ethical leadership essay conclusion

For example, some may neglect to ensure that nuts and bolts of what makes an ethics programme effective. The change Therefore, if something. However, the second opinion may reveal some factors that you may have not considered. STEP4. Recognizing an ethical issue can be difficult, even when right in front of you. There is no substitute for honesty and integrity inside and outside of the workplace. This is actually supposed to be easy since a well performing organization translates a well-paid leadership, and when the company is not performing well, the leader should take it as an initiative to work towards better performance rather than doctoring the books to steal an undeserved bonus from the company. There is clear empirical evidence that a leader and culture built on ethics will benefit the organization through the integrity of its employees. Retrieved from, Hire skilled expert and get original paper in 3+ hours, Run a free check or have your essay done for you, Didn`t find the right sample? In definition, ethical leadership is the leader's ability of leading by understanding and abiding by what is right and appropriate for an organisation and employees. For example, an employee may know somethings wrong it smells bad, as one approach puts it. Both of these are great ways to empower group and community members. These ethics are instilled from the leadership down to the employees. Need a professionally written Although complying with the law is required, being ethical is not, it is a desired outcome. This week I encountered multiple dilemmas which affected my actions at work, home, and school; in this paper I will exploit those dilemmas and how they are considered weakness that I incorporated in my IDP. I dont like the game, but it does have benefits. I used to be best friends with a person I now supervise. Not only should leaders behave ethically, but it is also important to inspire their employees by participating in giving back to the community. Ambien is a prescription sleep aid used for the treatment of insomnia. Peter G. Northouse explains that leaders need to take into account their own and followers purposes and search for goals that are compatible to all. And if you treat others fairly, you show respect. Ethical Leadership is leadership that is involved in leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of other. Robert Mueller, in the chapter The Networking Leader, wonderfully summarizes "Trust, mutuality, and ethics are essential. I (author of the book) use God loosely here, and Im not advocating any particular religion of faith. Respecting individuals is a principle of ethical and moral leadership that incorporates other aspects of morality. The value-based approached discussed in the article is instilled from the top down. Ethical egoism is a theory, according to which the leader makes decisions based on their best interests. Leaders must also not separate ethics from other organization 's activities. In such organizations, it is much easier for the leader to act unethically as they are able to make autonomous decisions and follow-up decisions in order to cover up their misconduct. Ethical dilemmas are decisions that require a choice among competing sets of principles, often in complex and value laden contexts (Ehrich, Cranston, & Kimber, 2005, p. 137). Determining whether an action is legal or not is pretty simple. Embarrassment If you would feel awkward about telling your boss, co-workers, friends or family about what you are doing, or thinking of doing, its a good chance that the issue is an ethical one. ?>. She feels she is in danger and would like to enter the shelter and receive counseling with us. number: 206095338, E-mail us: Level: Master's . Ethical leaders play a critical role in promoting and perpetuating a social exchange and culture of honesty, accountability, unbiased treatment, consideration, and respect across an organization. ETHICS/ETHICAL Companies having a bureaucratic nature tend to rely on the top tier management to make all the crucial decisions and pass the orders down the corporate ladder to the implementation points. It entails ensuring that public officials are accountable to the community for making and administering policies. When a leader is inspired to act in order to meet their own needs, they only serve their personal whims, thus making it easy for them to fall prey to unethical conduct. The leader here was comfortable with the situation because they were not naturally-oriented towards fairness and justice. The theories include ethical egoism, utilitarianism and altruism. This kind of power is a factor for unethical behavior, thus presenting a challenge to ethical leadership within the organization. A company wants to develop a long term; they should improve the leader's ethical [Eddy, P, et. By continuing well assume youre on board with our The widely held belief that a CEOs primary responsibility is to maximize shareholder wealth conflicts with the principle of paying attention to all stakeholders. Ethical leaders should also not allow personal habits to challenge their trust (Pope, 2015) They should always be firm and bold in the decisions they make. In the relationship between the organizations leadership and their stakeholders, justice is a fundamental concept. Is this ethical?. Nevertheless, acting out of the need for being inspirational and setting an example to others is a noble path. Regardless of the motivation, the leader is herein believed to make their decisions based on the possibility that they will achieve something their hearts are set to. When a leader is honest, they are unable to lie to their subordinates. Ethical Leadership Ethical responsibilities of organisations have evolved