what is piano regulation

Pianos used for performances may require regulation before use due to the great demands made on the piano. I have 20 private piano students, and I often talk to them about tuning and regulation. A concert tuning encompasses not only making sure the tuning is pure but making sure it will stay in tune! Each tuning appointment includes: One or multiple tunings depending on how much pitch correction is needed. To regulate a piano is to adjust all of the parts so that they operate uniformly and efficiently. Regulation is the adjustment of the mechanical aspects of the piano to compensate for the effects of wear, the settling of cloth and felt, as well as the dimensional changes in the wood and other materials due to changes in humidity levels. The action is made from wood, metal, felts and leather. This treatment will need to be performed on each hammer, and the response of each string within each note should also be uniform in tone. Regulation is the adjustment of the mechanical aspects of the piano to compensate for the effects of wear, the compacting and settling of cloth, felt and buckskin, as well as dimensional changes in wood and wool parts due to changes in humidity. Each one of these subjects can be incredibly detailed, and I may create more detailed videos and articles for each one of them but for now, I will provide an overview of all three! Piano regulation services also involves inspecting and performing the necessary adjustments to back actions like: Damper lift off from the key sticks; Damper motion in the pedal; The aim of piano regulation is to restore the piano back to proper working condition, which might not be covered by the other use, care, and maintenance procedures . New pianos may require regulation during the first year due to the vesting and compacting of the parts. With the help of graphics and animations, I am able to show you exactly what to look for when regulating an upright or grand piano, so that the piano tells you what the best settings are for Let . If your piano displays a lack of sensitivity, or simply doesnt have the range it once had, it may be time for regulation. A piano that is older or not as well made will need to be regulated more than a beautifully produced Steinway. Standard Tuning - $200. It's important to note that tuning is only the adjustment of the system of strings and pins that determines the pitch of each string. Properly maintained, your piano will sound its best and give you and your family a lifetime of enjoyment. Don't subscribe And many more! It's important to note that tuning is only the adjustment of the system of strings and pins that determines the pitch of each string. However, a sluggish action or deep grooves in the hammers indicate the need for reconditioning or repair. You and the technician are the only persons who can decide on how often the piano should be regulated. As a conscientious piano owner, you probably have your piano tuned regularly by a qualified technician. Tools Included: 5" Combination Tool Handle. Yet despite regular tuning, you may still notice a deterioration of its performance. Regulation is necessary to make sure the action parts of the piano are functioning properly. A piano kept in relatively consistent conditions which are neither too wet nor dry, optimally at a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit and 42 percent relative humidity, will require less adjustment. All upright and grand pianos need periodic regulation to perform at their peak levels. Qty in Cart: 0. It gets a lot of use! To many pianists, a piano's touch is as important as its tone. Regulation of the action is necessary from time to time to maintain a precise and pleasant . Your piano is a major investment which deserves to be protected through regular servicing by a qualified technician. Thanks, The need for regulation will differ from piano to piano. But the piano technician also engages in another type of tuning - regulation. You can also subscribe without commenting. However, voicing deals with the tone of the piano, not the mechanics. A liberal rule of thumb is to add about $10 for every year out of service to the standard tuning fee. This can be fixed with a regulation. If your instrument displays a lack of sensitivity or a decreased dynamic ranges, it's a candidate for regulation. The damper system is the mechanical part of the piano that stops the vibration of the string when you release the key and is controlled by the key and pedal systems. If you know that the room has floor heating, you should protect the instrument by laying out insulating material under the instrument (you can use a mix of Styrofoam and aluminium usually used to insulate . Action regulation is the process of adjusting the approximately 8,000 parts of the piano's action so they function as designed to give a pianist the maximum evenness, control, speed of repetition, and power the piano is capable of. All upright and grand pianos need periodic regulation to perform their best. Get in touch with one of our Piano technicians today and set up a regulation schedule! You can purchase