production risk mitigation

Appl. Increased mortalities of abalone in farms, particularly those operating in coastal areas have also been predicted under a changing climate through the intrusion of saline water from marine environments (Morash and Alter, 2015). J. Shellfish Res. Assessing the economic impact of climate change in the small-scale aquaculture industry of Ghana, West Africa. 1, 378382. Analyze and simulate the effects of strategic decisions before making them. In these circumstances, deliberately deferring decisions may be good management practice, but it is essential that the project be scheduled such that deferred decisions reduce rather than increase the risks of delays. ''), in which case they will be matched Climate Change and Considerations for Fish Health and Fish Health Professionals. All three projects went through full EIA processes. Rev. For example, something may be oversized to provide a safety factor against high uncertainty in requirements, just as safety factors are used in engineering design to provide a margin against uncertainty in loads; the higher the uncertainty, the greater the contingency in the load factor. Larger-scale investors that run hatcheries in sheltered locations may also benefit from market opportunities emerging due to the decline of preferred specimens in the wild as a result of degrading coral reefs (Bell et al., 2010). Vulnerability of aquaculture in the tropical Pacific to climate change, in Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change, eds J. D. Bell, J. E. Johnson, and A. J. Hobday (Noumea: Secretariat of the Pacific Community), 647731. Climate change effects on aquaculture production are expected to be both direct and indirect (Handisyde et al., 2006; De Silva and Soto, 2009). Surge capacity refers to the ability to manage a sudden increase in patient volume that would severely challenge or exceed the present capacity of a facility. Mitigation strategies and expected decreases in sediment and nutrient loss are summarized in Table 2. Despite being considered the only solution to meeting the continued rise in demand for aquatic products globally, the aquaculture sector is increasingly being threatened by human-driven climate change effects that are both a present and future reality. (2019). doi: 10.2983/0730-8000(2005)24[29:SEORSR]2.0.CO;2, Barange, M. (2019). Implementation of mitigation measures along with management activities, such as monitoring and community participation, is an integral part of an effective EIA system. A review of the science and technology developments in Zambia's aquaculture industry. Ecol. Change 8, 333337. Sustainability in Action. Contractors generally agree to take risks only in exchange for adequate rewards. Econ. According to FAO (2020), aquaculture's contribution to global fish production has continued to rise, reaching 82.1 million tons (46%) out of the estimated 179 million tons of global production. It is assumed that the probable costs of these two processes are statistically independentthat is, there is no correlation between the cost of one and the other. To address biases of climate models, Palmer and Stevens (2019) note that there is a need to reduce the dependence of these models on subgrid parameterizations as much as possible and if not, then report their uncertainty. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020. As the aquaculture sector continues to grow while climate change becomes clearer, there is a need to embrace a holistic approach in projecting climate change effects on aquaculture and in addressing these impacts. Mitigation measures must be defined where adverse impacts are identified for certain social groups, particularly with regard to national or international norms, especially in the areas of resettlement, impact on indigenous peoples, large-scale unemployment, and so on. Furthermore, shifting to or developing aquaculture species that are more resilient to climate change is one of the most promising areas for adaptation (De Young et al., 2012). How will changing agricultural practices and demands impact on water bodies? Climate Change Implications for Fisheries and Aquaculture: Overview of Current Scientific Knowledge. Contact us. In this paper, we review the potential effects of climate change on aquaculture production and its implications on the sector's sustainability. Sea level rise is also likely to result in changes in species composition, organisms' abundance and distribution, ecosystem productivity, and phenological shifts that may threaten inland and marine aquaculture production (Doney et al., 2012). Risk mitigation is defined as taking steps to reduce adverse effects. IPCC (2018). Harmful Algae 18, 7483. 25, 2538. ment because they can easily result in a general upward trend in the expected project costs and durations. may help the producers prepare for expected changes and build resilience (Zolnikov, 2019). Res. Besides, several projections show that aquaculture producers in developing countries will be the most affected and this is due to poor adaptive capacity (Barange et al., 2018; Zolnikov, 2019). Retrieved from: (2014). Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience: Climate Terminology Explained. Although aquaculture activities, such as power input, transport, and feed production are considered the main pathways of the sector's contribution to GHGs (Cochrane et al., 2009; Adhikari et al., 2018; Barange et al., 2018), the sector's contribution is rather relatively small despite being significant when compared to other food production sectors (Barange et al., 2018). What is certain, however, is that the effects will be persistent and likely to be irreversible, resulting in severe consequences on the economy of those engaged in the sector, with extreme effects projected on poorer communities (IPCC, 2013, 2014; Holmyard, 2014; Barange et al., 2018; Dabbadie et al., 2018). For example, applying changes to the management of the tradable quota allocated to individual fishers (Frusher et al., 2013). WorldFish/USAID Feed the Future-Aquaculture Bangladesh and CSISA Projects. Some of these important risks cannot be adequately characterized, so optimal risk mitigation actions cannot be determined during project planning. 530, eds K. Cochrane, C. De Young, D. Soto, and T. Bahri (Rome: FAO), 107150. (2017), however, the percent loss of fish during periods of extreme flooding will depend on the species and age of individual species. Salim Momtaz, S.M. Show this book's table of contents, where you can jump to any chapter by name. Papua New Guinea. Climate change and aquaculture: potential impacts, adaptation and mitigation, in Climate Change Implications for Fisheries and Aquaculture: Overview of Current Scientific Knowledge. Technol. Aquac. Operational changes could be the adoption of kites to assist vessel movement, or prioritizing shore-to-ship power infrastructure that reduces ship-reliant energy production in ports. Froehlich, H. E., Gentry, R. R., and Halpern, B. S. (2017). Natl. Some risks, once identified, can readily be eliminated or reduced. A similar decrease was reported (3842%) following the application of cow urine to soil lysimeters (Dennis et al., 2012). Once a captain detects a whale or is alerted by a member of the crew, there are a number of rapid decisions to take, including (a) where to steer away from the animal, (b) to reduce speed which might have consequences regarding maneuverability and passenger safety, or (c) to opt for doing nothing, relying on the whale to avoid the vessel. Sustainability 15:1212. doi: 10.3390/su11041212, Mangan, S., Urbina, M. A., Findlay, H. S., Wilson, R. W., and Lewis, C. (2017). Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Climate change risks and adaptation options across Australian seafood supply chainsa preliminary assessment. It means that if risks remain that cannot be avoided, transferred, insured, eliminated, controlled, or otherwise mitigated, then they must simply be accepted so that the project can proceed. Thus a project that might have been canceled can instead be turned into a highly beneficial one. King, A. D., and Harrington, L. J. doi: 10.1007/s10113-014-0670-4, Lorenzen, K., Ainsworth, C. H., Baker, S. M., Barbieri, L. R., Camp, E. V., Dotson, J. R., et al. Several studies have also associated the outbreak of some harmful algal blooms to the changes in climatic conditions (Wasmund et al., 1998; Edwards and Richardson, 2004; Edwards et al., 2006; Moore et al., 2008; De Silva and Soto, 2009; Lafferty, 2009; Trainer et al., 2019). The authors further observed that percent losses are likely to decrease with increasing fish age. countries) where meat consumption is high. Owners should have independent, unbiased outside experts review the projects risk mitigation plans before final approval. [6] International and research communities have been working on various approaches to climate risk management including climate risk insurance. Besides, warmer periods may provide opportunities to culture new species and facilitate further developments in genetic improvements of aquatic organisms (Gubbins et al., 2013; Bueno and Soto, 2017). Rome: FAO, 34 pp. [1][2] Common approaches to risk assessment and risk management strategies based on natural hazards have been applied to climate change impacts although there are distinct differences. Pongthanapanich, T., Nguyen, A. T., and Xinhua, Y. Rodrigues, L. C., Van Den Bergh, J. J. M., Massa, F., Theodorou, J. Obviously, the owners option is not cost-free as there are costs involved in terminating a project; nevertheless, owners should always provide off-ramps or exit strategies in case projects become nonviable. Information on how such incorporation has been utilized in aquaculture production is still largely unknown. Already, the outbreak of epizootic diseases remains one of the most important factors that limit the success of aquaculture production systems in many countries of the world (Maulu et al., 2019). Although seaweed is considered an important sink for atmospheric CO2 (Chung et al., 2013, 2017; Duarte et al., 2017), few studies have evaluated the effects of climate change on seaweed production, probably because its production is limited to certain regions (Sondak et al., 2016). Riphah, S. U. verruculosa and Alexandrium catenella species