introduction of broiler chicken pdf

EMC .3642 -.4857 .3642 -2.0033 v 0 Tc BT /GS6 gs ( )Tj These chickens are specifically bred for meat production and they have different body frame and nutritional requirements than other breeds i.e layers. /P <>BDC /P <>BDC IntRoduCtIon The poultry industry is the most dynamic sector within the global meat .452 -1.2495 l /P <>BDC .1821 .6678 0 0 y .207 .9637 .0909 .97 .0409 .9261 c /P <>BDC -.4926 -.5904 -.6215 -.2795 -.6215 .0157 c .9856 -1.0015 1.0515 -.6248 1.1019 -.3328 c /P <>BDC -.5484 -.4596 -.4361 -.487 -.3366 -.4849 c .1801 1.3763 .0974 1.4167 .0063 1.4167 c -1.278 -.3461 l .01 Tc .1205 1.4187 .0592 1.4167 0 1.4167 c 0000001540 00000 n 8.16 0 0 8 178.1186 683.9437 Tm f 0 Tc At what price?) EMC EMC ( )Tj ET 0 0 0 1 k -1.679 -1.0617 l 2.0246 1.7328 l -.3812 -.7307 -.3812 -.6946 -.377 -.6078 c 342.415 629.16 34.862 8.64 re ET h /GS1 gs 0 Tc .0313 0 l .938 .4087 l -1.3355 0 -1.5176 -1.1534 y ET -1.1364 -.1413 -1.265 -.4269 -1.3404 -.7722 c 8.67 0 0 8.5 28.3433 712.7436 Tm 0 0 l 2.2823 -1.8865 2.2852 -1.9495 2.2886 -2.0091 c EMC 1.0353 -.7943 1.0654 -.8547 1.3176 -.862 c -.7219 -2.191 -.6184 -2.1628 -.5461 -2.119 c 0 Tc .3298 1.9399 .3298 1.9745 .3235 2.0091 c .7602 .2625 .722 .703 .3854 .703 c -6.7497 .63 -7.6497 -2.4898 -6.0298 -5.8197 c 1.9778 1.4502 l 0 0 l 7.125 0 0 7.5 105.3455 80.3122 Tm 3.8246 -7.6794 5.1905 -7.042 5.1905 -5.8279 c (For further information please contact Rebecca)Tj BT -.6424 -6.7182 9.5563 -7.042 11.337 -9.4704 c h You did extensive research; the business plan was well prepared and fully detailed. 2.5647 2.2664 l /F1 1 Tf /Figure <>BDC 0 .6 .9 .05 k Avoid stressing the birds during transit. -1.9995 -.8226 -1.8646 -.4835 -1.557 -.2478 c 0 0 0 1 k -3.7639 -.1821 -3.5817 1.5784 -2.0944 1.5784 c -.2794 -2.163 -.0439 -1.8491 .022 -1.4819 c -.8852 1.8521 l EMC .8037 .5493 .8037 .5965 .8004 .6402 c BT 2.1347 1.4502 l ()Tj -.0358 -1.1605 -.0062 -1.0672 0 -.8979 c 2.1002 -1.9745 1.9651 -2.1408 1.7893 -2.2225 c -.8854 1.8521 l -.3981 .6289 -.4067 .6352 -.4173 .6373 c /GS1 gs .1059 -.7349 .1439 -.7327 .1799 -.7349 c .3233 -.2948 .3359 -.2041 .2574 -.1821 c TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR BROILER PRODUCTION INTRODUCTION In Botswana, the poultry industry plays a major role in . /P <>BDC EMC 1.3596 0 l f Q It is a highly rewarding business if done properly. Q -.8854 -1.1395 m 0 Tc roiler stress pack/vitamin supplements which can be used to promote growth of commercial broilers and chicks, and also to combat stress during periods of high temperature, after vaccination and as an aid in recovery from disease to boost performance of the stock. 