the Video book and finally get clarity on how to get the best feel from an upright or grand piano for only $29.95!. What is regulation and how does it affect my piano's performance? Sale. Pianos should be regulated periodically in order to: compensate for environmental changes (such as increases or decreases in humidity) compensate for wear and tear improve feel and tone piano's performance? We wont cover every single step of regulation in this article but here are a few of the major ones; shaping the hammers to eliminate the grooves and restore a proper strike point. WHAT IS PIANO REGULATION? The quality of the instrument itself also can affect frequency of regulation. Keeping the correct relationship between every part will prevent He is meticulous and thorough in his analysis of problems and the design of treatment plans. Compare Quick view. As the parts wear they no longer make proper contact with their counterparts. How is a grand piano regulated? We offer a variety of services depending on our clients' needs: tuning, pitch-raising, repairs, regulation, voicing, cleaning, re-stringing, hammer replacement, refurbishing, rebuilding, etc. Regulations are simply just adjusting the mechanical parts of the piano to compensate for wear and tear or commonly done post-repairs. Upright piano regulation The frequency after that is often determined by you and your piano technician. Your piano also requires a periodic servicing called regulation, which . Each key of the piano has 35-plus parts and these parts need to be adjusted for an even and smooth playing experience. Proper Action Restoration & Regulation. What type of Facility is best for Piano Storage. We are a full service piano company . Touch refers to the efficiency and . For example, if a piano can't play softly, it's probably because the hammer isn't making proper . Regulation is the general term that refers to any work that keeps the mechanism, (or action), working properly. They are all essential when it comes to getting the most out of your piano and making sure it plays its best. This is accomplished through a complex assembly of levers and springs which can be adjusted with extraordinary subtlety. What is regulation and how does it affect my piano's performance? There are three system involved in the regulation process: the action, the trapwork and the damper system. For more on action regulation as it applies to your piano, call 727-946-1766 for a . By Blake Cooper. How Would I Know That My Piano Needs Regulation? Regulation is subject to how often the piano is used, exposure to changes in climate and the quality, age and condition of the piano. var bbbprotocol = ( ("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? These parts are also affected by dimensional changes brought . As a conscientious piano owner, you probably have your piano tuned regularly by a qualified technician. Susan. Part 1: Tuning 1.1 Introduction to Pianos, Piano Tuning, This Course and the Tuning DVDs 1.2 Beginning Tuning Hammer Techniques: What are "Unisons", What are "Beats" 1.3 Tuning Bass Unisons: Understanding and Using "Ghost Tones" Harmonic Tuning of Bass Partials 1.4 Tuning Treble Unisons: "Notch" and "Smooth Pull" Tuning Techniques 1.5 Tuning Intervals and Setting [] Maybe a better question is, "why does regulation matter?" We'll get to that, but first, what is it? In broad terms, regulation involves a technician going over the moving parts of the piano to make sure they are functioning properly. Pianos, with their hundre Regulation is the process of adjusting the action, keyboard, and pedals of the piano to work together correctly. No amount of practice can compensate for a poorly maintained action. Also, performance instruments may require some regulation before each use, due to the higher demands placed on them. This includes the piano's action, keyboard and dampers. Exacting measurements and corresponding adjustments are needed to put a piano back into regulation. $4.50 - $4.95. In other words, all 88 keys should have an equal touch when playing -- no key should be. However, if the piano is very inexpensive, that money might go better towards a new instrument. Like one definition of infinity, you can get halfway closer to perfection again and again with diminishing returns on time spent. Even with having your piano tuned regularly by a qualified technician, you may still, however, notice a deterioration of its performance. Quick View + Piano Hammer Butt Plate Inserter. Required fields are marked *. Pitch Raise Tuning - $225-$275. 