whose outbreak were associated with climate-induced changes in water column stratification (Trainer et al., 2019). Additionally, the absence of global models that can take into account both the direct and indirect effects of climate change on aquaculture makes the quantification of the effects difficult (Metian, 2017). nova-Institute is a private and independent research institute, founded in 1994; nova offers research and consultancy with a focus on the transition of the chemical and material industry to renewable carbon. doi: 10.14465/2013.arc33.318-327, Guyondet, T., Comeau, L. A., Bacher, C., Grant, J., Rosland, R., Sonier, R., et al. By providing proper equipment, action plans, and training for different risk levels, the Sonoco team has been able to successfully manage two potential flooding incidents since Hurricane Matthew. Ser. J. Anim. Salim Momtaz, S.M. Ma. (2006). Poor land application strategies (i.e., when soils are wet) can often result in significant N and P losses that can be avoided by increasing storage capacity and applying effluent at a low rate (e.g., <4mmh1) to dry soil. Res. considerable cost, to reduce market risk by beating the competition to market; this is a typical strategy in high-technology industries. Salinization of groundwater is regarded as harmful to aquaculture, freshwater fisheries, and agricultural production (Handisyde et al., 2006; Kibria et al., 2017). It was beyond the aim of this paper to provide a comprehensive review of all published literature for each section covered, rather, it focuses on the most recent (not more than 10 years back) and relevant literature on the subject. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.11.004, Brander, K. M. (2007). Furthermore, the currently available literature reviews do not investigate how the sustainability of the aquaculture sector could be affected by the projected change in the climate. These response times tend to increase with increasing catchment size. Drought events may lead to water stress, such as shortages and quality deterioration that have negative effects on aquaculture production (Hambal et al., 1994). Decisions that constrain future decisions and eliminate options should be reconsidered. Risk mitigation is defined as taking steps to reduce adverse effects. 1, 3950. Science 318, 17371742. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1222463110, Rutkayova, J., Vcha, F., Marlek, M., Bene, K., Civiov, H., Hork, P., et al. Kibria, G., Haroon, Y. Farm. Risk transference may not always negate exposure if your supplier is negligent in the production of good or operations of a service that you as the company are providing to your customers. Adaptation and mitigation strategies of climate change impact in freshwater aquaculture in some states of India. The inequality of climate change from 1.5 to 2C of global warming. Increased levels of rainfall, particularly if it occurs as heavier events, will increase the production risks in lowland areas (Bell et al., 2010). Effective implementation of mitigation measures arise when all proposed mitigation measures are completely and adequately implemented (Wood, 1995). Stakeholder perceptions of links between environmental changes to their socio-ecological system and their adaptive capacity in the region of Troms, Norway. High-impact, low-probability events in general cannot be covered by contingencies. Scientific insights have informed methods of food production, waste disposal, and the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Soc. However, most risks are much more difficult to mitigate, particularly high-impact, low-probability risks. View this free video webinar and learn how to contribute to your facilitys sustainability, resiliency and efficiency, while being customer-centric with speed to resolution. doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2011.01085.x. This will negatively affect aquaculture breeding programs and the economic sustainability of the sector. (2017) reported that climate change effects on aquaculture producers are expected to differ depending on the culture environments (freshwater, brackish, and marine). However, a combination of these areas may most likely yield better results compared to a single area focus looking at the strong link that exists among them and their complementary action. In 2018, Sonocos Hartsville campus experienced devastating losses due to the flooding caused by Hurricane Matthew. (2013). 