8.16 0 0 8 179.7145 295.1447 Tm EMC 1.7486 -.2795 1.6073 -.6248 1.3813 -.835 c ET ET 0 Tc ( )Tj .5082 -.828 .5315 -.8068 .5336 -.7878 c .0572 .1186 .199 .0889 .2182 .1672 c BT 1.1795 -.1885 1.0842 -.4214 .9318 -.5632 c 1.306 -.4408 1.5123 .0391 1.6185 .8537 c .6247 -.8788 .5421 -.8493 .4766 -.7836 c /Artifact <>BDC f /P <>BDC -.377 1.0589 l [(\(P)29.8(oultr)12(y\) 04)]TJ Q .01 Tc .4172 -.722 .4023 -.6416 .396 -.5591 c 0 0 l W n 8.16 0 0 8 39.6823 511.1441 Tm I found Startupbiz Global online when I was in desperate need of a business plan. /F1 1 Tf 97.039 629.16 55.195 8.64 re f -.5971 -.1673 l 8.24 0 0 8 534.5283 280.7448 Tm )Tj 0 Tc 2.1943 -1.5947 2.1849 -1.6826 2.1534 -1.7893 c 1.6104 -2.1001 1.7107 -2.1001 1.808 -2.1001 c Q .3706 1.171 l .3049 -.955 l .8947 2.1002 .8852 2.0593 .8852 1.9306 c q The Kuroiler chicken is reared for both meat and eggs. Now we can discuss the whole Commercial poultry farm project proposal according to farm operation. endobj /P <>BDC .8287 1.4786 .6654 1.6921 .2354 1.6921 c -.377 1.0905 -.3855 1.1139 -.4194 1.1265 c 1.8899 -.2133 1.7015 -.16 1.5789 -.1663 c 1.097 .4299 1.1795 .2286 1.1795 .0169 c ET /GS1 gs -.4081 -1.4189 -.452 -1.4221 -.4991 -1.4221 c Q .3422 .7 .1948 .2793 .1539 0 c BT .5103 .7495 .6353 .737 .7537 .65 c -4.1888 -2.2765 l BT -.5972 .7602 l 2.1943 -1.4847 l -1.2748 -1.032 -2.489 .3238 y .335 .2959 l &6E'dtU7()euFVfvGWgw8HXhx9IYiy*:JZjz ? By Brian D. Fairchild, Department of Poultry Science, University of Georgia - Broilers have been selected for increased meat yield, better feed conversion and high growth rates for many decades. 1. .7476 -.1207 .6585 -.0975 .6099 -.1461 c /GS1 gs 0 Tw /P <>BDC 0000078770 00000 n BT .3748 -.2542 .3642 -.1271 .1631 -.1143 c .6013 .2688 l .5745 -.6406 l .7942 -.6754 l .3422 .7 .1948 .2793 .1539 0 c Q (and,)Tj .3959 .6775 l .5887 -.1673 .5929 -.2182 .5929 -.2436 c /P <>BDC ET .1059 -.7349 .144 -.7327 .18 -.7349 c /F1 1 Tf The broiler chicken is a popular and widely accepted meat bird that has provided quality animal protein. EMC -.4928 -.5904 -.6215 -.2795 -.6215 .0157 c (it is also advisable to avoid large bodies)Tj q 1 0 0 1 334.238 28.241 cm 0 0 m 1.9934 -.4113 1.9904 -.2354 1.8082 -.1884 c -1.1928 -2.0812 -1.0296 -2.191 -.8099 -2.191 c .919 -.7327 l .4583 1.1269 .5022 1.1239 .5461 1.1206 c EMC Q .2117 -1.3341 .216 -1.3002 .2181 -1.262 c (The construction costs for a broiler house)Tj q 1 0 0 1 357.766 29.497 cm 0 0 m 0 .75 .89999 0 k BT Adequate poultry equipment is essential for raising healthy and profitable broiler chickens. -1.0615 2.0216 l .5421 .3408 l EMC BT /GS4 gs 8 0 0 8 431.3176 458.5443 Tm q .2075 1.3806 .2096 1.3976 .18 1.406 c W n Q 1.5396 -1.2726 1.5415 -1.3151 1.5438 -1.3552 c 1.6136 -.8069 1.6104 -.8697 1.5948 -.9293 c q 1 0 0 1 304.149 29.349 cm 0 0 m EMC -.6185 -.2324 -.6028 -.2261 -.5933 -.2134 c /P <>BDC /P <>BDC EMC Remember that overcrowding of chicks is the main cause of the slow growth of chickens. 7.84 0 0 8 34.0185 151.1451 Tm 3 pages. ET 1.7958 -1.1647 l 8 0 0 8 557.5016 271.3448 Tm 8 0 obj The weighing scales are. -1.0615 -.4969 l .991 .8851 1.0419 .7031 1.0419 .5018 c [(year)74(. EMC W n EMC .5135 .3292 .5358 .3404 .547 .3573 c 7.5 0 0 7.5 42.0607 56.3122 Tm .1377 -.1122 .0275 -.1122 0 -.1122 c -.8621 -.2335 l 1.0885 -.5019 l 8.16 0 0 8 149.8673 467.9442 Tm 252.432 0 254.971 -2.538 254.971 -5.669 c .5928 -1.0291 .5908 -1.1477 .6225 -1.224 c /P <>BDC -.4172 -.1567 -.4066 -.1525 -.4002 -.144 c BT 54.59 4.4363 60.35 1.5564 y ( )Tj 2.0156 0 l ( )Tj 2.4749 0 