2. Ive also seen tuners who will fine tune a piano and then close everything up, hold down the sustain pedal, and then hit all the keys with their arms to excite the soundboard. Regulation of your piano will even out the responsiveness and "touch" of every key under your fingers while also maximizing the power and control of each note from soft to loud. These changes require extremely fine adjustments to respond to the pianist's nuances and subtle shadings. And that's why we are here to serve you. The felt on the hammers needs to be accomplished to get consistent tone on all notes. Regulation to a piano is the adjustment of the mechanical parts that make up the pianos playing action. Some manufacturers decrease costs by not going over the regulation and Voicing Or Toning processes in the factory as much as needed. In a nutshell, "Piano regulation is a term used by piano tuners and technicians that refers to the calibration or intonation of the moving pieces in a piano. regulation attends to the touch and consistent responsiveness of your pianos action, all essential to making each performance enjoyable. A piano action regulation is a series of adjustments to the moving components of a piano action, and lubrication of key elements to eliminate excess friction. The simplest way to visualize this is to think of a mechanical pencil. if the touch is uneven, or keys are sticking Regulation. This question encompasses quite a bit of information, but it has value in presenting it all in one video as these topics have a lot to do with one another. The basic explanation of regulation is getting an evenness of touch for all of the keys on the piano. If you notice the keys are not level, the keys are sticking, or they are uneven to the touch, it may be time for regulation. Regulating a piano (2) evens out the "touch response" of every key across the keyboard, and (3) adjusts the speed of repetition. TELEPHONE - 0800 032 9919 | EMAIL - info@shacklefordpianos.com. Your forearm should be parallel to the floor, and your arm should be at an angle slightly more than a right angle. The truth is, there is no end to how far you can go with a piano. If the touch is the same but specific notes are brighter or more mellow in tone, it is impossible to get a smooth musical line since some notes will be out of place in the melody, either not matching volume, or tonally different in some way. Regulation is the adjustment of the mechanical aspects of the pianos to compensate for the effects of wear, the compacting and settling of cloth, felt, and buckskin, as well as dimensional changes in wood and wool parts due to changes in humidity. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. For example, if a piano cant play softly, its probably because the hammer isnt making proper contact with the strings. If I Have My Piano Tuned Regularly, Why Do I Need To Have It Regulated? The "regulation" part refers to the maintenance that has to be done on this mechanism to compensate for wear on parts and changes in humidity. The three systems involved in regulation are the action, trapwork and damper system. What is regulation and how does it affect my piano's performance? The proper touch on your piano depends on it being regulated. Specifically, regulation is the process of adjusting the mechanical features of a piano in order to correct for impacts like as wear, the settling of fabric and felt, as well as dimensional changes in the wood and other materials as a result of variations in relative humidity levels. First, we will deal with Regulation. Everything You Need to Know About Yamaha Pianos, Piano Tuning Cost in Los Angeles and Orange County. High-end instruments may take a longer time to lose regulation than inexpensive pianos, but all pianos lose regulation eventually. Two problems too many. When sitting at the piano you want your elbow and arm to fall freely from your shoulder. Regulation is the adjustment of the mechanical aspects of the pianos to compensate for the effects of wear, the compacting and settling of cloth, felt, and buckskin, as well as dimensional changes in wood and wool parts due to changes in humidity. In other words, all 88 keys should have an equal touch when playing no key should be harder or softer than another; no key should be higher or lower than another; the response must be identical for all keys. During an appointment for tuning a piano tuner will advise you on the necessity of regulation, depending on the above-mentioned circumstances. The Regulation Triangle. Piano Key Dip Block. These parts are also affected by dimensional changes brought . If you piano has deteriorated beyond simple reconditioning, it may need to be rebuilt. (4-5 inches) between the wall and the upright piano-back. A piano that is out of proper regulation can have sluggish repetition, uneven or irregular tone or touch, feel heavy and exhibit an inability to play . if you notice that the keys are not level, some higher or lower than the rest; Kawai Pianos - Kawai America Corporation Kawai Canada Music You may, however, notice a deterioration of its performance despite regular tuning. Piano Universal Capstan Screw Regulator, for Grands and Uprights. Each key on your piano has over 25 points of adjustment which need to work together to produce the sound you hear when you play just one note! Regulation is the adjustment of the mechanical aspects of the piano to compensate for the effects of wear, the settling of cloth and felt, as well as the dimensional changes in the wood and other materials due to changes in humidity levels. Some manufacturers decrease costs by not going over the regulation and voicing processes in the factory as much as needed. How is voicing