over time and now "reflect a concern for what consumers, employees, shareholders, and the community regard as fair, just, or in keeping with the respect or protection of [their] moral rights" (Caroll, 1991). Leaders set the example. Concentrate instead strictly on the actions. Which doesnt make a theoretical problem of the long chapter wisdom in his and his portrayal of womens involvement and leadership. Get 20% of Your First Order amount back in Reward Credits! Would you be comfortable with your decision if it was the main topic of discussion on Anderson 360 and you knew you were being subjected to public disclosure and critique? Well occasionally send you promo and account related email. As a concept of management, ethical leadership faces a lot of challenges including corporate culture, corporate governance, and social constructs. Once a leader is unable to get distracted by the external factors that may lure them into unethical conduct, they have time to focus on the companys goals and objectives. Leadership behaviors have a direct impact on the effectiveness and trust of the leader, the followers, and the organization. This generally means that in order to eliminate unethical leadership, all these gift-giving expectations must be shunned so that business interactions are conducted based on merit and not on the partners gift-giving capacity. In other words, the choices could all be seen as right. cite it. Companies that have ethical leaders are generally more attractive to other companies, suppliers, distributors, consumers, and even employers. Hire a Writer. This means that focusing on the long-term objectives is likely to protect the leader from unethical behavior. I perceive life [], Background The field of technology is quite intriguing. Five Ethical Leadership Behavior 1. When evaluating past unethical behaviour, they usually believe that theywill behaved more ethically than they actually did. My supervisor is unwilling to address it and said to me, Mind your own business. Let me (author of the book) caution you here that getting a second opinion does not mean that you abdicate your responsibility because ultimately, as the leader, the buck stops with you. So there is a general tendency for people to fail to realize that they are making choices which affect others, with possible adverse consequences, and which should therefore be considered from a moral point of view. This not only ensures a peaceful working environment but also encourages the formation of cordial working relationships since the leader is a just peacemaker. One other necessary factor in occupational fraud is the expertise to cover up a discrepancy, and honesty is likely to force this cover up. It is important to have a personal ethic or moral framework in which you ground your practice and professional relationships. With all the recent unethical behavior in high profile cases. Trevino, Hartman, and Brown (2000) affirmed that individuals with power must be strong morally and prove their strength in management to be considered as ethical leaders to those in their work environment (as cited Brown & Mitchell, 2010). face with a morally challenging issue of this nature for the first time from a nursing perspective, and realizing that professionalism and strong ethical leadership were critical elements in the making the right decision, the matter was taken to the chief medical officer for the institution, who then promptly assembled his team of experts to iron Wang and, Ethical Leadership in Organisations The idea here is not just to accomplish tasks and move on, but rather to use processes that are in line with the organizational objectives. It is often easy to take sides when dealing with suppliers, distributors, or even competitive employees. An ethical and moral leader strives to treat fairly all interested parties byhis or her decisions. An ethical leader is honest (tells the truth), and trustworthy (constituents accept his or her word). Employees who are treated well are more likely to focus on their work, thus ensuring that they generate as much output as expected of them by the organization. This is mainly because it has quite a number of benefits that include better organizational performance, employee retention due to the high levels of job satisfaction, efficient operational costs, and others. Lack of these checks and balances open the leader up to personal biases and, in some cases, even to bribing the suppliers. When taken truthfully, it could have some lucrative rewards including being a role model, earning respect and unconditional loyalty of the subjects, and being considered a trustworthy member of the society. Therefore, supervisors are likely to influence subordinates the most based on exposure to supervisory behavior. Citing the examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Franklin Roosevelt, Johnson, 2013 highlights the basics of transformational leadership to be addressing human needs beyond the basic. Simple Ethical Research Paper Topics. It is widely acknowledged that ethics is neither a modern concept nor a new area of research. The eventual choice will depend on developing a uniquely personal view of the world, drawing on existing formal guidance but more significantly, also referring to individually held beliefs and desires. An amoral leader functions as though ethics does not exist. In such circumstances that present an opportunity for unethical conduct, for example, a leader of an organization could bribe another organization in order to secure lucrative business dealings with them. The same applies to resolving ethical dilemmas. Ethical Essay Topics on Business. Assignment instructions for ethics 101 class. Reader also used the "waiter rule" to explain that a lot can be