4, 27872798. Evaluate risk interactions and common causes. doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(1988)018<0697:TEOSOT>2.0.CO;2, Cornwall, C. E., Hepburn, C. D., Pritchard, D., Currie, K. I., McGraw, C. M., Hunter, K. A., et al. Carbon use strategies in macroalgae: differential responses to lowered pH and implications for ocean acidification. Fish stock losses due to extreme floodsfindings from pond-based aquaculture in the Czech Republic. Figure 1 provides a simple illustration of how GHG emissions will affect aquaculture production as well as the contribution of capture fisheries, aquaculture, and agriculture activities to climate change. For instance, cage aquaculture will likely face higher risks from the effects of cyclones and waves. The capacity of the producers to adapt to climate change will likely depend on accurate future projections against different systems of the aquaculture sector. Specifically, this includes the use of environmentally friendly practices and technology, such as solar energy, proper feeding practices, and sustainable wastewater management to minimize air and water pollution (VGREEN, 2012; Barange et al., 2018). Off. Production risks: Production shortfalls can result from direct or indirect climate risks, i.e., This page was last edited on 25 October 2022, at 09:33. Due to the time-sensitive nature of a natural disaster, they required a solution that could be deployed directly by their team without the need to rely on a contractor. (2018), the sustainability of aquaculture systems may be assessed using three sustainability indicators: environmental, economic, and social indicators. U.S. tracking omicron subvariants, but new boosters should provide protection. Values in this list can be fully qualified names (e.g. In 1994, a UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction was convened to bring together government officials, non-governmental experts and other specialists, in order to discuss preparation, response, and mitigation measures to face the Proximate composition of farmed fish, Oncorhynchus mykiss and Cyprinus carpio from Iran. Everything else being equal, projects that take longer generally cost more and deliver less value to the owner. There are sufficient data to make global estimates of seabird bycatch for both longline and gillnet fisheries. Collins, C., Bresnan, E., Brown, L., Falconer, L., Guilder, J., Jones, L., et al. Aquaculture 498, 343350. Economic risk arises from uncertainty about economic outcomes. For example, calcifying species in locations where CO2 is not the major driver of acidification are predicted to be the most affected (Cornwall et al., 2012; Clements and Chopin, 2016). For example, Sae-Lim et al. refrigerant gases that depleted stratospheric ozone) or may build up over time to levels that require mitigation (toxic pesticides, lead in gasoline). In private projects, this trend is controlled by competitive factors and by the owners knowledge of what costs and schedules should be. Valenti, W. C., Kimpara, J. M., and Preto, B. L. (2011). On the other hand, aquaculture's main GHGs emission is CO2 through the normal respiration of aquatic animals (De Silva and Soto, 2009). It is impossible, for example, to assign risks when there is no quantitative measurement of them. The process included: Thorough consultation and collaboration with key plant personnel An extensive site survey Review of operational requirements Development of facility and elevation layouts Identification of obstructions Assessment of water movement. If the event never occurs, the additional $1,000,000 is likely to be spent anyway, so that the net effect is simply to double the cost of the project. The Sonoco leadership team knew they needed to begin investigating methods to prevent future damage during inclement weather. Climate change vulnerability (or climate vulnerability or climate risk vulnerability) is defined as the "propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected" by climate change.It can apply to humans but also to natural systems ().Human and ecosystem vulnerability are interdependent. This involves mainly reducing GHGs emission with a special focus on CO2 emissions which accounts for more than 60% of human enhanced increases (Mohanty et al., 2010; IPCC, 2014; Environmental Protection Agency, 2016). The following are examples of flexible decision making that can help mitigate risks under conditions of uncertainty: Defer some decisions until more data are obtained in order to make better decisions based on better information. Adv. Cochrane, K., De Young, C., Soto, D. T., and Bahri, D. T. (2009). J. Phys. Proc. Mar. Figure 2. Impacts of climate change on aquaculture. Nature 497, 365369. It leads to increased risk of disturbances through storms, fire, pests and diseases with implications for forest growth and production. It is also predicted that warm water pathogens, such as Sea lice will remain a challenge in salmon culture and further warming is likely to worsen the infections in cold temperate conditions, requiring more treatments thus more expenses (Collins et al., 2020). Aquaculture 448, 365374. Dev. However, wrong projections may affect successful adaptation to climate change effects by the aquaculture producers. This review has highlighted the potential effects of climate change on aquaculture production and implications on the sector's sustainability. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. However, the effectiveness of DCD varies between soil types in response to drainage characteristics (Shepherd et al., 2012) and soil temperature (Kelliher et al., 2008). The authors further suggest that future models should be sustainable and cutting across nations, embracing the high-performance application of computing and technology.

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production risk mitigation