l .157 -1.0895 .2133 -1.0863 .2668 -1.0895 c 2.1943 -1.5947 2.1849 -1.6826 2.1534 -1.7893 c 5.2208 .5767 l 2.746 .9711 2.69 .6084 2.5449 .2902 c 0 -1.278 l ( )Tj -80.079 -2.5381 -77.54 0 -74.41 0 c ( )Tj .01 Tc .7603 .2625 .7222 .703 .3854 .703 c 0 841.89 595.275 -841.89 re .2166 .8506 .135 .8537 .0628 .8285 c 0 Tc /P <>BDC EFVU(eufv7GWgw8HXhx)9IYiy*:JZjz m !1AQa"q2#BRbr3$4CS%cs5DT endobj .2264 .1906 .2245 .216 .2245 .2415 c 1 0 .85001 .24001 k 1.24 .7878 1.331 .612 1.331 .4459 c .62 0 .2 0 k EMC 1.7131 -.1122 l 8.24 0 0 8 389.5675 323.9446 Tm 1.9715 .2919 1.8271 .6969 1.4724 .6969 c .01 Tc .0848 .1758 .295 .1317 .3232 .2479 c 0 0 l 0 842.04 595.2 -841.92 re .0848 .1602 .1665 .1726 .248 .1789 c 18.455 0 l ET 7.84 0 0 8 424.5913 381.5445 Tm /Im14 Do By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. (Planning applications are specialised and it)Tj .8978 .038 .6713 -.0635 .4425 -.0827 c h 38.271 2.5161 41.391 4.4363 47.991 4.4363 c BT EMC ( )Tj 1.0016 -1.3955 1.012 -1.3997 1.0206 -1.4038 c /P <>BDC .4171 -.722 .4022 -.6416 .3959 -.5591 c 1.0832 -1.893 l /Artifact <>BDC .8047 -.5824 .8153 -.6311 .8364 -.6735 c Poultry Broiler Farming 1. /P <>BDC BT EMC 1.1603 -.955 l endobj .62 0 .2 0 k -.0167 2.5393 l (the extra money on day one, to ensure)Tj 1.4398 .9782 l endobj ET 20.287 -26.564 l 1.8804 -.4394 1.8899 -.408 1.8899 -.3672 c 253 0 obj h .6332 1.385 .6183 1.3722 .6141 1.3531 c 7.84 0 0 8 547.8754 424.7444 Tm 0 Tc -1.3778 -.8321 -1.2497 -.5271 -1.1445 -.2862 c .1968 .1207 .2267 .1736 .2328 .3579 c According to agriculture diary, poultry refers to a wide range of birds of various species and it applies to them generally alive or dressed that is killed and prepared for sales. 1.7131 0 l 1.0578 -2.3134 .7628 -2.2758 .5902 -2.1536 c INTRODUCTION TO BROILERS PRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Broiler production emanated from the word "Broiler" and it is about keeping birds for rearing. BT 0000016468 00000 n 2.1002 -1.9745 1.9651 -2.1408 1.7893 -2.2225 c BT !! 1.8678 -.4804 l /P <>BDC .9387 2.0532 .9167 2.0343 .9104 2.0058 c ET /P <>BDC -.6215 .3389 -.5054 .6465 -.27 .8758 c /P <>BDC 0 Tc W n Experimental Design and Treatment The study was laid to simple Completely Randomized Design (CRD) during the study. q 1 0 0 1 309.579 28.655 cm 0 0 m (disease outbreak and cross)Tj /F5 1 Tf 1.2536 2.0554 1.4079 1.9613 1.5171 1.8446 c /P <>BDC 2.6099 5.0398 l 1.6261 .6374 1.7486 .3389 1.7486 .025 c /P <>BDC 1.33 .1969 1.2325 .4701 .9932 .4701 c -.7234 -.3238 -1.4519 -1.6998 v /P <>BDC 0 841.89 595.276 -841.89 re 1 0 .85 .24 k These nutrients are all found in commercial broiler stock feeds. .1852 1.8521 l EMC .62 0 .2 0 k Q /P <>BDC f W n /P <>BDC 332.852 0 0 283.971 201.912 440.816 cm 603.779 629.291 -603.78 76.535 re 8.24 0 0 8 389.5675 280.7448 Tm EMC ( )Tj 7.125 0 0 7.5 278.3211 30.4065 Tm -.8852 -.4143 m This implies that you can change eg the number of broilers, selling price per broiler etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change. 