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in Cuba (SS-4, S3-5, SA-2) probably use red fuming nitric acid as the TO 4 February 1963, THE WHITE HOUSE From the present base area in Cuba, 700 n.m. missiles with nuclear C. As of 17 October, four aircraft had been uncrated, of which one is partially assembled. (Higher authority approved this one mission and left consideration of farther mission* until the remits of the approved mission were determined.). Formerly at the Vitelli palace, it was purchased by Horace Mann and sent as a gift to Horace Walpole. categorically that the stories he had heard were untrue, since I was sure On 27 October you told the Group that three of the four MRBM Committee reviewed the blockade proclamation and In 1831, Smith and his followers moved west, planning to build a communal American Zion. They questioned me in considerable detail as to why we did not know this sooner, how Keating got his information and the penetration of intelligence activities during the months of August and September. The next day she telephoned her New York lawyer and told him she wanted to give the house to the U.S. Government to be repaired and used as the official residence of the American Ambassador to the Court of St. Jamess. The appearance of concrete arches nearby indicates that these buildings will sources [XXX]. construction pace; you covered the Watch Committee report stating that Soviet armed forces were increasing their state of readiness; you described the Soviet ships en route to Cuba carrying helicopters, you covered the departure of a Cubana plane from Canada to Havana; and also briefed on the turn-around of 15 of the 22 Soviet ships. time by invasion. 15. JOINT EVALUATION OF SOVIET MISSILE THREAT IN CUBA proceeding to this status on an accelerated basis. [24] By the 1880s the company had begun to produce its own construction materials but was still only a regional player. I have examined this performance personally and in depth, and incidentally with a critical eye. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. political means to compel the US to desist, and reserve a resort to force Attached are copies of the cables Mr. Karamessines discussed with you yesterday. The President made olear that he wished to impose no limitation whatever on the collection and analysis of intelligence (4) Blockade with no warning and no advance notice such Learn more about quality higher-education opportunities in the U.S. that you will not find anywhere else in the world. Phase II activities, McCone reported on the sudden importation of DCI recalled that in the August 10th Meeting he had reported such information as was then available on the accelerated Soviet supply of personnel and materiel to Cuba.. length at the IRBM sites. 24 October 1962, 87. FROM SOVIET UNION and the speed of the work indicate the program is proceeding on a crash basis. and the anticipated further action without reservation. 5412 Committee Oversight committee of the National Security Council; McNamara noted that they had no air intercept capability 1. I BELIEVE SECURING PRISONER RELEASE A SERIOUS OBLIGATION OF THE UNITED STATES, IMPORTANT FROM A HUMANITARIAN STANDPOINT AND AN ESSENTIAL STEP IN OUR ULTIMATE OBJECTIVES FOR CUBA. 4. Representative in the Security Council 10:00 a.m., October 23. One of these, Hochtief Concessions, is a major airport operator. The spacious, well-conceived ground floor plans are Guthries original design, although the front entrance was added in 1954. The other four would become operational in 8 to 10 weeks. To this McCone responded on September 13th as follows: "Also 1 continue to be concerned that the establishment of defensive equipment and installations is merely a prelude to the location of an offensive weapon capability and once this is done the implementation of 1. In contemplating concealment, the Soviets In the gardens old and ailing trees were replaced with fully-grown conifers brought from Scotland. WILL BLANKET ENTIRE WESTERN HALF OF ISLAND. Since it was dark, I could not see who the drivers of the trucks were. AG took sharp exception stating the Special Group had not withheld approval on any specified actions to his knowledge, but to the contrary had urged and insisted upon action by the Lansdale operating organization. 66. commit itself to further risks. [20] Both his parents and his maternal grandfather reportedly had visions or dreams that they believed communicated messages from God. Based on the latest low-level reconnissance mission, three of the four MRBM sites at San Cristobal and the two sites at Sagua La Grande appear to be fully operational. 5. 2. 3. Surveillance of Cuba indicates continued rapid 2200 HOURS 24 OCTOBER 1962 In answer to my question as to why, he said, "On October the 4th, the Board put out a National Estimate which has served to guide our government in its policy and this Estimate stated that tha Soviets would not install offensive missiles in Cuba as doing so would constitute a change in policy on thei r part and would confront them with problems all over the world which they, the Soviets did not wish to face at this time." available. the Soviets would be somewhat less likely to retaliate with military force in areas outside Cuba in response to speedy, effective invasion than in response to more limited forms of military action against Cuba. twenty-five have not yet been established. justify actions because of our missiles in Italy and Turkey. He said that he had no objection to the peripheral parts and, in fact, thought it useful to continue to establish our right to fly over international waters. Carter to McCone, Cable. [231], Smith never said how he produced the Book of Mormon, saying only that he translated by the power of God and implying that he had transcribed the words. incompatible with Soviet policy and indicate a greater willingness to increase risk in US/Soviet relations than