yield of tomatoes per unit area increased by 43% when was cultivated at high density. Chivenge, Pauline Paidamoyo Callan, N. W. et al. 79, 879884 (1985). Different the lowercase letters show significance at the 5% level according to Duncans test. (Table 4). The content of anthocyanins was similar between T3 and T4 groups. Different the lowercase letters show significance at the 5% level determined to Duncans test. Appropriate competition is important for improving SP content and photosynthetic efficiency. High planting density also increases inter-plant water content and atmospheric relative humidity. A slight increase in plant density from 7.14 to 6.25 sq. Under normal circumstances, a balance exists between ROS production and elimination in plants. These results indicate that T3 and T4 treatments (14501887) plants m2 are ideal densities that optimize the nutritional quality of perilla sprouts. About 0.5g of fresh leaves were ground and Chlorophyll was extracted using acetone and 90% ethyl alcohol (v/v) at 4C for 48h until the leaves turned blanch.

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effect of plant density on yield