0 0 0 1 k -.377 1.0589 l q .3875 -.4321 l .737 .1144 .7814 .1122 .8281 .1122 c 0000003466 00000 n /P <>BDC /GS4 gs 7.84 0 0 8 28.3492 352.7444 Tm /GS7 gs f 1.103 .6663 1.1068 .7604 1.1068 .8507 c 0 0 l 0 0 l 0 0 0 1 k 0 Tc .5744 -.6406 l BT -.5588 .6057 -.5462 .7659 -.5839 .8035 c 1.0956 .1726 1.152 .1663 1.2085 .1663 c In temperate countries, broiler sheds are closed, climate-controlled (e.g., fan-ventilated) and have artificial lighting.10 In hotter countries, the sheds are more open with curtain sides so that the chickens are exposed to daylight and natural ventilation, but have no outside access. .991 .8851 1.0417 .7031 1.0417 .5018 c f .3706 .3833 l -.5651 -1.0832 -.5651 -1.0297 -.5588 -.901 c ET 0 -.5971 l ET I did not have to wait to get the business plan, I got it instantly after payment. 0 76.536 595.2 56.693 re -.5992 -.7349 l /P <>BDC endobj .97 -1.9275 1.0202 -1.9713 1.1332 -2.0215 c -.015 Tc .3328 1.9621 l ( )Tj f 2.5645 2.2664 l <>/ExtGState<>/Shading<>>> 0 0 l -.2096 .5273 l BT 1.2367 2.2664 l EMC 1.6419 -2.2947 1.4284 -2.3134 1.2652 -2.3134 c Your broiler poultry farm should be located close to your market this helps by cutting transport costs. .080002 0 .85001 0 k <>/XObject<>/ExtGState<>/ColorSpace<>>> ET W n .216 -.1588 .2117 -.1377 .1799 -.1249 c 1.9533 -1.5739 l 7.84 0 0 8 424.5913 367.1445 Tm f .7476 1.4187 .6946 1.4167 .648 1.3955 c ET Poultry is the most-consumed meat in the to pork. .3991 2.383 .3991 2.4733 .3201 2.4959 c /P <>BDC ET 8.5 0 0 8.5 413.2455 588.1439 Tm 332.856 0 0 218.098 54.829 353.042 cm 297.6 421.08 m .9382 .4087 l 0 0 l 8 0 0 8 56.6925 280.7448 Tm 8.16 0 0 8 184.4228 640.7438 Tm q The cost of poultry farm equipment should be included in the poultry farming business plan. EMC .5421 .3705 .5421 .4024 .54 .4319 c .7285 1.1494 l .6248 -1.2769 l Introduction to Broiler farming. q 1 0 0 1 487.088 298.554 cm 0 0 m 8.16 0 0 8 496.4178 266.3448 Tm 0 .0661 .027 .13 .0729 .176 c /GS5 gs 1.0924 .1695 1.1584 .1663 1.2274 .1663 c .5463 -1.2495 .6374 -1.24 .7284 -1.2304 c .9261 -1.3028 .8037 -1.2591 .7065 -1.1617 c 11.656 0 l SAPA BROILER NOTES INTRODUCTION TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN POULTRY FARMING INDUSTRY SEPTEMBER 2013 4 The lines developed by the breeding companies by mating pure breeds are most valuable and are therefore maintained under very strict conditions of bio-security and remains the property of a particular company. Q /Im2 Do BT .9637 .1758 .9794 .1789 .995 .1758 c 2.2413 -.1757 2.2036 -.3358 2.1943 -.5902 c Many Private companies are involved with farmers in contract farming for boiler production. .305 -.8429 l 204.002 75.432 8.504 -8.504 re q 1 0 0 1 277.646 41.657 cm 0 0 m 8.24 0 0 8 389.5675 381.5445 Tm 0 0 0 0 k ET <> 0 Tc If inadequate water is available, not only will chickens decrease eating, but there will also be a negative effect on egg production and growth. 