said about a person's character by the way they treat the waiter, which is much like the. 4.7 (3244 reviews) Nursing Management Business and Economics Economics +69. You can use it as an example when writing This Essay was written by one of our professional writers. The political frameworkthe political ideology, system, and structure of a jurisdiction socializes people and enhances or constrains the decisions and actions they take. Need urgent help with your paper? Finally, a leader may choose to be moral and consider the ethical impact of his decision. For a leader to be successful in his or her endeavors, they must consider ethics in guiding other employees. Considering the needs of the stakeholders as the primary motivation, it is probably the most effective way to be an ethical leader while seeing as these needs overpower personal motives that could easily culminate into temptations for unethical conduct. The main purpose of a code of ethics is to ensure that there is justice and fairness in the interactions between the members of the society. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. Quality control is rigorously maintained by us and is thoroughly aligned with the given question brief and instructions. When an organization has ethical leadership, it is likely to follow the rules and regulations in its activities. While all these procedures are rather costly and time-consuming, they save the company a lot of money and time as well as keeping the employees safe, protecting the organization from lawsuits by the employees, and ensuring that the products and services being released in the market are actually up to standard, thus preventing consumer lawsuits and dissatisfaction. If there is an area of doing, that so called grayarea, you should err on the side of caution and not run the risk of violating the law, regardless of the benefits. When defining leadership, this theory does not consider the skills and academic competencies but rather the leadership qualities that come naturally and are only enhanced through leadership training. It is a concept that is synonymous . The high road to success lies in cultivating authentic, win-win relationships, inside the organization and out, while operating at the highest standards of ethics. " Consequently, this means that under the deontological theory of ethical leadership, the leader is able to hide their wrong actions and conduct themselves ethically when being in the public eye. This would improve the company's reputation across the global market. We will write it for you, in any discipline! Ethical leaders intend to real positive changes Ethical leaders develop mutual purposes. An ethical dilemma at work arises when theres conflict between two possible desirable or undesirable actions. In other words, ethical leadership can increase the level of meaning experienced by followers in their work, "which in turn positively impacts followers' levels of work engagement and organizational identification" (Demirtas et al., 2017, p. 183). If your only frame of reference for making choices is to make a profit, maximize shareholder value, win this sale or meet the legal minimum requirements, you will almost certainly miss the ethical dimension. Two of them are recent in terms of their relevance to management. Stress Putting off making a difficult choice, losing sleep and feeling pressured can be all signs of an ethical problem Anger If you are feeling angry at being pressured, it could be a sign of an ethical problem. Ethical leadership begins by defining ones core competencies and applying them with the hope of improving others. It is simply not a viable business strategy to claim that there is no such thing as ethics in business this is a sure way of avoiding any personal responsibility for what is happening. In such a case, honesty is approached with caution seeing as there are cases when it will only break an individuals spirit, thus the need for practicing positive reinforcement or sugar coating is barely fair. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. The main point behind asking for the subjects opinions is to find out what they think, and when these opinions are consistently shot down without a good justification of their becoming a waste of time. Respect is thus an enabler for accountability, which can be considered a critical factor in ensuring that ethics is adhered to by the top tier management of the organization. Leaders who are ethical demonstrate a level of integrity that is important for stimulating a sense of leader trustworthiness, which is important. Brown and Trevino define ethical leadership as "the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion of such conduct to followers through two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making" (Brown et al., 2005: 120). In the event that they are about to do something wrong, they consider the response of their subjects and decide against the action. McCann, J., & Holt, R. (2009). By the same token, if you can lie down and go to sleep after making your decision without the need for Ambien, you may have made the proper decision. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. For example, eminent domain results in harming the minority for grater societal good. The clothing Is to be sold at lower cost, In efforts to help increase their profits. Consequently, a leader may choose to be amoral, which means he does not consider the ethical consequences of the component of his decision. What kinds of benefits and harms are we talking about?) ETHICAL DILEMMAS From the theories and perspectives discussed in the previous sections, seven principles have been identified as crucial to ethical leadership. Be Honest and Trustworthy and Have Integrity in Dealing with Others. This is seldom due to negligence, but to lack of awareness of what it takes to make a sustained cultural change in the right direction. Instead of being perceived as heroor heroine, the moral leader quietly works on moral agenda. Don't use plagiarized sources. As leaders are by nature in a position of social power, ethical leadership focuses on how leaders use their social power in the decisions they make, actions they engage in and ways they influence others. The teleological theories in ethical leadership are formulated around the idea that the leader is motivated by the consequences of their actions. They are called lawyers. ANALYZE THE ACTIONS Socrates us the ancient Greek philosopher who is given credit for setting the agenda for the tradition of critical thinking. Conclusion. In any organization, the followers include, among other salient stakeholders, the employees and the investors as well as the consumers, suppliers, and distributors. In order to create a strong ethical based environment, it is critical to have an appropriate leader and leadership integrity. A team of management scholars observes: We used to organize corporations as both economic and social institutionas organizations that were designed to serve a balanced set of stakeholders, not just the narrow interests of the shareholder. It should however be mentioned that character determines his or her conduct in the absence of strong external influences, though, for some reason, business leadership is all about external influences. Get in touch with one of our experts for instant help! When honesty is an important value to a person, and another person is found to be acting dishonestly, it is generally acknowledged that the action was unethical. 2, pp. The character and integrity of the leader provide the basis for personal characteristics that direct a leaders ethical beliefs, values, and decisions. If I do them, its credit in the bank for me to get favors from her. Integrity refers to loyalty to rational principles; it means practicing what one preaches regardless of emotional or social pressure. Ethical leadership Brown et al. A good example of virtue-based ethical leadership would be the case of Arthur Andersen, the accounting and management consultancy firm that not only oversaw the audits at Enron but also offered management advice. Numerous studies on occupational fraud indicate that the ability to justify ones fraudulent activities is a determining the eventuality of fraud itself. There are people trained to provide assistance in this area. Get a Custom Essay Writer Just For You! Moreover, a virtuous leader is able to discern whether a given risk is worth taking based on their individual characters. They should be consistent with what they do. When resolving an ethical dilemma, a leader should consider how he would feel if his actions were publicized to the entire world on CNN. Thus, the implication is that the transformational style of leadership takes precedence by virtue of its effectiveness in relation to ethical conduct. Think about it, most, if not all, decisions made by todays leaders may have an ethical component. However, this is a 10 per cent drop on 2007. EVALUATE THE SYSTEM An individual who is focused on change is able to appreciate the entire process of innovation and implementation without rushing through and anticipating quick results. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. Showing respect for the individual also means that you recognize that everybody has some inner worth and should be treated with courtesy and kindness. In efforts to aide Countess Lori Ann in duplicating Matthias clothing line; Normally sends. Training can help managers clarify their ethical framework and practice self-discipline when making decisions in difficult circumstances. Companies that are able to create an image of ethical excellence attract the right stakeholders support for better organizational performance and sustainable business. For example, an ethical leader under this perspective should be able to ensure that the products being sold to the consumers are of good quality and at a fair price. If Person B does what Person A asks only because of positional power, influence, or guilt, then the leader (Person A) has been successful in this scenario, but not effective. Thus, it is important that ethics must indeed embark from the top. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. Type your requirements and Ill connect you to They can always defend their position in a rational and logical manner, other than resorting to ambiguity and oblivion that could also be indicative of unethical conduct. To a transformational leader, the leadership would be all about inspiring people being led and significant changing for a better tomorrow. Retrieved from These theories are known as teleological theories. The fact that this gift is given after the tender or partnership has been awarded further allows for justification, which is yet another primary factor in fraud and unethical behavior. Although ethical behaviour is not required, legal behaviour is so never straddle the line. These principles help not only to ensure that the leader is on the right path, but also that they are able to resist fraud regardless of the circumstances into which they are tempted. Ethical leadership is the practice of normatively proper behavior through personal practices and relational interactions, and the advancement of such behavior to the junior staff through two-way communication, strengthening, and decision-making. Influence is the "change in a target agent's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors as the result of influence tactics" (Hughes et al., 2014). Moerover, they will doctor the