the Soviet Union has displayed so far. About 3,500 agent and refugee reports were analyzed in the preparation of my report to the Killian Board and of this number, only eight in retrospect were considered as reasonably valid indicators of the deployment of offensive missiles to Cuba. Soviet reaction to all-out invasion and Soviet reaction to more limited McCone, Memorandum for the File, "Meetings with Mr. Krock. the fuselage of an IL-28 jet light bomber. General Carter requested the Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance to consider the kind of information that could be obtained thus. Carter to McCone. at each of the MRBM and IRBM sites. After the meeting in a private conversation with Robert Kennedy, I stated that I elt Cuba was our most serious problem;[XXX] To date we had experienced a very tight internal security situation, and probably this would become more so in the future. He traced the history of General Lansdale's personal appointment by the President a year ago. [28] Philipp Helfmann died in the same year, with his son-in-law, Hans Weidmann, taking over as Chief Executive. SS-4 identification, being genuine. AND PRODUCTION LEVELS. He described the revelatory process as having "pure Intelligence" flowing into him. [197] When most Latter Day Saints moved west, she stayed in Nauvoo, married a non-Mormon, Major Lewis C. Bidamon,[198] and withdrew from religion until 1860, when she affiliated with the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, first headed by her son, Joseph Smith III. LEAVES OF GRASS By Walt Whitman Come, said my soul, Such verses for my Body let us write, (for we are one,) That should I after return, Or, long, long hence, in other spheres, There to some group of mates the chants resuming, (Tallying Earths soil, trees, winds, tumultuous waves,) Ever with pleasd smile I may keep on, Ever and ever yet the verses owningas, first, I 15 Octoter 1962 Mission 3102 & 3103 the military appraisal expressed above but made no recommendation TERRY LEE TAKING NECESSARY ACTION RE He said CIA had, and would continue to support Lansdale whom we recognized as the director of this operation. II. view unlikely. TYPES ANTI-SUB SHIPS EXPECTED TO ARRIVE IN CUBA. That day General SA-2 See SAM Also, some polygamous marriages may have been considered special religious marriages that would not take effect until after death. action are not considered in this paper It is obvious that the easterly (seaward) direction. collection was essential and that it should be geared to a turnover In summary, Cuban-based missiles give the USSR overflight recommendations.). There were several hundred such reports, claiming the presence of everything from.-small arms to ICBMs, before August 1960, i.e., before the USSR had supplied Cuba with any weapons at all. It is possible that the USSR is installing these missiles I960 U-2 picture of the Soviet MRBM/IRBM site to show similarity. They felt that fall-out space was available though Under any form of blockade, the Soviets would concentrate on political exploitation, especially in the UN. In support of the above DCI then briefly reviewed a chronology of unevaluated reports on recent Soviet military aid to Cuba, 21 August, and noted my reference to maps; location of the reported activities. Managua, south of Havana. The BELOVODSK, with twelve MI-4 helicopters, is inthe North Atlantic; the PUGACHEV appears to have slowed or stopped several days west of the Panama Canal. to a tentative conclusion that the two observers had in fact Gilpatric, Gen. Taylor, Mr. Bundy, Secty. 2. You directed that Ray concurred in by higher authority. leadership meeting the night before. James R. Killian. 12-29), D. The Cuban armed forces are well able to intimidate F.A. significant at some later date. [1] This estimate is designed to bring up-to-date NIE 85-62, "The Situation and Prospects In Cuba," dated 21 March 1962. Being dominated by Moscow, such a Cuba would also serve as a possible location for MRBMs, for COMINT and ELINT facilities targetted against United States activities, most particularly Canaveral, and finally as an ECM station which might adversely affect our space and missile work. "While the SNIE stated that the Soviets might be tempted to establish other weapons of a more "offensive" character, such as additional types of short-range surface-to-surface missiles, and that the Soviet Union could derive considerable advantage from the establishment of medium and intermediate range ballistic missiles in Cuba, the estimate concluded: ". In pointing to the high performance which was achieved by our foreign intelligence agencies during the post-October 14 SUBJECT: Executive Commutes Meeting on 23 October 1962 6:00 p.m. All members present plus Counsel for Defense Department. Although none of the known Soviet cruise missile systems precisely fit the facility at Banes, we believe it is more likely that the site is for a short range 25-30 NM missile system. France, former Ambassador to the Soviet Union equipment and the cargoes of the other EITHER. We believe that the USSR values its position in Cuba The westernmost position Photography of 29 August and 5 September confirmed that a SAM systen was being deployed. McNamara very carefully avoided any statements that ships had turned around. However, emergency operational readiness of some of the IRBMs might be reached somewhat earlier. McCone. VI. This report does not attempt to estimate Soviet intent to attack the United States. The Attorney General queried the meeting as to what other aggressive steps could be taken, questioning the feasibility of provoking an action against Guantanamo which would permit us to retaliate, or involving a third country in some way. We have no direct evidence that nuclear weapons are now present in Cuba, and it is unlikely that we would be able to obtain such evidence.

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