297.6 421.08 m 8 0 0 8 556.8536 256.9448 Tm 18 0 0 18 134.7991 789.0478 Tm 0 0 0 1 k ET .62 0 .2 0 k Q -11.047 13.076 l 1.1068 .9976 1.0993 1.1407 1.0767 1.2875 c (decrease to )Tj -1.679 -.862 l It made everything clear, and I have somewhere to start now. 8 0 0 8 413.2455 309.5447 Tm BT 1.1499 .1122 1.2684 .2625 1.3574 .5695 c ()Tj .2102 -.898 .3798 -1.0015 .6089 -1.0015 c 0 -2.2664 l q .142 -.6057 .2562 -.6755 .4108 -.6755 c During the chickens stay in the rearing house, litter was frequently added until it reached a depth of 15 cm. -.9444 -.5971 l 1.7099 6.9297 .63 7.6497 -1.7999 7.6497 c 8.5 0 0 8.5 100.6345 104.3122 Tm Make sure there is enough space for your chicks to grow. 1.1365 -1.0674 .8665 -1.1552 .5339 -1.1552 c .5421 1.5289 l /P <>BDC 0000005604 00000 n 7.125 0 0 7.5 28.3478 92.3122 Tm EMC .5556 -.3769 .54 -.1884 .2418 -.1695 c 1.1223 -.3304 l <> 7.84 0 0 8 203.2907 367.1445 Tm ET -.0094 1.4284 l EMC EMC .6161 -.123 .7179 -.2224 .7602 -.4025 c 1.0616 2.4169 1.0692 2.3339 1.0692 2.2737 c .2606 -.6402 .2356 -.5965 .2167 -.5493 c f .5869 1.0044 l Q BT -.0607 -7.1634 1.3355 -7.6794 2.58 -7.6794 c -.01 Tc We will also email you the download link. f .01 Tc -4.4098 -1.9499 -2.9699 .54 -.09 .54 c 1.7045 .1663 1.8804 .3892 2.0121 .8443 c f .0502 .8506 l BT /P <>BDC /P <>BDC 0 Tc 0 -.1418 .0253 -.3304 .0804 -.4617 c W n I will come back to purchase another business plan soon. .7974 .6874 .7315 .7 .6939 .7 c f EMC .9913 -1.2769 l -.015 Tc f 1.108 2.1032 1.0297 2.1002 .9604 2.0688 c /P <>BDC /GS1 gs /Im6 Do /F1 1 Tf .3907 .2959 .441 .2959 .4968 .3182 c .2308 .4722 .1313 .1884 .1038 0 c BT ( )Tj .1439 1.4187 .1038 1.4146 .0657 1.4167 c ET organized marketing channel is essential for selling of poultry products which can improve the profit to the farmers. ET /F5 1 Tf BT 8.16 0 0 8 228.8142 208.7449 Tm 1.7232 -.2982 1.7107 -.2763 1.695 -.2448 c ET 4.8566 -1.376 l 0 0 l BT EMC .3218 1.2451 l -.015 Tc ( )Tj BT ET Poultry is the second most-consumed meat in the world, next to pork. BT The payment structure will depend)]TJ 7.84 0 0 8 330.7531 136.7451 Tm -.377 .4086 -.3685 .5166 -.3939 .542 c Q .1377 -.1122 .0274 -.1122 0 -.1122 c /GS3 gs .788 -.4835 l -.5589 1.5697 l 1.5396 -1.2324 l <>stream 6.5247 -8.7296 6.1648 -10.98 3.7798 -10.98 c 0 0 l 0 -.8886 l /F3 1 Tf ()Tj 0 0 l f 0 .1122 l Australia's meat chicken industry, or broiler industry, has a relatively brief history when compared with the other major Australian livestock industries.There are currently more than 800 commercial meat chicken growers in Australia. W n 0 Tc BT Depending on the farm size, broiler farming can be -.01 Tc BT .2986 -.9593 l ET endobj .3202 -.2354 .3139 -.2041 .2667 -.1852 c .78 .02 .98 .09 k EMC 0 .1663 l BT 8 0 0 8 231.7318 280.7448 Tm .3705 -1.4167 l /P <>BDC /P <>BDC .3875 -.4321 l 399.685 144.876 l f 15.941 13.11 l q h 2.0154 0 l 0 841.89 595.276 -841.89 re .22 0 1 .080002 k q /P <>BDC BT 0 842.04 595.2 -841.92 re .6247 -.8788 .5421 -.8493 .4766 -.7836 c q 1 0 0 1 259.991 61.092 cm 0 0 m .5992 .1864 .5992 .1375 .6393 .1227 c /P <>BDC /F1 1 Tf .5421 .3705 .5421 .4024 .5399 .4319 c 8.24 0 0 8 500.4037 381.5445 Tm (region of )Tj -254.971 -2.538 -252.432 0 -249.301 0 c 1.0947 -.1122 1.027 -.1143 .9613 -.1122 c q 1 0 0 1 500.673 63.863 cm 0 0 m 0 -.6227 0 -.648 .0021 -.6713 c (a typical 40,000-bird house costs in the)Tj .5802 -.1779 .5949 -.2053 .6056 -.233 c ( )Tj -.4848 -.1314 l EMC 8.16 0 0 8 103.035 712.7436 Tm <>stream 0 Tc 2.489 -3.7638 l BT ( )Tj 0000004135 00000 n .1059 -.7349 .144 -.7327 .1801 -.7349 c .8364 .5314 .8978 .4128 .8978 .3008 c -.1299 .474 -.066 .5 0 .5 c .184 -.2499 .12 -.2239 .0729 -.1769 c The Hi-Pro Broiler Management booklet is designed to help you do this well. 8 0 0 8 556.0698 213.7449 Tm 1.1269 0 l (Design by f BT Currently, the top producers of broiler chickens are United States of America, Brazil, China, European Union, India, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Turkey, Thailand and Indonesia. HdT[L[e >ek?msdhL33-].^m92PzwZ8 1K0Qc%>M9b"j/cA{ Uts[mVZz|=+6[??d_ v C\{+;1PBr,xAm=S{ro*bows9m!w {bAp>K/ /P <>BDC 0 Tc .3452 -.9732 l h .9191 .4002 .9191 .3685 .9191 .3389 c .0126 -.7138 .0254 -.7264 .0698 -.7285 c /GS9 gs 0 Tc -4.4013 1.9426 -3.8853 -.1518 y 0 .1122 l )Tj .7644 0 l 1.8426 1.9086 1.6858 2.1032 1.1835 2.1032 c 1.584 -1.0822 1.5819 -1.0948 1.5862 -1.1075 c -.8872 -.9085 -.8767 -1.0144 -.8513 -1.1224 c .6014 .1758 .595 .1292 .6904 .1207 c .7291 0 TD EMC 7.84 0 0 8 28.3492 295.1447 Tm q 1 0 0 1 363.48 63.357 cm 0 0 m /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 316.747 28.241 cm 0 0 m 7.84 0 0 8 424.5913 410.3444 Tm EMC 0 -.0753 -.0113 -.1808 .0377 -.2447 c -1.5177 -5.0387 -2.9746 -5.0387 v .0211 0 l -.6372 .8569 -.7159 .8413 -.788 .8444 c -.2964 -.0211 -.2286 -.0424 -.1588 -.0868 c 1.2196 -1.5289 l /P <>BDC ET Good feeding equipment should : have a safe design for the chickens, provide clean & fresh feed to the broilers, offer easy access to the feed, and be easy to clean. EMC .1927 -.2033 .1716 -.1355 .0846 -.1185 c 8 0 0 8 56.6925 323.9446 Tm Q .1419 -.6057 .2563 -.6755 .4109 -.6755 c 1.3908 .6059 l 1.5602 .6059 l ( )Tj /Artifact <>BDC 8.16 0 0 8 39.6823 280.7448 Tm EMC Adobe d .7346 .7598 .5776 .8506 .292 .8506 c q 1 0 0 1 534.322 63.584 cm 0 0 m 0 0 l /GS5 gs h 8.16 0 0 8 185.8426 568.744 Tm EMC .6013 .1758 .5972 .1313 .7009 .1207 c /P <>BDC 8 0 0 8 386.636 295.1447 Tm EMC 1.5445 .5461 1.513 .3423 1.4315 .1632 c q 1 0 0 1 504.566 850.394 cm 0 0 m q 8.2612 -11.818 l .6543 -1.3002 .6882 -1.3297 .7644 -1.3636 c .2372 .6818 l These birds are most typically members of the super-order Galloanserae (fowl), especially the order Galliformes (which includes chickens, quails and turkeys). -1.3395 -.5135 -1.4455 -.6975 -1.4455 -.8929 c BT A total of sixty (60) heads of 14 days-old broiler chicks, regardless of sex, were used in the study. -.8873 -1.5739 l f* /P <>BDC ( )Tj W n 7.84 0 0 8 34.0185 165.545 Tm EMC -.8854 -.248 l 1.7617 1.5735 1.8523 1.2497 1.8523 .8921 c .78 .02 .98 .09 k -.4235 -.1016 -.4594 -.0953 -.4933 -.0953 c 0 Tw These are required for financial)Tj 1.0418 -.809 .8893 -.8788 .7179 -.8788 c 8 0 0 8 413.2455 458.5443 Tm /GS1 gs EMC /P <>BDC W n .3798 -2.0058 .3202 -1.805 .3202 -1.5569 c /P <>BDC Check out our collection of business plans, and more business ideas. 