achieved? What is a ballpark amount to regulate, voice & fine tune a piano? It was built in 1986, 48 inches tall. Its beauty is reliant upon personal dynamics and tempi. When a key is played, a felt hammer strikes the strings. We've invested in state-of-the art equipment and software to aid in the process of delivering the most . What is a Piano Regulation? The action is the mechanical part of the piano that transfers the motion of the fingers on the keys to the hammers that strike the strings. Minor repairs and adjustments to case, action, pedals, and bench ($45 value). The best way to answer this is to get in touch with a professional piano technician and have them evaluate the piano to decide how frequently you may need to regulate. Regulations are simply just adjusting the mechanical parts of the piano to compensate for wear and tear or commonly done post-repairs. As a piano is played, its mechanical parts wear and shift out of alignment with each other. The basic explanation of regulation is getting an evenness of touch for all of the keys on the piano. Pianos need to be regulated regularly to perform well. New pianos may require regulation in their first year, because settling and compacting of parts sometimes necessitates adjustment. The three systems involved in regulation are the action trapwork and damper system. Poor legato touch, chord playing where all notes of the chord dont speak clearly, a gradual loss of subtlety in phrasing, and an inability to execute quick passages, or note repetitions evenly, may be the fault of the piano, and not the player. Regular tuning is the one best thing to keep a piano sounding good. The three systems involved in regulation are the action, trapwork and damper system. It also ensures that the piano is able to produce and maintain the required volume levels, which is an important factor, especially in pianissimo passages. Tuning adjusts the strings and the pins, the system that determines the pitch of each string. Grand Action Screwdriver - 7" blade with 1/8" shaft & 2" plastic handle. The purpose of regulation is to ensure optimal performance and playability, which, in turn, ensures that the pianist can control the production of sound. If, after having read the above information, you feel that the playability of your piano may be improved by regulation, please feel free to contact me or Book An Appointment. Having a piano properly regulated will allow a piano to play at it's best performance. And these parts are mostly made from wood and felt, which as you can imagine change over time (wood shrinks and swells, felt compresses). Our highly-skilled technicians are familiar with the inner workings of Steinways, Estonias, Baldwins, Steingraeber & Sohnes . Touch refers to the efficiency and responsiveness of the mechanical action of the piano, and is what is responsi-ble for giving a piano its full range of power from the silkiest of pianissimos to a crashing double forte. Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin at LivingPianos.com: Robert@LivingPianos.com: 949-244-3729, Hi Robert, A smooth, even response throughout the entire range of the keyboard and an extremely quick action capable of playing rapid passages and repeated notes evenly is essential. Piano regulation involves the fine setting and adjustment of all the parts of the action, keys and pedals in order to compensate for wear, compacting and vesting of felt and leather, as well as dimensional changes in wooden and felt parts due to humidity and temperature changes. Includes custom case made from soft, but durable suede fabric with a flannel lining. You may, however, notice a deterioration of its performance despite regular tuning. This is dependent upon the amount of use, exposure to climatic changes, and the quality, age, and condition of the piano. your piano needs to be regulated. There is a tremendous amount of work that goes into voicing a piano. But tuning only addresses the pitch of the . Preliminary version as of June 2008 . What Is Piano Voicing: Voicing or tone regulation is the process of changing the character and timbre of the piano tone to make it more pleasing and even from note to note throughout the range of the piano. Regulation is the adjustment of the mechanical aspects of the pianos to compensate for the effects of wear, the compacting and settling of cloth, felt, and buckskin, as well as dimensional changes in wood and wool parts due to changes in humidity. Your email address will not be published. Reconditioning is the process of putting your piano back in good condition by cleaning, repairing, and adjusting your instrument for maximum performance with replacement parts only where specifically indicated. Frequency of regulation is dependent on a variety of things, including how often your piano is used, exposure to climate changes, the pianos quality, the age of the piano, and how well its maintained. Robert, thank you for your interesting website. Several factors can contribute to this. Price: $329.95. Proper regulation will keep the piano from aging and getting to an unplayable state. Welcome to the Piano World