accounts in order to cover this up. It is vital to the health and success of any organization achieving for greatness. One is that the company should consider revising its wages in such a manner that foreign as well as local employees are compensated fairly. As such, emotionally intelligent leaders are unlikely to be unethical seeing as they are open to their subjects and interact with them regularly. Someone may ask is there such a thing as ethical leadership? Leadership and Ethics Week 8. They do so through empathy, listening, awareness, conceptualization, stewardship, foresight, persuasion, and commitment into building communities and human resource development projects. It is a process of social influence or we can say ability to influence others in order to accomplish a common task or achieving common objective. Ethics deal. By incorporating this fundamental principle of ethics, showing concern for the interest of others, you may avoid making an unethical decision. Describes team leadership, including its application, strengths, and weaknesses. Also you can read a rather interesting article about an Ethical Flaw. Save. Any organization that receives public money (money collected through the taxation system) is accountable to the community for the use of that money. It should be considered that the greatest temptation for a leader is autonomy, where no one within the organization can question his or her actions. As leaders are by nature in a position of social power, ethical leadership focuses on how leaders use their social power in the decisions they make, actions they engage in and ways they influence others. As leaders are by nature in a position of social power, ethical leadership focuses on how leaders use their social power in the decisions they make, actions they engage in and ways they influence others. Does it harm others? Among other things, the leader here is expected to act in a way that is truthful and fair, but only with respect to their subjects. In this article, the reader will be enlightened on (a) two definitions (explanations) for ethical leadership, Ethical Leadership in Organisations Formatting should be 12pt. Ethical leadership is leadership that is involved in leading in a manner that respects the rights anddignityof others. It should be mentioned that among other things, Burns perspective on ethical leadership emphasizes on qualities like fairness, equality, liberty, and justice. Some human judgments are factual (the earth is round); others are aesthetic (she is beautiful); and still others are moral (people should be honest and should not kill). This includes opportunities to examine their own ethical decision-making skills and the ethical environment of the company. Type your requirements and I'll connect you to an academic expert within 3 minutes. Discuss. My [], The context and the values in the text Othello by William Shakespeare have shaped me in perspective through the main character Othello. The decision to take the matter to a higher authority was borne out of the fact that many physicians as well as nurses think it was unethical, morally wrong and against the Hippocratic Oath to take a persons life intentionally, even if the patient request it (Ardelt, 2003). Ethical leaders demonstrate a high degree of integrity, which is significant for stimulating trustworthiness that will allow the acolytes to continue accepting the leader's vision (Brown 2005). Nevertheless, when they consider satisfying their own needs as the main motivator, they are likely to work towards a good performance so that they can register the highest possible returns for the investors, rewards and benefits for the employees, more business for the suppliers, and eventually a bigger bonus for themselves. Servant leaders are expected to take a non-focal position within a group in a manner that resources and support are extended to followers without any expectation of acknowledgement (Han, Kakabadse & Kakabadse, 2010). The leadership here was entitled to be honest in as far as the performance and practices at Enron were concerned. However, when you break these terms down within the context of leadership, they can mean two very different things. 2011). The same ethical violations that can occur in a therapeutic relationship can be paralleled in a supervisory relationship. Thus, public officials must act in the public interest or for the public good. Thanks Writer Lyla you are indeed awesome . Corporate scandals and ethical issues have increased the awareness, attention, and need of ethical leadership in business. This theory is highly inefficient in todays world although at some point it may have been popular in China, Germany, and India. An effective leader will usually generate personal power through follower acceptance and will use more general supervision. In a participative leadership style, on the other hand, leadership would be defined as engaging those being led in order to form strong bonds that bring about collaboration and supporting system, both vital in task accomplishment within the organization. Identify and articulate a specific ethical issue in a practice area (when patients asks for assistance with death) provide practical leadership strategies to address the issue, Timothy Jenkins was a patient in the Cornwall County Hospital Oncology Department for over five years, during which time he was finally diagnosed with terminal cancer of the lungs, possible due to forty years of smoking. Leadership is the activity of driving a, Transformational Leadership and Leadership Styles. For those who may be atheist or agnostic, you may substitute God for your mother or any other figure you revere. 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ethical leadership essay conclusion