7.84 0 0 8 271.2256 194.3448 Tm 8.16 0 0 8 39.6823 266.3448 Tm 1.5602 -1.2526 1.6419 -1.2463 1.7206 -1.2495 c q 1 0 0 1 477.554 65.113 cm 0 0 m 7.5 0 0 7.5 217.7161 69.0461 Tm 114 0 obj f f 1. -6.7947 -6.0298 -2.2949 -6.0298 v 1.6136 -.8069 1.6104 -.8697 1.5947 -.9293 c 1.2369 2.1002 l Good temperature control will enhance feed conversion and growth rate, making your broiler poultry farming business more profitable. /GS7 gs Just wanted to say I am very happy with the business plan and I will gladly recommend your products, thank you very much and have a great day. 1.0609 -.1726 .9857 -.16 .9228 -.1884 c 8 0 0 8 541.2456 199.3449 Tm 0 -.8852 l 0 841.89 595.275 -841.89 re 1.758 -.1663 1.6982 -.1693 1.6449 -.1663 c ET .1452 -.3461 l -1.0724 -.4799 -2.1524 -2.5199 v .9487 -1.5289 l .4756 11.41 l 204.002 99.592 8.504 -8.5041 re 0 0 0 1 k ET 1 Broiler chickens are transported twice in BT BT f EMC .3076 2.0467 .3108 2.0719 .2668 2.0843 c -.4194 .2286 -.3409 .4361 -.1821 .5908 c -.8854 -.9732 l The feeding of industrial broiler chickens is often criticized because of the extensive use of feed sources which are neither socially nor ecologically sustainable [1-4].The diet of intensively-raised broilers consists mainly of maize, soy and wheat [5-7], ingredients that could also be used directly in the human diet [].Ravindran [] and Farrell [] proposed alternative . .5992 .8131 .7898 .7453 .9508 .5824 c 1.2211 .1663 l endobj ET Q 297.6 421.08 m -2.3069 -3.6424 -3.1265 -3.0556 -3.1265 -2.2765 c ( )Tj -.3769 .3725 l 0 -.2102 .0376 -.4898 .1193 -.6845 c -.8621 -.2335 l BT ( )Tj -25.312 -18.239 l Changing food habits, globalization, industrialization, rising income and urbanization have created a favorable atmosphere for development of poultry sector. f .5444 -.7624 .5421 -.7327 .5421 -.7074 c -.4457 -2.0561 -.4301 -2.0091 -.3861 -1.9054 c /P <>BDC /P <>BDC -.015 Tc 8 0 0 8 447.8737 789.4075 Tm .5993 1.3193 .6013 1.2812 .6013 1.2451 c endobj 11.521 0 0 11.304 202.782 77.876 cm 1.3658 1.1689 l .3359 .2826 .3328 .3202 .3328 .358 c /P <>BDC ( )Tj 8 0 0 8 384.116 280.7448 Tm -1.5737 -.7367 l h -.0058 2.8628 0 2.7402 0 2.6732 c -.7285 -.4047 -.8903 -1.376 v 1.6514 -1.7267 l ET Q 1 i <> ( )Tj 7.84 0 0 8 296.2257 136.7451 Tm -.6071 1.5784 0 .516 0 0 c .0093 2.2664 l ET -.1782 -.7892 .5287 -.0132 .7285 .2418 c 0 -.1418 .0254 -.3304 .0805 -.4617 c .65 .1186 .6606 .1207 .6711 .1186 c /P <>BDC -1.0615 2.221 l /P <>BDC 0 Tc ET -.9637 .0033 -.8821 .0126 -.7973 .0126 c 7.84 0 0 8 562.2539 323.9446 Tm 1.5789 0 l .8852 1.9682 .8884 1.9306 .8884 1.896 c .8131 -1.5289 l BT /F1 1 Tf 0000018831 00000 n 8 0 0 8 385.804 309.5447 Tm 1.9934 -.4113 1.9904 -.2354 1.8082 -.1884 c /F1 1 Tf 7.84 0 0 8 556.6483 381.5445 Tm <>/Length 59>>stream BT 7.84 0 0 8 45.3571 136.7451 Tm EMC /Figure <>BDC EMC 297.6 421.08 m -.2285 -1.1647 l .474 .1299 .5 .066 .5 0 c -29.151 -.4799 l EMC -.8885 -1.2558 l .9072 -2.053 .8946 -1.9745 .8946 -1.9147 c 0 0 l )Tj EMC [(Recor)23.9(d kee)12(ping)]TJ EMC 1.4167 -1.3319 1.3256 -1.4441 1.207 -1.4992 c .7722 1.0011 .9387 .9824 1.1019 .8789 c .8852 .3799 l EMC endobj /F1 1 Tf .8047 -.5824 .8152 -.6311 .8364 -.6735 c .1758 -.4319 .1589 -.4024 .1461 -.3705 c EMC ET /P <>BDC 8.16 0 0 8 162.1582 669.5437 Tm f* 