Piano Forums Over 3 million posts about pianos, digital pianos, and all types of keyboard instruments. The proper touch on your piano depends on it being regulated. A job of regulation is in order. Music is one of the most complex vehicles for expression. Most piano owners, at some point, become aware (either by noticing that their piano is becoming more difficult to play or by having that fact brought to their attention by a technician) that their piano is in need of mechanical adjustments to the action - a process referred to as "action regulation". June 2, 2011. So, what is regulation? How often do your recommend regulating and voicing a Yamaha studio upright? First, let's define what the "action" of a piano is. There are a lot of determining factors here, such as how much the instrument is played, and the climate conditions in the area. New pianos may require regulation in their first year because settling and compacting of parts sometimes necessitates adjustment. by Zak Paukner | Mar 24, 2022 | piano-restoration | 0 comments. This deteriorates the piano's performance making it unpleasant to play and giving it uneven feeling keys and a clumsy sound. The piano action has over 8000 moving parts and fulfils the same role in a piano as an engine does in a car. Prior to piano regulation all repairs should be completed expertly. A properly regulated action will create a lighter, faster, more responsive touch with increased power. There are approximately 8 different adjustments for each key: from key height, key depth when depressed, let-off of the hammer after its struck, to other details of hammer movement, and other adjustments affecting repetition, power and more. You can continue to make finer and finer adjustments and never really reach a real level of perfection. Regulation begins with removal of the piano's action. Piano regulation involves the fine setting and adjustment of all the parts of the action, keys and pedals in order to compensate for wear, compacting and vesting of felt and leather, as well as dimensional changes in wooden and felt parts due to humidity and temperature changes. Action assembly regulation. Hammer blow distance is the space between the hammers at rest and the underside of the string. The adjustments compensate for the effects of wear and tear caused by usage, the compacting and settling of cloth, felt, and buckskin that along with wood make up the action parts. Listening or Playing What The Piano Does To Your Brain, The Tool Every Piano Student Needs a Metronome, The Biggest Problems People Face When Learning The Piano. Piano Servicing by Arthur Reblitz is a great book that has a lot of descriptions, but the regulations steps are more for someone regulating a new piano. If you notice that the keys are not level (some higher or lower than the rest), the touch is uneven or that the keys are sticking, the need for regulation is indicated. As the parts wear they no longer make proper contact with their counterparts. Leveling the keys. Therefore, the overall condition of the action changes more or less over time, depending on the stress level. All upright and grand pianos need periodic regulation to perform their best. Replies to my comments Over time the felt and leather can compress, springs can wear, and keys can become uneven or start sticking. Regulation is the adjustment of the mechanical aspects of the piano to compensate for the effects of wear, the settling of cloth and felt, as well as the dimensional changes in the wood and other materials due to changes in humidity levels. Touch refers to the efficiency and responsiveness of the mechanical action of the piano, and is what is responsi-ble for giving a piano its full range of power from the silkiest of pianissimos to the crashing double forte. The adjustments of your piano action related to touch have not been attended to recently and are causing the piano to be less than responsive. When a key is pressed, dozens of individual components work in unison to allow the hammer to hit the string in a precise spot, at the right angle and with the exact amount of required force. The action is the most complex system of the piano, with over 9,000 working parts that are able to respond to a pianists every movement. A lmost all of the moving parts that make up a grand or upright piano can be found within the piano's action. Upright Piano Regulation A Service Manual . Action regulation (4) maximizes the power and control of each note within the piano, allowing each pianist the freedom of individual musical dynamic expression and to have adequate control of the piano's keyboard. Reputable retailers sometimes do the necessary regulation prior to selling, but others do not. These sometimes need replacing/ repairing to allow the piano to continue to work. Aftertouch is an adjustment that we do not adjust directly. The setting and adjustments are done expertly and adhere to all regulations. In our 50 years of service, we've performed piano regulation services on all piano makes and models in Northern Virginia.

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what is piano regulation