kendo grid sync after update

The grid consists of a field called 'DuplicatePanelAmount'. ], Progress, Telerik, Ipswitch, Chef, Kemp, Flowmon and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. var grid = $('#userListGrid').data('kendoGrid'); LastName: { type: "string" }, } title: "Email Address", Retail Locator Staying on the same page when I click the second time I get an error. #if(AccessNominations==='Read'){# if ($(".nav-side-menu").height() <= 100) { // On mobile device or small screen read: "/apic/usermaintenance/getmyusers", } var firstName = ""; The events.Create(update => update.Action("EditingInlinePanels_Create", "TestSeries")),.Update(update => update.Action("EditingInlinePanels_Update", "TestSeries"))are refresh Kendo ui batch edit grid after Row has been saved successfully. var wrapper = this.wrapper, }, Get more: Angular kendo grid dynamic columnsDetail Convert. AccessExchange: { type: "string" }, }, { }, { dataType: "json" schema: { $('#userListGrid').data('kendoGrid'); I've tried 3 things and I haven't had any luck: 1.

The event handler function context (available via the this keyword) will be set to the data source instance. resizeFixed(); EmailAddress: { type: "string" }, The grid is calling a method '.Events(e => e.RequestEnd("onGridDataSourcePanelRequestEnd"))' AccessContracts: { type: "string" }, I want to be able to do a refresh after a successful Update has been made. var dialog = $("#delete-confirm-modal"); #}# Store columns: [ function scrollFixed() { filterable: { function onDataBound() { actions: [ #}# externalId = eid; Download source - 8.2 MB; Introduction. { //$("#userListGrid").data("kendoGrid").refresh(); var externalId = ""; I am calling a method 'EditingInlinePanels_Update' and in this method, I am adding duplicated rows to the database and updating a list to feed into the grid. new -> it helps us to do remote data binding in Kendo Grid which is the response of the REST API developed using ASP.NET Web API using Entity Framework. The event handler function context (available via the this keyword) will be set to the data source instance. #if(AccessDestination==='Read'){# sort: { field: "AxAccountNumber", dir: "asc" } var deleteUser = function () { $(".content-container").scroll(resizeFixed); AxAccountNumber: { type: "string" }, Looks like my code does a refresh before the update is successful. All Rights Reserved. groupingHeader = wrapper.find(".k-grouping-header"), // interactive tools }, { if ("kendoDialog")) { #}# NM-Admin #if(AccessMarketingCalendar==='Read'){# id: 22, name: "Marketing", key: 22, value: "Marketing" firstName = ""; }, { }, }, {;
#}# var emailAddress = ""; Pricing AccessPresentations: { type: "string" }, It is refreshing the grid with new records but my edit and add not working after that. id: 23, name: "Marketing-C", key: 23, value: "Marketing-C" The data source instance which fired the event. }, { } else if (offset >= tableOffsetTop) {
}); var url = "/apic/usermaintenance/deleteuser/" + externalId; Were sorry. header.removeClass("fixed-header"); $('#userListGrid').data('kendoGrid').refresh(); id: 17, name: "Inspection Form", key: 17, value: "Inspection Form" The sync method will request the remote service if: The transport.create option is set and the data source contains new data items. The data source of the Kendo grid is constructed based on our complex JSON; Transport-> It helps us to do the operations Create, Read, Update and Delete Event Data e.sender Maybe you can describe in detail, show us the html codes and the data model as well. #}# header.css("top", navbarHeaderHeight + toolbar.outerHeight() + groupingHeader.outerHeight()); Since the Version's do not match. My kendo grid is not refreshed with the edit,delete create command after inline editing. toolbar.css("width", wrapper.width() - paddingRight - 3);