7.84 0 0 8 214.6293 395.9444 Tm ET -.3387 -1.893 l .1399 .0931 l .739 .1164 .777 .1122 .8153 .1122 c .7723 1.0011 .9387 .9824 1.1019 .8789 c -.8884 1.0107 l ( )Tj EMC -.3769 .4086 -.3684 .5166 -.3939 .542 c /Im4 Do q 0 841.89 595.276 -841.89 re 4.6722 21.115 l Broilers are meat-type chickens that are usually six to eight weeks old when ready for processing. .7975 .6874 .7315 .7 .6939 .7 c /P <>BDC lighting system, heaters, brooders, weighing scales and waste disposal system. 1.036 2.1002 l /P <>BDC Q hobby brooders can be obtained from poultry equipment suppliers, and will successfully brood up to 50 chicks. 1.7936 .1397 l As far as marketing expenses are concerned the selected egg poultry farmers incurred Rs.162000.00 per farm. You can also consult other poultry farmers on where they purchase their day old chicks from. /P <>BDC ( )Tj ET 0 Tw 1.2091 -.4489 1.1497 -.5569 1.0883 -.6649 c q 1 0 0 1 277.933 28.241 cm 0 0 m /P <>BDC #"""#'''''''''' Figure 3. EMC /GS7 gs /GS1 gs 1.0578 -2.3134 .7626 -2.2758 .59 -2.1536 c EMC h Introduction The American Humane Farm Program (American Humane Certified Animal Welfare Standards) is the product of over 140 years of applied experience in farm animal welfare. -19.664 -.3238 l /P <>BDC 2.7899 -5.3998 l ET -.2285 -1.2769 l .7115 1.4167 .6543 1.4251 .6204 1.3891 c 0 2.2664 l /GS11 gs f /P <>BDC (enterprise: )Tj 0 .1663 l 1.6136 -.7441 l 1.2367 2.1002 l .7603 -.1122 l -.5652 -1.0832 -.5652 -1.0297 -.5589 -.901 c 1.3251 2.5146 1.2047 2.526 1.1143 2.4621 c 1.2401 .7878 1.3311 .612 1.3311 .4459 c <> 1.3341 .9782 l .8037 .5052 l -.5972 1.2494 l 109 0 obj -.6701 1.8823 l 0 0 l 1.1625 -.6754 l [(F)44.9(act sheet )]TJ BT -.8884 -.1539 -1.0202 -.2072 -1.1302 -.3515 c .9127 -1.5605 l .521 .6753 .6332 .6627 .7433 .5929 c /P <>BDC 1.585 2.2211 l To avoid the risk of flooding, the broiler house should be constructed at a fairly raised land with proper drainage. 8.16 0 0 8 28.3438 698.3436 Tm ET /P <>BDC Example of a nest box design. EMC -1.5737 2.9971 l ET f q 1 0 0 1 493.873 63.584 cm 0 0 m 2 -.0063 .8822 0 .8226 0 .7628 c 8 0 0 8 413.2455 156.1451 Tm ET .7369 .1144 .7814 .1122 .8279 .1122 c 255 0 obj Q .8037 2.2664 l the number of broiler chickens you want to keep per cycle; location of the poultry farming business, and your intended target market. /F1 1 Tf 1.1534 4.6744 .4249 5.1601 -1.2142 5.1601 c .5992 1.3193 .6014 1.2812 .6014 1.2451 c ET 1.521 .1996 l BT 1.127 .3891 1.0704 1.0421 .5713 1.0421 c ( )Tj W* n I purchased a business plan from you, and Im glad to inform you that I was able to get my loan, and Im starting my poultry farming business on the 1st of July. -.197 -.5443 m 1.3298 .1969 1.2325 .4701 .9932 .4701 c .0187 -1.0582 .0376 -1.0769 .1035 -1.0799 c Either on a larger industrial scale Paypal, Credit Card, or Debit Card which the ( meat production ), now my dreams are coming true onm ip tae Overwhelmed by the amount of capital required for the production of day-old chickens for broiler production business you see. 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introduction of broiler chicken pdf